here are my pictures...

ok...tell me do i have large man boobs..i mean are they man boobs? i want them gone how do i get rid of them if you see them as being big...because i have a huge confidence issue with them...cna't where the kind of shirts i wanna and **** because i see them as being huge...i want honesty too..even if it's harsh because im not sure myself my gf says she doesn't see man boobs but i think she's full of crap...also any types on increasing my bicep size/?
Well, is your goal more to get leaner or bigger right now?
i really need to get leaner first...then i want to get bigger...but i definitaly don't want to lose muscle while getting leaner
lots of running.. or try what my dad does seems to work.. he goes in the sauna onces a day for 20 mins.. just relaxes in there.. sweats and looses weight..
I've had a few friends that have the "man boob" thing and here's what we've all decided that it's gynecomastia. a definition and there are pictures on Google images.
not that bad, but i would recommend cutting ur BF % down. Were u on any kind of medication? asthma treatments, ulcer drugs, antidepressants, steroids, amphetamines, insulin, methadone and other narcotics.
or smoke alot of weed? the THC in weed can cause male breast growth, in a small percent of men. take a look at this website, looks like theres some decent info there

welcome toO the forums :)
Before you do anything like consider surgery, if in fact you do have gyno, I would just cut. You arms will look better when you do so, too.
i think i have the same problem....
wanna make sure visit this site <>
there are a lot of guys there who really know a lot about gyne...
cheers :D
God some of these replys....

Don't lose weight by going in a sauna please.

You have a great base to work with so you should be happy that it shouldn't be to hard to achieve some loss of body fat, with minimal loss of muscle.

Focus on a good full body 3 day a week lifting routine to maintain you muscle. Start out with a 500 calorie deficit. Do some cardio at leat 3 days a week, add on more as needed. Eat clean and you should see results.

Just browse around the forum a little, look at sticky threads. It should answer your questions, if not then ask. As far as your man boob problem I think its more in your head, I mean you have body fat, but i don't think it looks freakish or anything. With hard work you should see some big change.
lots of running.. or try what my dad does seems to work.. he goes in the sauna onces a day for 20 mins.. just relaxes in there.. sweats and looses weight..

Please dont do this. This is not a way to lose fat, this a way to sweat and lose water weight which does nothing long term.

If your dad is really losing weight, its cause of his diet, not cause he sweats for 20 minutes a day.
hi I am 16 year old almoust 17 I am 6,1 feet tall and i have 207lbs I think i have gynecomastia look at my pics and tell me what do I do I go to the doctor and she touch my cheasts and nipples and she sad all right but i think is not right I am fat but is it just fat or gyneco... bla bla??:) now pics:

pls help :p :p :confused:
i used to be like that exactly now im full fitness freak drinking 4l of water a day and eating good, going to the gym 3 times a week cardio 3 times a week and i play sports 3-4 times a week depending on my timetable so yer once all of its gone you start to notice definition if anything i might ahve a little in my nipples but ill keep training if it stays the same then ill get it removed but hey they look alot better than before im still not comforatble with going to the beach but hopefully soon i will more chest press is required :p:p.
You do have a good base to get started with.

Here are my recommendations:

Walk each day, in the morning and evening. 30-45 minutes each time. Brisk pace. The fresh air and the mind clearing are great.
Stay away from sodas. Kick them totally out of your diet. Rediscover water!
Fast food should be called Fast Fat.
and forget fat burner pills.
Start a good workout plan, maybe 3X a week full body, or the Starr's 5 day a week plan.
I agree, I think the biceps are looking pretty decent!

Yeah, and the sauna thing....ok if you want to relax, though in cold season, I dunno...I stay away from it. It won't help you lose weight though (just the quick and easy water weight).

Good luck!