Good resource G8!!!
I've been trying all the chlorine-remover solutions and as much as I hate to say it, the suits still have that distinct odor of chlorine in them. I even rinse the suits, spin in the bathing-suit spinner, then rinse again, then soak in the solutions, rinse, spin & rinse again....the odor just permeates the material.....HOWEVER the errosion seems to have dramaticaly reduced, so on a chemical level something is happening beneficial!
What I've found that helps is to also use a "dark colors safe" mild detergent. I take a zip-lock bag with me into the shower and just fill it 1/2-way with water....I then add the solutions/detergents and put the suit in there...then just shake & swoosh it. It's like a hand-operated washing machine!
It's also really bad to let the suit dry while wearing won't allow the fibers to relax and in some way helps accelerate deterioration. But there's no getting away from it: any thin, shiny, compression material that is lycra-like will only last for a certain amount of time. When a 2XU Super Elite triathlon suiot runs $268, you bet it's worth doing what you can to make it last.....
ILM.....swimming is all about technique, if that doesn't work, resort to cheating! :sad3:
I meet a lot of people who say they're terrible swimmers or some who even contend they just "sink". Seriously, water is about 1,000x denser then air and learing proper technique and how to efficeintly move through it is really the key....that and having a last name like Phelps!