Hey! i have a paper due tomorrow for my Minority Groups class. It is quite interesting. We were assigned a minority group to research. My minority group is Muslim Americans. I need to interview people with a scale that we were given in class.
This is the scale:
Bogardus Social Distance Scale
7. would exclude from country
6. as only visitors to my country
5. to citizenship in my country
4. to employment in my occupation
3. to my street as neighbors
2. to my club as personal chums
1. to close kinship by marriage
This is the way it works: You apply your thoughts on Muslims to this scale. You start at number 7 and if you are completely 100 percent okay with that (with no if ands or buts) then move to number 6, completely okay it and move down until you find a number you are not comfortable with...
For example If I were not comfortable with number 2, I would write:
The last number that I am most comfortable with and therefore chose was #3 because ____________.
This is hard to phrase eloquently - so thanks for baring with me.
If you'd like to pm your results to me that'd be fine too.
Applying your person views on Muslims to the scale, start at # 7 and move down the list until you find a number that you have an objectiont to. Then, write down the last number that you are completely comfortable with and write a reason or justification for it.
Thank you all very much!
This is the scale:
Bogardus Social Distance Scale
7. would exclude from country
6. as only visitors to my country
5. to citizenship in my country
4. to employment in my occupation
3. to my street as neighbors
2. to my club as personal chums
1. to close kinship by marriage
This is the way it works: You apply your thoughts on Muslims to this scale. You start at number 7 and if you are completely 100 percent okay with that (with no if ands or buts) then move to number 6, completely okay it and move down until you find a number you are not comfortable with...
For example If I were not comfortable with number 2, I would write:
The last number that I am most comfortable with and therefore chose was #3 because ____________.
This is hard to phrase eloquently - so thanks for baring with me.
If you'd like to pm your results to me that'd be fine too.
Applying your person views on Muslims to the scale, start at # 7 and move down the list until you find a number that you have an objectiont to. Then, write down the last number that you are completely comfortable with and write a reason or justification for it.
Thank you all very much!