
Lol @ The Fly thing going on with Dr. Suresh.

It was two hours of getting kicked in the face with plot twists, I loved it.
Dont flame me guys ,but i just could`nt get into this after the first series.

Now prison break on the otherhand thats class:)
I watched Prison break for the first fall season. Then my schedule wouldnt allow it to continue. But seriously what the hell si going on now that they are out of jail? Sounds lame.
Ya that is pretty crazy. So is it now gonna be Sylar Petrelli...

Awww don't spoil it for people who have it TiVo'd/DVR'd/in another country...

Never did get into Prison Break or Lost.

Heroes however has been awesome from day 1. I can't believe season 2 didn't do it for ya though.

Season 3 is totally a wild ride, you can tell already.
I watched it last night and thought it was awesome. I never watched any of the previous seasons, so I'm playing catch up. It still doesn't beat Mad Men.
I've heard good things from Mad Men. Unfortunately, it was written for the over 16 demographic. I'm a 12 year old boy. Heroes works just fine with their sometimes over the top camp.
Never got into Heroes but always wanted too. Just never had to time to commit to another hour long show during the week. I stay devoted to LOST, 24, Rescue Me and The Shield. That pretty much fills up my week. something tells me that once I get TV service at my place that I will need to get a DVR.
Smallville, Supernatural, and House are the only shows I bother watching.

I've given up on Smallville this year. Last season was just too much "OMFG what could happen next"...its like they can't stick to a plot for long.

House...awww yeah! That's my other most favorite show in the world.