Here I go again! **SEPTEMBER SMACKDOWN**

Had a BIG breakthrough yesterday.
Had a nine hour shift at the liquor store, which has always been a trigger for me. It’s sporadically busy and sporadically really quiet, and on those long Saturdays I always end up eating chips and chocolate bars, any assortment of all the shit they have there.
Before the shift I had a small rice pot with two tins of flavoured tuna. As I walked to work I just told myself that I’d have to dig deep that day. And it’s what I repeated to myself every time I thought of having an unhealthy snack.
I went on break after six hours, had two tuna sandwiches on low carb bread, finished out my shift.
I half wanted to just go to sleep at my parents house, as I knew that the 80km drive home would be me eating.
This proved true, as by the time I got home I was hungry, but I ate quite well, three fish tacos on low carb tortillas (3g of carbs per tortilla).
Not the gold standard yet, but a huge breakthrough!

Morning weigh in: 144.6kgs (318.8lbs)

And a decent weigh in.
12 hours at my main job today followed by an early start on Monday.
I’ll try my best to go to sleep without eating late, but I’ll be tired.

Inspirational song of the day: INTERSTATE LOVE SONG - Stone Temple Pilots
Just nabbed a ticket to their show in Sydney next year and it’s motivating me!
