Sport HELP to Squwelch the SWEET TOOTH

Sport Fitness
I have a sweet tooth that is killing my diet, undermining my results and driving me crazy!

I find myself wanting cookies, cake, chocolate, brownies, ice cream, and all that type of stuff. I've also slipped into using these yummies as motivators to push my body harder. I can be in a run and tell myself, "stretch it out, add a mile, make it hurt, grind it, and you can have "........" when you get back home."

it sounds stupid and feels funny to even type out, but these cravings are very real.

Do any of you have this problem? Please share ideas that you have found to overcome the cravings for sweets.

Sprinkle some cayan pepper on your ice cream next time. :D
Sounds like a mild sugar addiction. I had the same thing, and when I cut most (if not all) sugars out of my diet, for a few days it was no fun. Didn't take long for me to get adjusted now, and all is well. Do you drink soda?
I was never much for sweets...until I started a diet. Cutting out all the stuff that made me gain weight like pasta and bread just made me crave all the things I didn't ever really want before. Fortunately, chocolate and pop (well, soda as most call it) don't get to me...but ice cream and skittles and starburst are my biggest weakness!

Just keep strong and stick to your diet...but it's always important to treat yourself sometimes (I normally use it as my one cheat meal a week). And count the calories in whatever sweet you do eat, it makes you realize how much of something else you could be eating compared to that small bowl of ice cream or piece of cake.
wow!!! I am surprised,, either folks don;t want to admit it, or i am the only one that battles wanting yummies. (and let me qualify- I can go out and run 10 miles right now, I have fitness,p but I am trying to lose surface fat)

No soda- and sugar addiction "major" sounds more appropriate right now-- omg!! thanks for the reply Jimmy. And shep-- ice cream is a killer... cold stone- yummy... but I don;t want to let myself get thinking along that right now... hhahaha

but I did see the splenda thread.. let me ask...

If I were to make some of my own "sweets" and do it with Splenda would it help me to break from the sugar addiction I have going? Or is the addiction all mental.

I want some sweets like major!!!! It feels like 2 supersize milky ways would hit the spot. I also kind of have a headache over it right now.

come on!!!

Derwydon what are your thoughts? sorry ffor the poor spelling, but I don;t think its that big of a deal... can you help with thios sweets thing?
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My problem's not with sweets most of the time-- I have a huge issue with salty foods though (could go through a bag of cheetos in no time).
what aboput you Chillen? any ideas to help me with these cravings for sugar?

I also kinda just realized I may have increased my sweets when I quit smoking 7 months ago... but dang already. i shoudl log off now. heheheeheh nah maybe later.

FF'in nutso over suagar!!!
i feel your pain.. BIG time. not only for sweets but salty things like chips. i dont buy the stuff anymore. and dont bring cash to work because i will be at the vending machine in no time. but on the weekends.. i cant seem to control it and go crazy with sweets and chips and such at times. :(
you could try those sugar free jello things? they're like 10 calories per container, maybe that could help a little.
oh hey, look at that,,, I did a quick search on "sugar free Jello things" and I got a whole list of low cal, save the diet sweets.

SMOOOOOOCH!!!!! BIG TIME, and if your a guy- punch in the arm!! thanks,,, somehow just that post got me to take a positive action in a solution mode. this sugar is actually a chemical imbalance problem or something,, I can feeeeeel it!!!
Some might say it's an addiction, and suggest going cold turkey - taking control of the food, so it doesn't control you. That said, there are safer alternatives - what about a fruit smoothie? Sweet, tasty, but without all the fat and other garbage in those processed bars.

You've obviously got discipline to have trained up as far as you have (to the point it's easy for you) - now you have to pull the discipline out from the top shelf of the closet and use it to take control of your diet.
I don't know.... Any kind of sugar substitute I think is bad. Sugar doesn't have that many calories....

As far as the cravings go, after a run like that, I get in and have some carbs and protein, some milk, by then I'm not hungry for dessert.
This just in...

USDA recommends limiting added sugars - from packaged foods and the sugar bowl - to 24 grams a day (6 teaspoons) if you eat 1,600 calories; 40 grams (10 teaspoons) for a 2,000-calorie diet; 56 grams (14 teaspoons) for a 2,400 calorie diet; and 72 grams (18 teaspoons) for a 2,800-calorie diet. Don't worry about the natural sugars from fruit and milk.
Im glad I could help flyin free.... and I am a guy. The only thing is that, as dougp said, there is artificial sugar in there, which no one can say anything good about except for there arent any calories.
good one! I can use that same go blank and dig in look on the sweets.. when i work out I realize all i need to do is get beyond 100 BPM and we are totally rolling,,, maybe it will be the same if i can just get thru these fist few days.... the heart rate is alot easier to raise than it is to let time pass by,, but that may be the encouragement i need.

I make this battle public for just this type of help, and so others who do not share their battles can benefit.


Now keep it coming...

I'll b here for your day if i can ever help
what about a fruit smoothie? Sweet, tasty, but without all the fat and other garbage in those processed bars.

Stingo! meant to tell you that i finally got around to making that smoothie.. excellent. thanks so much for sharring! ill def be making plenty more!
Fruit cocktails are also great! We are in the fresh strawberry season, so that usually settles my sweet tooth just fine!
just got back from the evening portion fo my days workout, 4.5 9 minute miles and feel good. typically it would be two miles then into the torture chamber for body pounding, but i wanted to try and run the sugar out of my system,,, i still have a mil dheadache, and want to have a cup of ice cream..
BUT i had a piece of snapper, and an apple, and glass of green tea with pomegranite juice....

you all replied and shared an all and i feel a sense of duty to keep just this first full day desert free. no candy barsm, no energy bars, not even a single brownie.... wowza!! hey lurker on my thread,,, you can do it tooo!!

you replied and it helped me... i am in debt and grateful..

Tomorrow is a new battle, but an easier one, because today is a WIN!!!

Flyin"sugar"free for one day!!
what an inspiration lol.. i am going to try to keep up with you, today, i failed lol.. i had some animal crackers in class.
I'll b here for your day if i can ever help
promise say that ya effer...I'm still waiting for my 2 dollars...

I want my 2 dollars...