How it looks or how it functions???

I was just reflecting on the different types of people there are on the boards and I was just wondering what people here think is more important in regard to working out.. or what are people's highest motivator to exercise?
Is it for how well it makes your body function or is it for how it makes you look??


Blooming Lotus.
my biggest motivator is how it looks. im so vain
Function. I havent had a six pac since high school :rolleyes:

your core probably has little to do with overallhealth and abilty aanyway!.;) .

Has anyone else heard though that smoking increases your bio-temp 1 degree Celcius with each puff though??

Probably wouldn't reeeally want that happening if you can avoid it neither.

Blooming tianshi Lotus
win win huh?

lol :).

. Derrwyydon.. it's funny to hear you say that post pregnancy you were only concerned obssessively about your health!.. christ, after ii gave birth.. I still just worked out because i did and because I had to slow down over my pregnancy I was pretty stoked to be able get back out of pregnancy exercise ( and the training partner and extra prop hasn't been so bad neither ;) :)), but strange things happen to a womans body when she has kids!.. I think for most women, it's pretty much asthetic alll the way! .. Memories of that jiggley tummy thing stiilll haunts me :D. It's take a pretty mature person to nOt think about it.

Blooming Lotus.
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So if you're saying they're practically the same then aren't you just waisting server space? [sic]

...did anyone else hear that sizzling sound oil makes when it hits a hot frying pan just now? Haha. :p Tssssssss?

Being a 21 year old male, for me it's about 75% looks and 25% functionality. However, as previously stated, being physically fit often equates to looking good nekkid, so yeah.
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Even though her posts drive me insane this is a good question for a thread.

I was actually asking myself the same question the other day: Do I care more about health or more about looks? Well, I definately care more about health and being more fit so that I can participate in fun physical activities. However, I'm going to admit that I am more concerned about looks at the moment. I dislike my body so much that I won't even get into a swimsuit in front of other people. I think that's a problem that definately needs to change :( And it will :)

Quite right, it's a good question.

I personally am too vain to worry about function, all I want to do is stop looking so skinny. Which I think I've done pretty well so far. For me the strength I've gained is purely a bonus on top of looking better
When I first started working out, it was strictly vanity.

Now it's a little bit of both.

Since then I've come to more of a balance- and realized how much better I feel overall when I exercise a little.
Do I care more about health or more about looks?

It's both health and looks for me. Everyday I was inching closer and closer to that tummy that screams "I am American!" and I was hating how I looked. Also, every passing year found me less able to perform daily activities that required strength and agility.