What makes you an authority?
Not bashing, simply curious.
Can you show me the peer-reviewed research you're working off of when discuss food combining and detox please.
If you want the scientific rational behind it, I found this very interesting, but I like the biology-type stuff: "Food Combining Made Easy" by Herbert M. Shelton
Other books I've read that support food combining:
"The Food Combining 2-Day Detox: Rid your body of cellulite & toxins; Beat Weight Gain and protect your health" by Kathryn Marsden. She also wrote "The Complete Book of Food Combining: A New, Easy-to-Use Guide to the Most Successful Diet Ever."
Dr Timothy Brantley talks about it in his book "The Cure: The 12 Week Plan to prevent and reverse cancer, heart disease, obesity, and more" He is big on detox and has many cases throughout his book ... a very good book.
Ann Louise Gittleman (master's in nutrition) talks about it in her book "The Fat Flush" ... a great book that focuses on the toxic liver and detoxing the body to lose weight.
"The Liver Cleansing Diet" by Dr. Sandra Cabot focuses on cleansing the liver to lose weight and restore health. Here's a quote from her book (pg 77) "My Liver Cleansing Diet (LCD) will enable you to lose weight and feel more energetic even if all other diets have let you down and your life has been one long "yo-yo" journey to ever-increasing weight."
I highly recommend the two books above for weight loss.
Here are some other books I found on Amazon that focus food combining with weight loss, but have not read them:
"Food Combining Bible: Your Complete Guide to Using the Hay Diet for Digestive Health and a Balanced Approach to Weight Loss" by Jan Dries
"Food Combining: The High-Energy Weight Loss Plan" by Jeffrey Mannix
"Food Combining for Weight Loss and Health: Kitchen Doctor Series" by The Southwater Editors
Just try it for a couple days. You'll see for yourself how much better you feel especially if you have digestive issues as well.