I take the best of both worlds. However if vanity in turn get someone to be more healthy than so be it.
yah. you just have to approach them and present stuff differently is all. all that gets kind of tricky sometimes.
it's like one of 2 things happens.. you work out and take care ( whether from an early age c/o parents or early authorital infulence orr because of a health crisis you need make adecision whether to act ) and 'accidently ' end up looking good or you shoot to look good and if you're lucky, you pull some health out of it.
GOdknows what the rest are doing !?
Is it right to expect and try to dictate the health people should have to have, or to educate or coerce people into good health or looking better( as subjective as the term is) if they don't want to?? .. people work to pay taxes to counsel aand hospitalise and treat these people!.. aand needs to spend yrs and yrs studying to be aable to! ..
what shouuld we do??.. shouuld we feel we should 'help them out'
( and actually doo it ) or should we just leave them alone and instead work ouur selves into the ground ( doing godknows btw ) to pay for their luxury not to care and tolerate being around it like it doesn't effect us???
if a kid rocks up to school and says he or she doesn't want to learn , should a teacher have the right to approach them with intention to teach and instill new ideas ?
should the goverment have the right to tell people they have to go??
I saw something on the news last night about some guys in jail protesting not being able to study becaause they were on remand.. and i thought..wow.. maybe they thought if there was a waay they could've studied better or differently earlier maybe they wouldn't be in jail begging for the chance to have a chance.
It kind oif reminds me of the samish thing.
Whatdo ya's think??