How many of you take suppliments pre-workout

Just wondering how many people take or rely on suppliments to boos their workouts?

There are various pills with everything from various B-Vitamins to caffiene, guarana..... and various drinks with everything from electrolytes, caffiene and other types of energy enhancing additives.

Does anyone take these? I do think some work, so I am not really wondering if they do have an effect, just wondering how many like to keep it natural and how many others like to get as much as they can by whatever means possible. (even if the stamina doesn't really come from them).

Well, when i started exercising, I did it because I wanted a cleaner body, better-looking and healthier.
This means I look after my diet, and take all my macronutrients from my daily meals (5 or 6 of them).
I take Amplified N.O. Loaded from GNC. Very good stuff. When I'm not weight training, though, I take Amplified Endurance Booster. It's from GNC, too. The Endurance Booster is for Pre-workout and during-workout. It's packed with nutrients for long cardio workouts like running or bicycling.
1 dose of pre-workout caffeine has shown to increase your maximum lift by 5% and also increase endurance. I'm sure B vitamins are less than that, but if you lift 7% heavier every workout it will add up. I've been using caffeine for years.
Thanks for the input.

I currently do and don't take anything. I am not sure if the effects are all in my head. One low kcal sports drink promised energy through B-Vitamins and electrolytes (useful for a 2 hr workout) but I still felt very fatigued all the way through. I sometimes take caffiene but again notice no real difference aside from not being able to sleep properly at night (leading to feeling tierd the next day). I have also taken a mix of caffiene and gurana (something like that!) and various other forms of energy in pills which I again am not sure if they really made a difference of not or if its all in my head. Whilst the only side effect seems to be lack of sleep I am not sure if they are harmful long term (thinking abour things like cortisol and thyroid function) but the thought that maybe they may be doing some of the work I'd have otherwise not done does also concern me.

As I say I don't always take suppliments but always wonder if they do infact do something and the days when I did chose to take something would have otherwise been worse.

I was just wondering if they worked for anyone else
There are pre-workout supps like Jack3d and SP250 which are popular with some people but they contain too many stimulants for me. Incidentally, if you are a drug-tested athlete, you might think twice about taking some pre-workout supps if you look at the contents.

Personally I don't take any pre-workout supp but just stay hydrated with H20.
Summer123, what you should be looking at is to carb up before an event like a strongman does rather than relying on glucose during the workout itself.
Damn! *thinks to self* that could be a problem....I don't eat carbs other then fruit and veg! Its been that way for a few years- a hang over of a 10 year trip to anorexia via bulimia. (Not pretty!) I do eat alot of veg and fruit though...

Don't tend to take suppliments every day if I do take them, I just have this energy drop- like massive can't keep my eyes open drop, every 3 or so weeks. Really makes eercise very painful and gruelling, I take suppliments to boost my energy during this time although I have in the past taken suppliments, thought "wow! this really works"! Only to get home and realise (after several days of taking them) I had been taking CLA and not energy suppliments! The placebo effect rules! Shame it doesn't work that way with the pills anymore :(

Carbs aside, I do manage a fast high impact 1.5 hours 5 days a week every week normally, but its just that 3rd week, seemingly un connected to anything else (eg stress, hormones, sleep...) that just feels impossible and I end up spending 30% to 50% longer on a workout. It doesn't happen every week so I am not so sure its all down to carbs of lack of. Just frustrating!
summer123 are you diabetic or have any insulin-sensitivity? Had the HbA1c test for Diabetes? Might be worth-while getting checked out by the doc for peace of mind.
summer123 are you diabetic or have any insulin-sensitivity? Had the HbA1c test for Diabetes? Might be worth-while getting checked out by the doc for peace of mind.

Doesn't sound like the "normal" diabetic. He would be seeing this every time after working out and not once every three weeks. If he is to change diets every three weeks, then that could be the case.
I would go to a MD and tell them about your problem. Could even be a cardiology problem. If he had an insulin problem he would be feeling nauseous and not blacking out. If he had a problem with low blood sugar in his system, he would be blacking out. Diabetic ketoacidosis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia When Blood Sugar Is Too High

1 dose of pre-workout caffeine has shown to increase your maximum lift by 5% and also increase endurance. I'm sure B vitamins are less than that, but if you lift 7% heavier every workout it will add up. I've been using caffeine for years.

Do you know anything about the effectiveness of Ephedrine on maximum lifts?
Doesn't sound like the "normal" diabetic. He would be seeing this every time after working out and not once every three weeks. If he is to change diets every three weeks, then that could be the case.
I would go to a MD and tell them about your problem. Could even be a cardiology problem. If he had an insulin problem he would be feeling nauseous and not blacking out. If he had a problem with low blood sugar in his system, he would be blacking out. Diabetic ketoacidosis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia When Blood Sugar Is Too High


I'm not sure whether you are trolling or not (seeing you have only one post and there is a multitude of spammers about) but spend time on google looking up "HbA1c" and "pre-diabetes".
Well just to add here!

I thought I'd blow the "safe thinking" and take the caffiene fix to see if it would help. I also went a bit manic...took no rest days and did my normal-ish (it changes each time) workout. I lasted 9 days (I normally take a rest day every 3 or 5 days).

The caffiene did give me a boost, but at the end of the day, (literally!) I was not sleeping more then 2-3 hours a night being I had to be up the next day early. I tried taking caffiene early but it didn't seem to touch my workout. Taking it within 30 minutes was like rocket fuel (300mg) and did help. But I don't think its safe long term as I don't sleep enough, things don't repair, muscles and old injuries return, and they did.

Have not considered diabeties- I do eat alot of fruit and wonder if that could have an effect but about 10 months ago I had a blood test (this is before all the odd fatigue kicked in) and was told I do not have diabeties (they were looking for everything as I wanted to see a gasterentreologist and they wanted to rule everything else out first- and I mean everything!) everything in the full blood count was fine besides calcium which was low and probably a result of fizzy diet drinks and a long history of anorexia (currently healthy and a BMI of 23).

I eat fairly well- no carbs (long story) aside from breackfast (30g of oats made with water) and I also don't eat dairy as I get stomach issues. I eat easily 5 portions of fruit a day and green veg, I eat plenty of protein (chicken, fish and seafood) I also drink plenty of water. Am trying to lose weight but its been unsucessful for so long- not lost anything for years! Its hard to cut back tbh, I eat about 1850kcals (though 2 weeks ago cut this back to 1600 and am trying hard to stick to it). Cut out some of the fruit to lose the kcals.

Does anyone know how early pre-diabeties would show up and if there would be any point in requesting another blood test? my doctor already thinks I'm a hyperchondriac so would need a convincing explaination as to why I need another blood test when most people go years and decades without one.
Hi Summer, for diabeties you just need to pee on a stick, no need for a blood test.

As for the caffiene thing, if I can't sleep I just drink a Whisky or two. Damn I sound so unhealthy!
Hi Summer, for diabeties you just need to pee on a stick, no need for a blood test.

As for the caffiene thing, if I can't sleep I just drink a Whisky or two. Damn I sound so unhealthy!

Hmmmm, now I would have considered alcohol had I not just trashed my diet this evening nad had 4 glasses (my post gym snack...)

But seriously, alcohol keeps me awake! How do you manage that? if I ever drink my sleep is so restless its almost not worth even trying :(

Will ask doctor if they have ny sticks to pee on (lol!) wouldn't suprize me if I do have some sugar issues as I used to survive on fruit alone (I was sevearly anorexic) and its only in the past 3ish years I've begun to add in things like protein (weight went up like a rocket, all 3 stones of it!) would be amazed actually if 8 years of poor eating hadn't had some affect on my system.
Well just to add here!

I thought I'd blow the "safe thinking" and take the caffiene fix to see if it would help. I also went a bit manic...took no rest days and did my normal-ish (it changes each time) workout. I lasted 9 days (I normally take a rest day every 3 or 5 days).

The caffiene did give me a boost, but at the end of the day, (literally!) I was not sleeping more then 2-3 hours a night being I had to be up the next day early. I tried taking caffiene early but it didn't seem to touch my workout. Taking it within 30 minutes was like rocket fuel (300mg) and did help. But I don't think its safe long term as I don't sleep enough, things don't repair, muscles and old injuries return, and they did.

Have not considered diabeties- I do eat alot of fruit and wonder if that could have an effect but about 10 months ago I had a blood test (this is before all the odd fatigue kicked in) and was told I do not have diabeties (they were looking for everything as I wanted to see a gasterentreologist and they wanted to rule everything else out first- and I mean everything!) everything in the full blood count was fine besides calcium which was low and probably a result of fizzy diet drinks and a long history of anorexia (currently healthy and a BMI of 23).

I eat fairly well- no carbs (long story) aside from breackfast (30g of oats made with water) and I also don't eat dairy as I get stomach issues. I eat easily 5 portions of fruit a day and green veg, I eat plenty of protein (chicken, fish and seafood) I also drink plenty of water. Am trying to lose weight but its been unsucessful for so long- not lost anything for years! Its hard to cut back tbh, I eat about 1850kcals (though 2 weeks ago cut this back to 1600 and am trying hard to stick to it). Cut out some of the fruit to lose the kcals.

Does anyone know how early pre-diabeties would show up and if there would be any point in requesting another blood test? my doctor already thinks I'm a hyperchondriac so would need a convincing explaination as to why I need another blood test when most people go years and decades without one.

The only proper way to check for diabetes/pre-diabetes is HbA1c (Hemoglobin A1Cas) as the fasted blood test doesn't tell you everything (read up on Fasting blood sugars vs. Hba1c). If you were inactive, obese and ate junk food then I would be worried about pre-diabetes/diabetes.

Did your doctor check for any vitamin deficiencies? Most people have a yearly MOT or health checkup. I would not go 5 years or 10 years without a checkup but I wouldn't be getting one every month.

What is your rational for eating fruits (high in sugar) and staying away from low GI carbs? Carbs are an important source of vitamins & minerals as well as providing energy. Look up the Glycemic Index of foods, don't be an anti-carb Nazi for no good reason.

300mg of caffeine sounds overkill. I have decaf and the occasional regular coffee and have no sleeping issues. When I used to take tonnes of coffee, then after the inevitable crash, falling asleep was a nightmare.

Some of these problems can be avoided by not being anxious about health problems, eating sensibly and exercising properly.
The only proper way to check for diabetes/pre-diabetes is HbA1c (Hemoglobin A1Cas) as the fasted blood test doesn't tell you everything (read up on Fasting blood sugars vs. Hba1c). If you were inactive, obese and ate junk food then I would be worried about pre-diabetes/diabetes.

Did your doctor check for any vitamin deficiencies? Most people have a yearly MOT or health checkup. I would not go 5 years or 10 years without a checkup but I wouldn't be getting one every month.

What is your rational for eating fruits (high in sugar) and staying away from low GI carbs? Carbs are an important source of vitamins & minerals as well as providing energy. Look up the Glycemic Index of foods, don't be an anti-carb Nazi for no good reason.

300mg of caffeine sounds overkill. I have decaf and the occasional regular coffee and have no sleeping issues. When I used to take tonnes of coffee, then after the inevitable crash, falling asleep was a nightmare.

Some of these problems can be avoided by not being anxious about health problems, eating sensibly and exercising properly.


The caffiene is not every day- infact I don't really have caffiene at all- maybe one can of coke a week if that, its just last week the tierdness got to me and I started taking caffiene, realised I needed more and more to get an effect and lost sleep...vicious cycle I am just coming to the end of now! But caffiene doesn't normally exist in my diet- besides half a cup of green tea in the morning (don't really like it much but don't like black tea no milk and hate all the milk substitues...) apparently there is less caffiene in green tea then coffee anyhow.

The reason I don't do carbs is that I used to have a very sevear eating disorder. I was both anorexic and bulimic and ALL I used to binge-vomit on were carbs, nothing else. Its just now build up in my mind, I eat carbs, I will eat too much (on past experience of trying to add them in, I do binge or eat too fast when I eat them- its as if I've build some sort of a kneee-jerk reaction to them now!) I also find they slow me down.
I did have a test for gluten intolerance as I find that the carbs I do eat (30g of porridge oats in the morning) I find I break into a sweat about 20 mins later. I could be sitting in front of the computer, on a walk to the train or packing my bag for the day and suddenly...I need to change my top as its soaked! I was told the test was fine for gluten but then told by another medic it may not have worked if I don't eat gluten in the first place- not sure what to think but doctor doesn't think I have any gluten issues.

Doctor did check for vitamin issues- I have very high folic acid and vitamin A/beta caraten due to all the fresh fruit, green veg and tomatos that I eat. Its been that way for about 10 years now, my hands and feet are very yellow! Am and have been trying to cut back and although its hard work, its happening slowly. (I eat alot as aside from my 70-100g worth of protein a day its the bulk of what I eat).

No other vitamin issues the doctor said- but then I had a gasteroentreologist appointment (stomach issues and I didn't buy it when I was told IBS, I don't believe in IBS, I think IBS is just a doctors way of saying "hands up, I don't know but don't want to look incompetant so will give you a genralised stomach/bowl diagnosis which is untreatable"...) anyhow, the gastrentreologist told me my blood test showed high white blood cell count (it always does for some reason) and low calcium levels.

Will ask about the HbA1c but never had the fasting blood test at all.
The only proper way to check for diabetes/pre-diabetes is HbA1c (Hemoglobin A1Cas) as the fasted blood test doesn't tell you everything (read up on Fasting blood sugars vs. Hba1c). If you were inactive, obese and ate junk food then I would be worried about pre-diabetes/diabetes.

Really? I've been tested by a GP and a hospital nurse before and they just gave me a piece of card and told me to pee on it, if it goes a certain colour then you probably have diabetes.
Although this is the NHS we're talking about! :D