How many of you....

How many of you actually know what you're talking about? Seriously, there's too many members on here that just copy advice given by other people without actually knowing if it's correct or not. I guess not many people are gonna stand up and say "yeah i actually don't know what i'm talking about" but man it is a bit annoying.
Haha hope its not me your talking about lol, maybe people should post there qualifications

Im part way through a three year degree in exercise physiology
Im have papers in the following

Nutrition activity and health implications
Prescription of exercise for elite athlete development
Advanced biomechanics
Professional conduct and practise
Health asessment to exercise prescribed
Nutrition for athletes.

I have also worked as a personal trainer and fitness consult for about 1.5 years now.

But I know what you mean about that streamline.
I kind of know what I'm talking about.

I'm not a regurgitating machine, but that is a function I perform from time to time.
yeah i think i'm in the same boat as you Lei. I know the basics of conditioning and weight training but i'm by no means an expert. The advice that i give is what i've learnt through Human movement studies at school and the fitness course i'm currently doing at college.

NBS - I'll try not to question what you say with those qualifications :p
Feel free to question what you want mate im still not quite there yet a year and a half to go and we are always learning I dont think that Im right all the time unfortunately :cool:
Unless you're performing first hand research, everything you state, you heard, read or in someway, can attribute to someone else.

The best you can hope for, outside of the research field, is to extrapolate a successful logical conclusion from existing research, assuming it as fact.
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i got no qualification, no education on the matter. I just read a crapload of articles. And dude, all advice is advice that has been given before. If i go educate myself, ill hear a bunch of expert advice and ill pass it on, its pretty much how it works. I got my sources that i know are reliable. I dont just google something and read a random article from a bodybuilding site. I got trainers and coaches that i know i can trust and people on other forums that knows their stuff. I never take an advice without it being backed up by someone who knows their stuff

And who knows their stuff? Alwyn Cosgrove, Lou Schuler, Chad Waterbury, Bill Hartman, Eric Cressy, Mike Robertson... list goes on

And ofcource, this goes without saying, but dont listen to someone just because they got a cert. Really, if you throw a bunch of letters in my face you wont get my respect. But if you show intellect and are able to argument and give good advice, you shall get it.

Oh and some things are actually just pure logic any person could answer to :p
A lot of times when I give advice, I'm basing it on my own experiences. Instead of telling someone what to eat and when, I'll sometimes tell them what I eat at those meals, and how/why it has been working for me...
My knowledge is vast and true on the subject of nutrition(at least i consider it to be), Because it revolves around the profession i intend to have. I am basically schooling myself to get my self ahead now so i can be in the top of my class when i get to college soon enough. Then the top of my profession when i graduate.

Qualifications? None yet, though I'm confident i could debate my subject of expertise with any RD,MD or whatever other abbreviation you wish to use.

The only advise i give is that which comes from fact, If however i do give "anecdotal" advise i clearly state so.

I do not mean to come off as "Cocky" or anything, I'm just a blunt person so i say what i mean.
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I know nothing i'm a senior in high school and I'm doing what the majority of the peole on here advise...working so far though ;)
I don't give advice much but when I do it's on nutrition and the advice I give is backed by books/articles I've read and my own experiences.

There are like 2 usernames on here that seem like they parrot things off to people on this forum without really knowing what they're talking about. So yes Streamline, I do know what you're talking about.

It's obviously Leip and LV!

dey dont kno nuuuuuuuuuuutttttttinnnnnnn

1ce dey told me 2 eat mor dan 1000 cal a day i said why i am onli 200 lbz i want 2 lus w8 not get fat! lol! den i win i told dem i run leik 20 km a day dey ask y? hello i want big biceps hahahah lol!
Yeah thats what I thought, i seem to remember EVO telling me that If i wanted abs all I had to do was do heaps of crunches she said do about 200+ a day and the fat will just melt off my stomach, Im so glad he taught me that spot reduction does work :D

Yeah thats what I thought, i seem to remember EVO telling me that If i wanted abs all I had to do was do heaps of crunches she said do about 200+ a day and the fat will just melt off my stomach, Im so glad he taught me that spot reduction does work :D


The disclaimer is suppose to be in really small letters!

Or are you just afraid Evo will beat you up? :D
Well, I don't know where exactly I fall.

I'm a certified personal trainer through ACE, so whatever I know came from textbooks, and other CEC materials, etc. But, I've been a stay at home mom for a while, so even though I keep up my cec's and I'm about to pursue another certification, I must say I think my brain is rotting from the endless parade of dirty diapers, Goldfish crackers, and Blues Clues. :eek:
Meh, I just know stuff from this site/GCSE PE/ personal trainers at a fitness club. Even though my knowledge is incredibly limited when it comes to nutrition and gym machines :)
I have no clue what I am talking about.