Sport HELP to Squwelch the SWEET TOOTH

Sport Fitness
NECTARINES!!!! yummy!

Porkloin with limes, with cous cous, and oh man the nectarine did it!!! NECTARINES!!!!

gimme a N.
gimme an E
gimme a C

I have also noticed my mouth staying moister without the pastry stuffed in it. hehehehee

i crack myslef up i swear i do!!!

FF'in happy about the FF'er getting some FF'in sugah free time unda tha belt eh!!

wow, I'm kinda cussing... detox...

making cookies tonight,,, the Chillen way!

ha! I soudn liek a woman... hahahahahahaa
Glad to see you are embracing the sugar free thing...

Have you tried the fruit smoothie yet? That looks totally awesome...I think I am going to try one this weekend and throw in some whey powder with it --
Glad to see you are embrassing the sugar free thing...

Have you tried the fruit smoothie yet? That looks totally awesome...I think I am going to try one this weekend and throw in some whey powder with it --

Heh I just got some really great protein powder (chocolate) and it tastes awesome in milk... can't wait to try it out with a smoothie!

The recipe I use is:

1 FROZEN banana (it's critical that it's frozen)
1 cup of skim milk
2 (or more depending on how much fruit you want in it) handfuls of frozen fruit
sweetener (sugar or artificial sweetener) to taste (I never add any to mine as i think it tastes just fine the way it is)

the last batch I made was so thick I had to spoon it out of the blender... (damn I want a smoothie RIGHT now lol)
The recipe I use is:

1 FROZEN banana (it's critical that it's frozen)
1 cup of skim milk
2 (or more depending on how much fruit you want in it) handfuls of frozen fruit
sweetener (sugar or artificial sweetener) to taste (I never add any to mine as i think it tastes just fine the way it is)

the last batch I made was so thick I had to spoon it out of the blender... (damn I want a smoothie RIGHT now lol)

I am coming over to your house right now for one!

Is it critical for fruit to be frozen?
If the fruit's frozen I think it leads to a thicker and more satisfying drink. When both the banana and the fruit were frozen I had the most awesome tropical fruit shake I'd ever had in my life. And it was totally healthy... (well right up til the point I thought that some rum might make it even better... didn't try it, but damn it was awfully appealing lol)
yep, i had a big problem with sugar addiction. its still mild now but not as bad. i just craved sugar. also my sleeping patterns werent the best, so i used to crave carbs heaps.
Why not take up smoking to take your mind off the sugar? :D

Only kidding, a sugar addiction can still be very strong but unfortunately there aren't and patches or support groups for you guys. I had a mild sweet tooth before which went away after eatting clean for a while. By the sound of it yours is more severe but you have to deal with it in the same way I guess, just try and picture what you'd look like if you didn't give into any of those urges and use it as inspiration
thanks posters... it wasn't meant to be, but this thread has become kind of a support spot for this sugar dealy bob-a-rama!!

anyhow, I put back a king size candy bar this morning and only got waters... glad too. cuz reading these with a mouth full of chocolate would have sucked...

no matter how much you work out, if I fill my body with sugar and I will not get the vanity look I am trying for... call it what it is.

the smoothies are good... I had one last night with bananas, nectorine, and I thru some naked granola for texture with raisins,.,.,, rotot rooter effect too....
dude i love sweets an allow myself alitle like maube once a month but any more than that and i tell myself ill be fat and disgusting if i doo...its allabout willpower baby
it is about will power. It gets easier to handle fast. I really had a time getting thrui the first couple of days, but much better now. Dietary change is possible. you'all just watched me do it.. and i didn't have to do it alone.
FF has it! IRON CLAD UNFATHOMABLE WILLPOWER! With heart and dertimination.....Uh, er....I see your hand is up FF (in your pic), I stop now.
Peanut butter satisfies that craving for me. When I want something sweet or dessert-like, I dig into some peanut butter. It's creamy, thick, and rich and so it it feels decadent. Though I know it's actually nutritious, I've come to feel and associate it with being a dessert. Another food that does the same for me is dried apricots, very sweeet.

A protien shake in a blender with ice with skim milk and and optional fruit is not far off from a milkshake.

I also find that a smoothie with skim milk, ice, fruit and vanilla extract is super rich and like a replacement for ice cream - with just 150 calories/no fat.

Although unsweetened cocoa powder is is not sweet, it might help you with a chocolate buzz. Cocoa powder is low cal - 20 cal for a heaping teaspoon and full of anti-oxidant rich 'flavanoids'.

I have all-bran in the morning and cover it with a blend of: Soy milk, Protien powder(with splenda, so it's sweet), 10 strawberries, almonds, and top it all off with cocoa powder. Absolutely delicious...I look forward to waking up!

Basically, I think you need to find something that's good for you, helps you in your cause, but is also sweet and satisfies your craving. Maybe also allow yourself once a week to have the real, unaldulterated thing.
I found that once my diet was cleaned up a little that very small bites of the "bad" stuff was all I needed to kill the craving. During the times when the craving is out of control and I know a "bite" will spark more of a BINGE, I make a protein shake or smoothie FAST and I feel okay again. Something else helpful is brushing your teeth or drinking some ice cold water with lemon (and a splenda packet if you're desperate). The number one craving killer for me is straight protein
what are some of your favorite straigh protein choices?

(and i am not being forward heheeh,, we were joking about protein shots a few days ago)


peanut butter is one i will try... natural of course
If you take Spirulina and Chlorella your cravings for sugar will disappear, but I've noticed you're already doing very well.

(download a .zip file with a .pdf about Chlorella and Spirulina )