\Any one of the people above could harbor a serious dislike for whatever race you are studying for a bias against, but they will say "Mark me as a 1", because they know that our society (rightly) looks down on bigotry and negative racial bias
Very few people will admit to being a racist... Im not even sure skinheads will admit their beliefs to be racist...
I'm pretty much an equal opportunity hater... I don't really like too many people... but it's not because of the color of their skin... or their religious beliefs... or cultural differences... it's totally because of who they are... sometimes that cultural thing does come into pllay wiht being who they are but I really don't understand how people can paint one group of people, with sucha broad stroke when all people are different...
When I'm on an internet forum, I have a habit of leaving avatars turned off and will infrequently look at pictures.. I want people's words to speak for them -and not have anything cloud that judgement and of all the forums I've participated in over the years... you end up wtih some interesting perceptions of people...
My title is a reference to a mitch hedberg joke where he talks about racism
When it comes to racism, you hear people say, "I don't care if people are white, black, purple or green." Hold on, now, purple or green? Come on now, you gotta draw the line somewhere.
So i'm just all about hating purple people