Why does someone who spends his days inserting bolt 'a' into nut 'b' get a full pension with full health benefits?
I spend my days designing roads, climbing water towers, standing in roads to do survey work, taking abuse from contractors, handling cranky residents on construction sites and clients who are unhappy with their product and at the end of my time here I will have a 401K which I had to fund from my own take home earnings, and barely any benefits. Someone please justify that.
I'm not saying that an auto worker doesn't deserve a nice retirement...everyone is entitled...but I need some justification towards what they get and why the get it.
Now conversely, a police officer, fire fighter, DEA agent, FBI agent...people who put their lives on the line daily qualify for full pensions and retirement benefits. They put themselves completely out there everyday to protect everyone else..give them what they deserve.
I dunno...I love the US but things are just completely bass-ackwards
Civil engineer? You forgot to mention you get to listen to the architect bitch at you when you screw up a storm or sanitary invert. LOL
did you know all of our politicians get a full pension after only 6 years of service? Taxpayer money hard at work.