
I'll leave you all to your calorie counting, diet deprivation struggles.

Who's struggling. My clients are successful at taking and keeping the weight off. And that's without voodoo cleanses and the like. And they're happy and healthy.

Nice try though.

It doesn't sound like anyone wants to be open-minded as to how the body actually functions or doesn't when we don't treat it properly.

Let me get this straight.

Somehow in your twisted perception of reality, me asking for research on the topic at hand equates to me being close-minded?

That's almost laughable.

The medical community doesn't promote research studies that don't involve drugs because it doesn't benefit them. They want you to be fat and on prescription drugs for your high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes because it makes them money. You keep coming to see them and they get bonuses for prescribing (selling) lots of drugs.

You're right, there is no research that doesn't involve drugs, lol.

The diet industry brainwashes you into thinking you can buy their food and go to their support groups and you will lose 40 pounds like Marie Osmond. And the fine print says "results not typical."

What about the real world though? Where you have people who are eating balanced, healthy meals that are calorically controlled and are exercising. You know... the people who lose weight and keep it off by following rational tactics.

If you are not open-minded enough to try something as simple and no cost as food combining before dismissing it, then I don't see the point in discussing the benefits with this forum anymore.

I'll leave you to figure out how to overcome your weight loss plateau.

You should be careful. That pedestal you're building for yourself is getting mighty high. Falling from it could cause some serious injury.
If you are not open-minded enough to try something as simple and no cost as food combining before dismissing it, then I don't see the point in discussing the benefits with this forum anymore.

One of the most frustrating things about trying to get into shape and lose weight is that there are SO MANY DIFFERENT OPINIONS out there! If I tried everything that was suggested to me it would take me years. I've actually posted on a couple of other forums besides this one to get suggestions of things to try. I decided to go online for support not because I don't have a good support group of friends - but because my friends always combine eating and drinking with their support :) I've stuck with this forum over the others because I've received the most logical advice that seems to be something that makes sense to me to try. Extremes or very unusual things to try don't really interest me. I think there is a lot of common sense that a person needs to use when trying to lose weight and get into shape. I think you need to listen to what your body is telling you. Support and advice is great - but weigh what you hear and pick what makes the most sense to you personally.
Hello all :)

I have been working to lose weight for the past year now. Things have been up and down with my diet - at times encouraging, discouraging at others. You all know what I am going through! :) Over the last year I have really tried to stay on the path - eating right, exercising religiously almost every day, and still I hit plateaus that I just don't understand how it can be scientifically possible!

I'm not at all sure why you are surprised that weight loss is not a linear phenomenon.