Weight-Loss Heroic Mode 90 Day Challenge! The Competitive Weight Loss RPG!



New member
RED ALERT: Challengers, please check out the Hero's Enclave in the Club section if you haven't already. http://weight-loss.fitness.com/club/45727-heros-enclave.html

Hey there. Do you like competition? Do you derive satisfaction from seeing your name at the top of the lists? Do you want to try something different than the old hum-drum monthly challenge? Then step right up my friend because I just might have something you like ;)

Welcome to the Heroic Mode 90 Day Challenge! Every week you will post your weight and I will grant you "experience points" based on your loss. You can unlock achievements, earn titles, gain perks and increase your reputation! The best part is you don't have to do anything but lose weight :) If you want to participate, just post your weight every monday! It's never too late to join, however. To make it more personable, you can also list your first name, height, hobbies, etc with your post. I realize there are quite a few achievements and perks to read though currently, but remember it is NOT necessary to memorize them in order to participate since I will be doing most of the work. It is completely up to you if you want to read through the perks / achievements list. :) All they do is add a fun dynamic to the challenge. At the end of the 90 days, I will compile a list of your overall ranking, weight loss and achievements and such. Who will be our top hero?!

Shortcuts: (hit Ctrl+F) and type in the roman numeral to navigate
I. Game Overview
II. Achievements
III. Perks
IV. Item Shop

LEADERBOARD as of 2/15/11

Lightbringer Caiman < Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger > - Lvl 21
diary link: http://weight-loss.fitness.com/weight-loss-diary/44157-caimans-weight-loss-journey.html
achievements: [Someone Watching Over Me][No Weigh!]. active perk:starlight angel, chrono chaos. currency: 10g rep: +4.

Ambassador AnnaGail < the Rising Star > - Lvl 20
diary link: http://weight-loss.fitness.com/weight-loss-diary/44712-annagails-weight-loss-diary-3.html
achievements: . active perk: currency: 23g. rep: +1 medals: 2 Silver. pets: Calico kitten, Golden Retriever puppy

Ambassador Mr. Love < God of Romance > Lvl 17
diary link: http://weight-loss.fitness.com/weight-loss-diary/27942-men-have-journals-not-diaries.html.
achievements: . active perk:casanova, resilience+ rep: +2. medals: 1 Gold, 1 Silver. titles unlocked: < the ENRAGED >, < God of Romance >. currency: 1g

Davey Sprockett < Imperial Jester of the Walrus Kingdom > - Lvl 17
diary link: http://weight-loss.fitness.com/weight-loss-diary/45647-capua-shall-i-begin.html
achievements: [Paul and Rich Terenzi...You and I Have Unfinished Business!]. active perk:. currency: 24g. rep: +3. medals: 1 Gold. titles unlocked: < harder, better, faster, stronger >

Ambassador ????? ?????????? < The Red Menace > - Lvl 12
achievements: [Thumbs Up, Soldier!][Drop it Like its Hot][No Weigh!]. active perk:victory rush, chrono chaos, fast metabolism.. rep: +4

Ambassador christenhere < the Apprentice > - Lvl 11
diary link: http://weight-loss.fitness.com/weight-loss-diary/45643-christens-2011-diary.html.
achievements: [Paul and Rich Terenzi...You and I Have Unfinished Business!]. active perk:. rep: +2. currency: 23.5g. pets: African grey parrot

KaeBae < the Rising Star > - Lvl 10
diary link: http://weight-loss.fitness.com/weight-loss-diary/45874-kaebaes-weight-loss-diary.html
achievements: . active perk:russian roulette rep: +2. medals: 1 Bronze. titles unlocked: < the Rising Star >. currency: 10g

Ambassador Tob - < the Apprentice > Lvl 8
diary link: http://weight-loss.fitness.com/weight-loss-diary/46100-tobs-walkabout.html
achievements:[One For My Piggy][Paul and Rich Terenzi...You and I Have Unfinished Business!] active perk: resilience. rep: +1. medals: 1 Bronze. currency: 26.25g

Ambassador Monster < the Apprentice > - Lvl 8
achievements: active perk:. currency: 6g. rep: +1 medals: 1 Bronze

Solkin2K < the Rising Star > - Lvl 6
achievements: active perk: resilience. rep +1. medals: 1 Bronze

lochmond < the Bulletproof > - Lvl 5
achievements:[Paul and Rich Terenzi...You and I Have Unfinished Business!][No Weigh!]. active perks:chrono chaos . currency: 17.5g rep: +1. medals: 1 Gold, 1 silver. titles unlocked: < harder, better, faster, stronger >

ikakedoi - Lvl 5
diary link: http://weight-loss.fitness.com/weight-loss-diary/45875-so-exciting-weight-loss-diary-1-a.html
achievements: active perk: rep: +1

anna.banana < the Apprentice > - Lvl 3
diary link: http://weight-loss.fitness.com/weight-loss-diary/44349-six-months-get-fit-hot.html
achievements: . active perk: rep: +3 currency: 2.5g

Daybehavior - Lvl 2

Overseer Messages (1/30/11)
Please welcome our newest Challenger - Tob! AND grats on the baby!
Added Tob's diary link.

[Caiman] has earned the achievement [Jet-Setter]!
[AnnaGail] has earned the achievement [Dr. Foodlove, Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Gym][Big Brother]
[Tob] has earned the achievement [Friendly Face!][Big Brother][Sympathetic Resonance][Jet-Setter][Dr. Foodlove, Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Gym] and has gone up one level!

This Week's Quest:
This week is about reigniting that drive that we all have when we first begin losing weight. It's quite easy to lose sight of our goals, unfortunately. But if we are to be successful, it is important that we take the time to hit rewind.

quest objectives:
--list at least two reasons why you wanted to lose weigh to begin with.
--go to the Before and After Forum and comment on a particularly inspirational thread
--infiltrate Cohen's Cult...and read and/or contribute to the following thread:
--make a note of the most motivational pictures / sayings you can find. And refer back to them throughout the week if you begin to feel down.

Quest rewards:
10g / self motivation (hopefully!)
[x] I have completed [Classic Inspiration]
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Overview and Achievments

I. Game Overview:
Please note: this is my first attempt at doing something like this. There are bound to be bugs in this game. Please let me know of any feedback or criticisms you may have.

EXP: For every 2 lbs you lose you will go up one level! As you go up in levels or unlock perks, you will earn a title next to your name ranging from (for ex.) Daybehavior < the Apprentice> (level 3) to Mr. Love < the Challenge Slayer > (Level 16). However, you may gain new or unique titles through achievements and perks as well.

Things you do in real life and on the forums may have a pleasant impact in this challenge! So try be kind especially since its the beginning of the new year. For example: Welcome four or more newbies in the Newcomers forum and you will earn the achievement [Big Brother]
and unlock the Perk "Protector of the Damned"

Your act of kindness has not gone unnoticed by the higher powers. You instantly move up one Title level. In addition, you will earn 1.5x experience points for the next week.

II. Achievements: (work in progress)
Many achievements will grant you perks to help you in the challenge. Others will simply be for vanity purposes and/or unlock Meta-Achievements - Gotta collect em all!

Overseer's command: Four of the achievements listed below are united by a common theme. Type in that common theme. (Hint: one should be a dead giveaway)

Weight Loss Related Achievements:

NEW! / Valentine's Day Achievements:
[My Skinny Valentine]: lose x lbs by Valentine's Day. 12 lbs for Guys, 8lbs for Dolls, 5lbs for Mini-Dolls ;) Unlocks the "Casanova / Cassie Nova" perk and the < God[ess] of Romance> title.

[I Wanna Hold Your Hand]: wish three or more forum members a Happy Valentines day. You and whomever you choose will then share 100% of each others EXP gains for the week.
[All You Need is Love]: if you and whomever you held hands with both end up during the top tier for the V-Day weigh in, you are both granted a one pound advantage at the next weigh in and unlock the title < the Lovefool >
[Caught in A Bad Romance...]: you and your V-Day partner end up on opposite tiers during the V-Day weigh in.
[This Was Never The Way I Planned--Not My Intention...]: you held hands with another female competitor during the V-Day weigh in. Gold gains are doubled for the week.

[My Chemical Bromance]: you held hands with another male competitor during the V-Day weigh in. Gold gains are doubled for the week. It's just strictly business. Right...?

[Thumbs Up, Soldier!]: attain the highest percentage of weight loss for the week. Unlocks the "Victory Rush" perk and < the Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger > title.

[Oops...I Hit it Again!]: attain the biggest loser title two weeks in a row. Unlocks the "Welcoming Ceremony" Perk

[Drop it Like it's Hot!]: lose 4 more pounds in a single weigh in. Unlocks "Fast Metabolism" perk.

[Not it!]: stay above the bottom tier for three consecutive weeks.

[OH NO YOU DIDN'T]: lose to the biggest loser position by one pound. Unlocks the "Plus-Size Beatdown" Perk.

[No Weigh!]: don't gain any weight for four consecutive weigh ins. Unlocks the "Chrono Chaos" perk, +1 rep and title < the Bulletproof >

[Down but not Out]: lose less than 4 lbs within four weeks. Unlocks the "Mysterious Stranger" perk.

[Sic transit gloria mundi...]: fall to the bottom tier the week after you were the biggest loser.

[Sic semper tyrannis!]: beat the Overseer in two consecutive weigh ins. Unlocks the title < Honorary Overseer >

[Meteoric Rise]: bounce from the bottom tier to the top within the next weigh in. Unlocks "Resilience+" perk.

[What the Flux?]: land in three different tiers in three consecutive weeks. Unlocks "Russian Roulette" perk.

Forum / Game Related Achievements:
[He Had Won the Victory Over Himself...He Loved Big Brother]: Spot and follow a command issued by the Overseer planted somewhere in the Perks or Achievements section. Unlocks the "Overseer's Blessing" perk.

[Friendly Face]: post a short introduction about yourself with your initial weigh in. This limited time achievement will grant you one level.

[Sympathetic Resonance]: respond to four or more diary entries. Unlocks "Fast Metabolism" perk.

[Jet-Setter]: respond to a post in five different forums. Unlocks the "Diplomat" perk and prefix. Achieving this perk along with [Big Brother] will grant the [Ambassador] prefix.

[Wired and Fired Up]: log in at least five days during the week. To gain credit for this achievement, edit your original post for the week with [x] I have completed [Wired and Fired Up]

[Beyond the Rubicon]: civilly taunt two or more of your competitors, either here or on their diary.

[Semper fidelis]: weigh in every Monday for four weeks.

[Dr. Foodlove, Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Gym]: post 3 or more entries in the "What did you eat today Club" In addition to what you ate, you must also post your exercise for the day. (Copy/Paste from your diary is OK). Unlocks "Overseer's Blessing" perk.

[Et tu, Brute?]: utilize the Darkside of a perk. Unlocks the "Going Rogue" perk and a unique title.

[Someone Watching Over Me]: Your caring and protective nature warrants reciprocity and you are granted the prefix of [Lightbringer]. Additionally you gain the "Starlight Angel" Perk. Complete the following achievements -
[Big Brother][Friendly Face][Jet-Setter][Not it!][Semper fidelis][Sympathetic Resonance][He Had Won the Victory Over Himself...He Loved Big Brother] In addition, you must maintain Neutral to Good Karma.

[The Loyal Subject]: You are hopelessly devoted to the Overseer and gain the title < der Untertan >. For one week, any multipliers you gain from perks will stack additively and reputation gains are doubled. Complete the following achievements - [He Had Won the Victory Over Himself...He Loved Big Brother]x2, [Wired and Fired Up]x2, [Drop it like its Hot!], [Semper fidelis] and four quests. In addition, you must not have completed [Sic semper tyrannis!] more than once.

Team Achievements: (tentative)
[God Save The Queen] (UK) / [Star Spangled Spectacular] (US) - You manage to defeat your neighbors from across the pond and hoist a victory flag. For the next week, your team earns 3x experience points and a 3 lb advantage at the next weigh in.

Darkside: [The Madness of King George] / [Yankee Doodle Disaster] - Your team deploys a biological weapon against your neighbors, causing them to suffer paranoia, depression, and hallucinations. For the next week, they earn no experience and a four pound disadvantage at the weigh in. Your team then also divides the experience they would have earned. (woo-hoo you're reading an overseer message - type in "U eated my Imperial Cheesecake of the Walrus Kingdom ?"
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III. Perks:
With Perks you can choose to be naughty or nice. If you choose to be naughty and invoke the "darkside" of a perk, you must first PM the Overseer. Either way you choose to play, just remember, Big Brother is always watching and "rewards" behavior both good and bad ;)

Casanova / Cassie Nova - Your slimmer physique has increased your charisma. You may choose to sweet talk two members of the opposite (or same) sex and convince them give you 50% of their experience points for the week. (They do not lose those points). In addition, you will gain 2 reputation points.
Darkside: "My Bloody Valentine" - The holiday stirs dark, repressed memories within you. You go on a killing spree and consequently "murder" two competitors in the process.

Chrono Chaos - You dash ahead of the competition and manipulate the time-space continuum, earning 2.5x EXP for the week.
Darkside: "Time Paradox" - You manipulate time to slow down a competitor's experience gains to 0.5x for the next week and grant them a 1lb disadvantage at the next weigh in. In addition, you gain 1.5x experience and a 1 lb advantage at the weigh in.

Diplomat - From your constant travels on WLF, you learn to feign a European (or American) accent. You can now charm another competitor of the opposite (or same) sex and convince them to share 25% of their experience points with you for the week.

Fast Metabolism - Your rapid weight loss has enabled you to gain 1.5x experience for the next week. In addition, you gain +1 reputation.

Good Vibrations - The karmic angel smiles down on you. You earn one reputation point and earn gold at a rate of 1.5x.

Miss Fortune - Miss Fortune is stalking you and disaster follows you everywhere you go. If you do not defeat the person who put out the hit on you, you will lose two levels and gain a 2lb disadvantage at the next weigh in. If you are successful, Miss Fortune will return to stalk your tormentor instead.

Mysterious Stranger - Just when you feel your luck has run out, a Mysterious Stranger arrives and puts his faith in you, aiding you in battle. While he accompanies you, you gain 4x experience. As he disappears back into the night, you become melancholic and only gain 0.25x exp the next week.

Overseer's Blessing - You love Big Brother and he allows you to add an additional 0.5 to any experience or weight multiplier.

Plus-Size Beatdown - You fly into a fit of rage. You gain 2x experience and earn a 2lb advantage at the next weigh in.
Darkside: Enlist Miss Fortune to take out a competitor. If Miss Fortune is successful, you will gain a 3 lb advantage at the next weigh in and usurp 3 levels from your victim.

Protector of the Damned - Your acts of kindness has not gone unnoticed by the Overseer. You instantly go up one Title level and earn experience at a 1.5x rate.
Darkside: "Demon Demagogue" - You acquire the wicked eloquence of the a 1940's era Populist politician. You mesmerize and disorient three random competitors, convincing them to sit out of the next weigh in and stealing a one pound advantage from each of them.

Resilience - Your remarkable spirit and willpower repels disorientation, negates the experience penalty from Time Paradox, removes the fatigue effect from Victory Rush, reduces melancholy and prevents level losses that may be brought about from Miss Fortune. Resilience lasts for three weeks. If it has not been consumed within that time, you automatically gain two levels.

Russian Roulette - You spin me right round, baby, right round like a record baby. Will you tempt fate?

Soldier of Fortune - if you manage to beat the person(s) you taunted at the weigh in, you will earn gold equal to 25% of the experience points they gained that week. You will always earn a minimum of one gold and this perk is only applicable to to a maximum of two opponents taunted per week.

Starlight Angel - You've gained your own personal guardian angel, armed with a .44 Magnum and deadly accuracy. For the next week you earn experience at a rate of 4x. At the end of the week, the Mysterious Stranger sacrifices himself to defend you from one final ambush. You are then immune to all negative status effects and gain a 3 lb advantage at the weigh in.

Victory Rush - Intoxicated by the thrill of victory on the battlefield, your adrenaline increases and you gain 2x experience for the next week, but if you fall below the top tier you will become fatigued and will gain 0.5x experience the following week. If you place in the top tier, you will be granted 2 reputation points. .
Darkside: "Chrono Calamity" - You unleash Chrono Calamity on two opponents, which doubles the penalties and gains caused by "Time Paradox" and cannot be mitigated by Resilience.
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Item Shop

[Kitten]: this energetic furball brings happiness to its owner, permanently increasing their weekly EXP gains by 10%. Varieties: Calico, Tabby, Persian. COST: 15g

[Puppy]: this loyal companion has a 1 in 3 chance of retrieving a "gift" for its owner every week. Varieties: Akita Inu, Golden Retriever, Black American Bulldog. COST: 15g

[Parrot]: who needs to talk when this chatterbox can do the talking for you? Your feathered friend reduces the posting requirement for any forum related achievement by one (1). Varieties: African grey, Macaw. COST: 10g
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Name: Anton
Age: 24
H't: 6'0
Hometown: St. Petersburg, Russia
Currently living in TX!
Hobbies: collecting knives, guitar
Favorite foods: sushi, pho

I look forward to some friendly competition :hurray:

Jan 3 - 233 lb
Lol. I've never played a RPG but this seems a bit awesome. xD

Name: Ky(It rhymes with pie!)
Age: 18
Height: 5'5" or 5'6" doctors confuse me so I really don't know.
From: Jersey! The fist pumping state. xD
Hobbies: Contortion, inline skating, photography
Day one weight: 192
Glad to have you both join! Best of luck :) I have added the Overseer Messages section for small announcements. Check out the new achievements and perks!
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Name: Ashley
Age: 25
H't: 5"2
Hometown: Teesside
Currently living: Teesside
Hobbies: LOTRO, Playing with my son, dryland dog sports
Favorite foods: Chips, Roast dinner, Lamb
CW: 203

Paving the Way:
-Take a brisk thirty-minute walk for at least three days during the week. Did yday
-Drink at least 48 oz of water at least five days. did past 2 days
-Read at least four forum stickies. have read how diary works.
Completing this quest will reward you 5 gold and the "Overseer's Blessing" perk.
Copy/paste the following and edit your original post if you have completed the quest.
[o] I have started [Paving the Way]

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Wow! took a while to get through that but here it goes :D

Name: Maggie
Age: 19
Height: 5'7"
From: London UK
Hobbies: Ice hockey, photography, longs walks!
Day one weight: 155.6
This sounds really cool count me in, definitely a very original take on the weight loss challenge! You seem to have put a lot of thought into this Daybehaviour, well done mate!

Name: David
Age: 30
H't: 5'6
Hometown: London, England
Hobbies: Assassin's Creed Brotherhood online, lifting weights, tennis, cooking (inventing my own recipes - some are great, some are an absolute atrocity)
Favorite foods: Spaghetti Bolognese, Roast Duck, Texan style chili

Current weight 196lbs

You know what, this is probably gonna be a lot more helpful and motivational to me than a lot of other stuff i've tried, so give yourself a pat on the back Daybehaviour!!!

[o] I have started [One For My Piggy] (edited 01/18/2011)

[x] I have completed [Wired and Fired Up]


^Hope this is the right way of recording what achievements i've completed, if not sorry lol!
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(inventing my own recipes - some are great, some are an absolute atrocity)

Rosetta Stone - From your constant travels on WLF, you learn to feign a European (or American) accent. You can now charm another competitor of the opposite (or same) sex and convince them to share 25% of their experience points with you for the week.

u might need fix to since many of us already have a "European" accent :cool:
or give us this perk permanently!

good to see many joining! good luck :seeya:

oh and "avid reader" :)
Glad you could come aboard buddy :)
Nice breakdown so far:
Four English (two Londoners!)
Six Americans
One New Zealander and One ??? :D

Hmm perhaps the Overseer might have a Team challenge in the cards?
I'll go work on an achievement just in case :)

Added some diary links of those who have posted here, so that I and others can keep track of you and encourage (or TAUNT lol) you. I hope you don't mind too terribly, lemme know if you wish to have me take it down. Oh, and I noticed a couple of you hadn't updated your diaries in a while so I didn't want to disturb it incase you no longer interested in it.

Try to spot the Overseer's command! This one is pretty conspicuous.
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his snoring woke me up. is that a taunt?
I am afraid to taunt to Davey b/c he knows MMA. I want to taunt Caiman but he is nice guy. My 2nd taunt is to....Monster :cool: to quote Daybehavior against you....
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Late but I ....Love this!:)

Name: AnnaGail
Age: 62
Height: 5' 4" I am 5' 3 and 3/4 closer to 5' 4"
From: Kentucky
Hobbies: crochet, draw/water paint
weight as of the 3rd.....153.4

January 24, 2011.........150.6

[x] I have completed [Wired and Fired Up]


[o] I have started [One For My Piggy]
[o] I have started [One For My Piggy]
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Glad you can make it Anna! ....and Monster :-/ the only two people on my friends list that joined lolz. Gotta go do some stuff will update the boards later.

Anton has a hit out on you...and Davey :p Oh and you made [big brother] as well. Caiman and anna.banana are the only ones who have made [sympathetic resonance] so far. Good on them. As for me, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get owned this week.

Might as well do my Intro:

Name: Anthony / Tony / Hey You
Age: 28 - 29 next month
H'T: 5-5
Hometown: Sacramento, CA
Current: Dallas, TX
Hobbies: Gambling, RPGs
Fav. Foods: Chicken, Spaghetti, Tacos, Steaks

Jan 3: 248
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