Help with losing weight


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I need some advice. I love my mom and we usually have a good relationship, but when it comes to weight, she just doesn't understand me. I want to go to a doctor to get an average weight estimate for someone who is my age and height, but my mom thinks that you can do everything yourself. She thinks that losing weight should be easy for someone my age, but I struggle so much.
It's really tough to give a 13 year old advice on this kind of thing, and I'm by no means a qualified dietician, so I'm not even allowed to try to give you really specific advice. One reason that it's difficult to give advice is that you are still growing, so you still need to take in adequate nutrients to avoid development issues. If you try to restrict your calories a lot, you can end up with a whole bunch of other health issues, either now or in the future.

Probably some of the best things that you can do in terms of changing your nutrition for the better is to remove things like soda, candy, snack foods, fast foods, etc. from your diet. You can have these things once in a while, but try to avoid them most days and when you do have them, have them in moderation, don't go overboard. Also, make sure you eat at least 3 meals per day, somewhat evenly spaced (breakfast, lunch, dinner). If you have long spaces between meals, have a snack, but try to plan that snack ahead of time to make it healthy, rather than just grabbing anything that you can find. Have only one plate full at your main meals - don't go for seconds, thirds, etc. Try to fill your plate with more veggies than anything else (think 1/2 your plate of at least 2 kinds of veggies or veggies and fruit).

What country do you live in? Your goverment's health website should have information on recommended healthy eating habits for kids your age.

(If it makes you feel better, I wasn't overweight at 13, but I had (well, still have) stretch marks - no idea why! It really sucked, but couldn't do anything about it.)
Losing weight at the age of 13 is a challenging task. You need to have diet which does not contain much fat and is low-calorie. You should not starve yourself, but eat heathy food combinations at regular intervals of time and track your calories.
Weight losing not an easy task but not impossible too.

You are quite younger and if you want to burn your calories fast then running and cycling both will help you.
Well you're mom is right in that aspect that you must reduced what you eat, But if you want to go to a doctor it is much better, You must be aware on what you feel in your body.Losing weight is not just that easy it need extra time and effort.
I have been in your shoes and I still am. I have been struggling with my weight for as long as I can remember. I probably was about your size if not bigger at the age of 13 but that was 10 years ago and I cannot remember. My mom is not supportive in my weight loss. Ironically, she is way overweight herself. I will let her know my progress and she barely recognizes and goes on with something about herself. She is very self-absorbed. My advice is to you: do not let ANYONE affect you during your struggle. This is your own responsibility and no one will understand the struggle you are going to go throw besides yourself. It sounds very lonely but its the truth. If your mom is not going to support you then just ignore her. Do not let her put you down at all. When it comes time that she notices your weight gone just say I know, I am proud I did this on my own. I remember when I was just starting out to be a teen, I was a little brat. I had a smart mouth and I still do when its necessary. If this is something that people do not want to support you on it doesn't mean you cannot do it. You don't need anyone to help you lose weight, its a mind set thing. You just have to do it. I would def stop drinking anything but water - completely. It will make you feel sooooo better! No more junk food - at all! If you cheat one day you are going to allow yourself to cheat again! For the stretch marks issue - I have tons. Its going to be a challenge to make them less visible. Most people have stretch marks on them somewhere. Even the skinny ones. Don't let that affect you. Just keep going!
One of the largest amounts of caloric intake comes from the consumption of fats. Of course, this is not the case 100 percent of the time for 100 percent of the people. But if you live in a place that has a diet similar to the Standard American Diet, which is very high in animal fats and saturated and hydrogenated fats, you are eating a lot of calories from fats.

you should stop eating the same amount every day for breakfast, lunch or dinner, so you’ll consume different amounts of calories each day.
I know how you feel. I've always been overweight, and my mother was too. We both suffer depression so our relationship was never the best.

At 16 I lost a lot of weight and my mum said It was only because I had a growth spurt. When we would go shopping together, she always told me that the clothes I was looking at wouldn't fit me. Don't get discouraged, I let my mum get to me and now I'm 22 and trying to lose a lot of weight. You're young, enjoy yourself, and if you really want to lose weight than don't go on a diet join a facebook group like ditch the diet who try to help you understand the foods you eat and well as the name says "ditch diets" and just eat healthy instead.
Losing weight doesn't seems to be a easiest work for any human being it needs a lots of dedication as well as determination, therefore planning for weight loss strategy must consists of proper diet plan, exercise plan.
I am sorry to hear that.You just 13,but you are troubled by your weight.That's not an age to worry about that.I think you should try to eat more fruit and vegetables,less meat to loss weight.Hope it will help you.
weight loss tips

We live in an information overloaded society. There has not been a moment in history when information has been this available, right at our fingertips. By typing one simple phrase, we now get hundreds, thousands, sometimes even millions of answers to our most desired questions. And now it seems, because of the abundance of information available to us, that a lot of us are confused.
Just a thought:
1. Eat REAL Food.
2. Live Life Actively.
3. Get outside.
4. Constantly strive to improve in order to see change.
5. Get some sleep.
6. Practice Active Recovery .
7. Use Natural Movements.

By just living with these 7 rules in mind, you’re sure to become a healthier, happier and more fulfilling life.
While I have no clue what numbers six and seven are supposed to mean, I can vouch for the first five pieces of advice in Khokon's list. They are pretty much exactly what I'm doing, and I'm losing weight and feeling great.
Well, your Mom is right that you can do anything by yourself. Can you please quote down your height and weight? if at all you are overweight or you don't want to be overweight then workout daily along with an healthy diet. Avoid junk food and eat lots of vegetables and fruits. As far as possible try not to eat food rich in fats and for your satisfaction you just find a way to reach an dietician for consultation and get your diet chart prepared and follow it.
Losing weight has nothing to do with the age. Mild exercises and morning jogs are for everyone I say. You should jog on regular basis and also intake less fat diet. And on a serious note please avoid junk food.
Considering you're still growing and your nutrient requirements are vastly different from an adult it's very tricky. My advice would be to cut all junk food and sugars. Keep the calories sufficient to keep your development good. You should not be cutting calories at should be cutting junk food and eating a lot of nutritious calories.