How did the day go for everyone?

Exactly my thoughts too, CCR. Proteinboy: be sure to take your Protein as you heal :)

Have some patience, and the LAT WILL REWARD YOU! Your reward is time and patience. It needs rest if its hurt, dont fret, dont let yourself get depressed, instead depress the depression. With that said, remember what you did the caused the injury, and take it as a learning experience.

Like with life and other things that WOUNDS us, healing and care, can provide an ABUDANCE (MS) of growth when completed correctly. More importantly, if its necessary to lay off from training that part DO IT, let it rest, and WILL come back 10 times better and provide an reward of satisfaction no one can take from you PERSONALY!

Think of it this way young man, as you know the muscle grows outside the gym during rest (after the stimulous application), too MUCH stimulous was applied in this case or improper form, and as such will need more rest to heal, and when it does, it will come back with a vengeance--with proper nutrition and diet. More is not always better (i have to tell me that sometimes too).

The BEST thing you could do for YOU is keep the DIET on the UP and UP, cause I can see how hurting the lat effects other lifts (of course). NOW ROCK ON KEEP THE MENTAL FRAME OF MIND HEALTHY AND ATTACK........the correct way!

I did squats one time (at the beginning), and my Torso, butt, and legs were so sore, I could barely fricken move, it effected all things. BUt, I knew what the soreness INDICATES, and I had to lay off for two weeks. I will NEVER get my torso that sore again, man, if you get the torso really sore, one finds out how much it works, I will never forget that, and as such learned and adapted. You will too in your case.
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With this in mind, we move to the inference he made. I think its fair he probably did feel I was skinny to him, but subconsciously, it is also possible he was inverting to his own feelings of what HE wanted and didnt even know this was happening. One train of thought.

With seeing his body language coupled with his words, and from the above comments, I believe he was more conscious about his weight than my own, and even if he was, its not subject to his interpretation. The interpretation, I do allow are persons from this forum........who share the same concerns and are trying to improve themselves and have educated themselves while still working on themselves, and this forms a common understanding of what it takes and this is healthy.

Dr. Chillen, is finished now. :) :D

I couldn't agree more. i found this place by doing a google search on what i wanted "fitness globally" and bang, here we be!! I work the heck out of my body, and my diet could be much better... BUT I am definately better as a result of my interaction here. and to that I say here / here.

Vanity! they say.... blah blah blah


Its my opinion, that ALL bodily feed back IS GOOD, whether its positive feed back or nagative feedback.

If its negative, than something is AMUCK, change something or you will more than likes get the same feedback.

If its positive, than you know something is right, but be watchful and carefull of the degrees.

Same thing is APPLICABLE to the mind and mental attitude.

If its negative, than its going to destroying your goals, and something needs changing.

If its positive, than you know something is right, and be keening aware of its degrees as well.

Being counsciously aware of BOTH and having the ability to overcome them inthe mind, is an essential successful element!

IF YOU WIN THE HIGHER PERCENTAGES of the battles in the head, you WILL overcome anything humanly possible.
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makes a lot of sense. the power of the mind is incredible.
and thanks a lot for the advice and encouragement on the lat. it inspired me :D