Help asap unbelievable body suddenly gains weight on nothing!! Wat is this


New member
i have had that super massive mega bad luck to be born as a fuking female and going through puberty was no less than traumatic to me, my body just has the most ridiculous shapes ever, i dont detest that shit, but i just idk fuking despise it to death, ive been skinny kid and i have skinny kids soul n mentality, this is absolute torment sometimes because its an absolute soul-body incompatibility ever..ive been through sooo much shit you cant imagine bcs of it..

ive been skinny, superfat then normal, then slim (for a brief!) and now im fatter than ever!

shit is i got new friends and they wanna meet me real soon n their like fukin skinny theres no fuking way ill ever stand near to guy as a fatass ever!!! esp to skinny guys!

, this is like last time for my youth. life have already raped me hardcore with acne n facial shit, different psychological diseas you have no idea about even, ive been through total terror and now finally somethings goin alright but fuck the shit body is dragging everything down again, i just cant believe it!

i love fuking food alright, food = fun, food = awasome. but with lameass metaolism n fatass like that no food is allowed but i was severe depresed so i binged it alright. i could eat several burgers, salad, snacks, soup, desert n some more food in one time easily

NOW I MADE A SUCH A STRONG DETERMINATION TO EAT LITTLE AND WELL LIKE NEVER BEFORE altho im not new to all this health lifestyles n bla bla bla



and dont say exersise cos i have fuking reasons i wont:
i hate to fukin sweat n shit cos i cant fucking afford to shower every or other day, im poor too!
the least i need is to gain somekinda muscular bulk ass or some shit like that..NO THANKS! i dont wanna be muscular at all in fact. I JUST WANNA BE SKINNY TO SLIM THATS ALL?
retarded body will get somekinda new resistance to it or someshit n it wont work anyways

WHY IS STUPID ASS BODY SO RETARDED?? :banghead: i found out about this leptin resistance..i just couldnt belive lameass shit to not be able to lose that damn grease, why r femals so fucked??? first of all not only i dont wanna no fuking babys (im still almost kid myself, i dont fkn wanna yuck and it just wouldnt be fair for next person bcs of lameass genetics) cant retard body get my mind??? it makes no bloody biological sense either cos to get fucking baby you need to atract a male or some shit, but rly cos who the fck gonna be attracted to some fatass? *bitchplsface*

what to eat??? or not?? ill do whatever cos i only have month left, im 73 KILOS (161 LBS) right now, i need to loose at least 20 KILOS (~45 LBS), i have month, max 1.5 month

its summer already!!! but i couldnt start earlier cos belive it or not but i had job where i have to eat >_< so yea..

and i dont care how unhealthy or dangerous it may seem to you , ILL DO WHATEVER, this body will take it just fine..goddamn other than most important= aesthetiqs its healthy as a fuking cow!!! o_O
I suggest that you read the sticky postings in the different sections and educate yourself.

You may find it hard going at first because they are generally written without swearing and expletives in every other word. Generally that is not nearly as clever as some young people imagine. Sometimes it actually puts people off from chatting / helping which is a shame...

You should however be then able to deduce a food plan which will satisfy your hunger so you can stick with it for more than a couple of weeks and will eventually get you where you want to be - and get there in a healthy way.

A good start is to include some lean protein and lots of fruit and vegetables - especially the vegetables can be used to fill you up. Also drink plenty of water.

You also need to take up exercise.

In my opinion you need a reality check because you are not going to lose 45 pounds in a healthy way and look good in 6 weeks. Most of the 8 pounds that you lost are likely to have been water weight and not fat. Such losses tend not to be echoed through a longer project. People always lose more in the first week. People that lose 45 pounds in 6 weeks tend to be a lot heavier than 161 pounds.

When you learn about healthy eating you will learn that the food that you eat and drink affects such things as your skin so may well have contributed towards your acne. Eating more healthily and drinking sufficient water are both good for your skin.

In the 6 weeks you can however make a good start and adopt new habits which in time will get you where you want to be. You can also work out a lifestyle which you can keep up permanently which will break you out of the yo-yo situation which you are currently caught in.
ive been skinny, superfat then normal, then slim (for a brief!) and now im fatter than ever!
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listen, i eat the best food i can get, fruits, veggies, greens, some fish, some chicken, a very little but the extra virgin oil, some juices (no sugar added) AND THATS ALL no grains even

~2l water, sometimes add apple vinegar, green tea

i take omega 3

eat mostly raw, sometimes veggie stew (water n steam no else)

I EVEN DRINK AND EAT SEPARATE TIMES which helps digestion and all that

i eat very little, like no more than 2 times a day, sometimes even 1x, portion is no bigger than a plate but yknow theres mostly rabbit food there anyways..

doubt it barely makes 2000 cals a day or so

if this is not perfect diet then idk what is!

imo its a myth that diet fixes acne actually, not allways it works acne is much more fuked up case than that..ive been on good foods before for awhile, it never went away completely...

i know pretty much all i need for healthy eating, idk what else there can be..the whole things just unreal if u think about it cos like if ud be out in wild in natural environment, doubt ud count cals or protein or wonder about some omega ratio or whatnot lol, ud eat what u can and naturally would loose weight if theres nothing to eat..

but yea thnx for response at least
I suggest that you count those calories instead of just guessing - weighing and measuring everything... all the ingredients...

Juices can be much higher in calories than people think for a start. You do not need added sugar to make them quite high in calories.

You squeeze the juice out of 15 oranges - you can drink that and still feel ready to eat something. If you eat the 15 oranges they will make you feel a lot fuller for pretty much the same calories... Be wary of fruit juices - especially if you are going to complain about feeling hungry and like your food plan is not satisfying you.

At 161 pounds you should be drinking at least 2.3 litres of water. That is what the formula often quoted on the forum gives (1 ounce for every 2 pounds that you weigh).

If you complain about being hungry a lot of the time you should not be eating everything in just one meal or even just 2 meals a day... Spread your food through the day so you are not going around feeling half starved. It is when people go around feeling half starved that they blow their diet gloriously. The weight changes you speak of - and comments about food sound very like you are getting into diet binge loops which isnt healthy.

You say that the acne never went away completely -but I'll bet it improved while you were eating healthily which has to be worth having... If such things improve - you can invest in a good concealer to boost your confidence with an improved appearance - which will be welcome - especially for important social events.

I am not endorsing this product - but I saw a very impressive film about the difference that a good concealer cream can make. It may inspire you regarding this problem.

There are two sides to the process of weight loss - the calories in the food that you eat - and the calories that you burn through exercise. You do not mention exercise but it is very important if you are to look as enviable as you clearly desire... It is actually important to do both cardio and exercise designed to work on your muscles. If you check out the term "skinny fat" you will see what I mean. Many people believe that they will have the figure of their dreams if they simply lose weight - but they are often disappointed with the result if they have not exercised.
i caaant, im just so desperate right now to tears!

i eat so little today again, only some leaves and 1/2 cucumber and i have to admit a bit of the boars meat sausage or something like that, like 5 pieces of it, but damn i need that protein right? and i cannot not eat it or else my face will be devastated?? >___<

i also drink 500ml of carrot/apple juice


and what do u know im still only 72,5 kilos!! its not freaking going off!! idk what to eat at all right now


do you knwo the freelee banana girl?? she binges on fruits like everyday, kilos of them!! and shes skinny as skinny u can be!
she even eats PASTA??? 8L


what sport can i do at home??? i cant stand exercises, they ar so boring. i can jump, dance, run or something like that but i cant do those bloody exersises, i just cant..altho i wont go out to run. i cant too! cos we are small town and i have pretty noticable hair and i hate how fat ppl look when they run so theres noway ill let ppl see me that way n memorize me. i will do sport and everything when ill be thin but theres no way im gonna be jog around with this blob body. just not. is there anything i can do at home??
no cash for no freaking gyms..

id be fine with skinny fat btw, just to get down all that mass n be smaller?


im just afraid my body wont be able to eat normal food after ths at all, it wll get used to this shit n ill explode in fat immediately after food!!!

hey thnx for the link, its deff interesting but it probably costs 100dolars or something. i already bought pretty expensive cover cream though, i look like a somekinda clown with it, i rather go without it...

as for acne getting better during diet, lol sometimes it gets even worse..i even went thru course of somekinda ultrasound procedure on my face, t kind of improved my skin..or so everyone things but really its not even week after n theyre coming out again..just no way with this shit. its just defective gentics n what can u do about them...
but nvm that i have heavier problems to worry about now so to speak..
Look, you are going to need to work on that attitude if you want any advice to be useful on the long term. I know the idea is to GET LEAN NOW, but first you are going to need an understanding of what you are doing, why it works or it doesn't work, and how it all comes together if you want to stop the yo-yo dieting, and yes, it is going to take some time as well.

Self-loathing is not going to get you anywhere. Use that energy on constructive ways instead of complaining.

Now, onto your actual question;

First, it is going to take some time to get where you want to be. Even at a huge caloric deficit, consider waiting at least 3 months before you start seeing major (Emphasis on the word major) changes. You will likely notice minor ones, but don't expect too much without a reasonable time frame.

You could listen to Freelee and Durianrider, or you could listen to Dr Atkins, or whoever you prefer; it doesn't really matter until you understand why and how diets work. Animal products don't make you fat. Carbs don't make you fat. Different macro-nutrient ratios don't either. What determines weight maintenance / gain / loss is your overall energy (calories) balance over time. That is to say; Calories In vs Calories Out.

Don't ditch the fruit, but do not juice it! Eat the real thing! Eat the carrots and the apples, don't make juice out of it. The actual fruit is going to have less calories than say, a juice made out of 3 pieces of that same fruit. It will also keep you satisfied for much longer than the juice will.

Try eating 10 oranges vs a juice made out of 10 oranges. Which one is easier to eat and which one do you think is going to kill hunger better?

TILL DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY BCS YESTERDAY THIS SHIT BODY PLAYED OUT THE NEW RIDICULOUS TRICK EVER. can u imagine i ate even less yesterday and what do you know at the end of the day it weights 1 KILO MORE AGAIN!!! 8OOO WTFFFF!!???

Did you weight yourself at the end of the day? Food, clothing and water DO affect your scale weight. It's pointless to weight yourself more than once a day because it is just not accurate. You want to weight yourself first thing in the morning, after you've gone to the bathroom but before you eat or drink anything. Use the same clothes every time (or don't use clothes, it doesn't matter as long as it stays the same) and do not shower or wet your hair before doing so.

If you do that you eliminate any margin of error, but even then weight can fluctuate from day to day, so it's better to weight yourself once a week. Don't obsess over the scale.

What you need to do is to count calories, not restrict food-groups. If you're at 160 pounds and sedentary, start in the 1400 - 1600 range. This is not a fixed value, and you will need to adjust that based on real-world results.

Make yourself an account of My fitness Pal or Fitday, Get yourself an app for your phone, or go to and use pen and paper to track your calories. The important thing is that you do it.

Stay at the number you choose and stick to that, every day of the week, don't cheat yourself. You need to account for anything that goes into your food and has calories. Any sugar, oil, etc, you need to count those.

That's pretty much it. It is not the types of food that will get you lean, its a caloric deficit that will do it.

As for exercise, don't make it a torture. Try something you like. You can try different videos (Check Youtube) if you don't want to go out. You don't need a gym or to go jogging if you can't / don't want to.

Well, I hope I've covered everything and that it helps. Don't make this another desperate attempt at losing weight just to gain it back again.
hey i appreciate ur effort but


i dont get if fats n carbs dont make u fat, THEN..WHAT EXACTLY MAKES U FAT? calories? sugar? sodium? gluten? (freelee can eat like whole pot of pasta in one time!)

i swear i weigh myself every day the same time, that is evening, after everything, in the exact same pjs (theyre light)

i think ill have to cut out will suck sooo baad though!!

i also use vit d3 btw, its supposed to help burn fat acording to info but like where is it now??? 11 drops every day religiously for nothing


maybe ill try cabbage or tomato diet..then start healthy eating..surely body cant get fat from health foods alone??

check this out:

his skin looks great too even after such loss, hes an asian tho..

but k thnx ill count those cals more now n eat less/more frequently (altho its fuking inconveniet as hell! its stress when what to eat ALL DAY)..
You live on nothing but tomatoes for a week (just like in your link) if that is what you want to do and then come back and tell us all about how happy you are that you are 20kg lighter... That will lose you all the weight that you want to lose - and you will have shown us and done it all in supersonic time... In one week's time we will all be no lighter than 99% of where we are now (experts agree that 1% of your weight is a healthy amount to lose in a week) and you will have the figure of your dreams.

There is however a slight problem... It partly depends on whether it actually happened or is some sort of publicity stunt to gain headlines... I am not sure that I believe it at all... I have no doubt that someone would lose a fair bit of weight - it is like fasting for a week (because it is so boring that there could be a limit of how much you would want to eat)... I have no doubt that he ate the tomatoes and lost some weight - but there isnt really any evidence that it was 20kg...

The other problem is that it has been reported that the actor experienced unpleasant side effects - he lost his hair. Now it may be that you fancy the bald look for your future - but I would not like that. You say that you have distinctive hair - if I were you I would keep it...
What I meant by saying 3 months is; you will notice small changes along the way, but for a body transformation (For example, going from chubby to relatively lean) you will have to wait at least 3 months, and that depends also on diet and how much fat you need to lose in the first place.

i dont get if fats n carbs dont make u fat, THEN..WHAT EXACTLY MAKES U FAT? calories? sugar? sodium? gluten?

It's excess calories that makes you fat!

i swear i weigh myself every day the same time, that is evening, after everything, in the exact same pjs (theyre light)

Do not weight yourself in the evening. Do it first thing in the morning.

AthalaRanger said:
You want to weight yourself first thing in the morning, after you've gone to the bathroom but before you eat or drink anything. Use the same clothes every time (or don't use clothes, it doesn't matter as long as it stays the same) and do not shower or wet your hair before doing so.

Leptin resistance occurs on the extremely obese. At 160 pounds you are not extremely obese. You don't need to worry about that, what you need to worry about is your caloric intake!

Now, onto the tomato guy; Without surgery, it's physically impossible to lose 20 Kg of fat on a week. It is not possible.

Think about it, 1 Kg equals 7700 calories, in order to lose such amount you would need a DEFICIT of 22000 a day for a week. Imagine that, you would need to burn at the very least 20000 calories (This is discounting the amount your body burns by itself) via exercise every day to do that.

Not even endurance athletes can reach these numbers. Trained, lean athletes that go on events as long as +8 hours and can burn far more calories than your average overweight, untrained person to begin with.

What happens on a diet such as that is, you go on it, you starve for a week, and you lose a bunch of water and glycogen weight (Not good or bad per se), a bunch of fat (good) and a bunch of muscle mass (Not good at all).

When you come out of that diet, however, you will most likely binge (Starving like that sends all kinds of hormonal signals), and then you gain all the water weight back, and since you binged, you also gain the fat back, or perhaps even more. The muscle mass you just lost, you don't gain that back, which just makes it even worse.

If it only took 1 week of eating tomatoes, I can guarantee you, there would be no obesity at all. Fat people would be more than happy to starve for a week and then be lean. But it doesn't work that way.

Again, JUST FOCUS ON CALORIES. Be as accurate as possible, and be patient. A fad diet will not do it. If you don't understand how weight loss works, you will gain all the weight back.
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To emphasise the point - people that exercise get to eat more calories... It is like the other side of the balance. Eating more calories than you burn makes you gain weight - eating less calories than you burn makes you lose weight. If you do no exercise - you automatically get to eat less before you start gaining weight.

Always weigh yourself first thing in the morning.

Believe me - you have come to the place where people weigh themselves in an obsessive manner.

When you get on the scales - you are not just weighing your fat. You are weighing all of you.

It is perfectly normal for the scale to vary by a lot of weight as the day goes on.

That includes things like the food that you have eaten and drank during the day. You carry your food shopping home in a bag and KNOW that it isnt weight-free. You cook it and put it on your plate - it still has that weight. You stick it in your mouth and swallow it - that weight has not magically disapppeared... Your body is processing it.
You jump on the scales - it is getting weighed along side you.

You need to allow time for your body to process it and you go to the toilet to get rid of the body's waste products... Then when you get on the scales you are not being weighed with it.

Weight fluctuates for all sorts of reasons. If you are going to be obsessive about weighing you need to understand that.

One of the reasons for weight increase is water retention. We retain water for all sorts of reasons:

- If we do not drink enough water - our bodies assume there is a drought and holds onto the water it has so that your kidneys can keep on working - so you retain water... Make sure you have at least 2.3 litres of water a day at your weight to try to counteract this.

- If you have too much sodium (i.e. salt) on your food or in your food you retain water. If seeing that rise worries you - then the best thing is to watch what sodium is in your food in a fairly accurate way (just like with calories) and control your behaviour. We are not just talking about the salt you sprinkle on your food here or put in the cooking - I havent done any of that in years... I check my sodium by logging my food into a free account from - but there are other tools which do the same thing. Basically you log every item of food and drink and it tells you not only the calories but the nutritional data - so you know how much protein, fibre, sodium, calcium, healthy fat, unhealthy fat etc... Keep your sodium to less than 2.3g. If it goes higher - you can expect a gain - and basically drinking extra water is the best way of bringing that down.

Women also retain water around the time of their period. You just need to accept this as there is nothing you can do about it... Simply expect it to happen and do not get freaked by it.

I remember during my big project complaining to my friends that I had to get all my weight loss done during less than 3 weeks every month - because every month it took me about 10 or 12 days to get back to the low weight that I had before I started to gain as my body bloated before my period... You need to understand your own body in this - as everyone is slightly different in how this goes...

The good news is that it is just water and the hard work that you do during that bloated period time is still burning fat - just you do not see it at the scales... When the bloating goes down your weight will go down reflecting your new less fat body...

The other good news is that if you exercise during that time - you actually burn more calories if you exercise during your period than when you do the same amount of exercise when you do not have a period - so you get a bigger reward for your effort. Add in the fact that many women find that some exercise can actually ease stomach cramps - and it means that it is a really good idea.

The bottom line here is
- weigh in the morning after you have been to the toilet.
- drink your water
- count your sodium and stick to under 2.3g
- exercise helps and you do not need to join a gym - even going out walking helps - pedometers are cheap - get one and let it challenge you to walk a lot
- do not get spooked by the scale - stay being good
okay thnx for all the info, u actually didnt have to write that much but i apreciate and ill try to remember all that..

im deff not ok with all of this ofc..

i ate only like 700 cal today (counted on myfitnesspal) and wtf site still says ill loose ONLY ~11 lbs in 5 WEEKS?? (if i eat like that in every day)

hey omfg so good you tell that!! ill deff not gonna risk with my awasome weave, so ill ditch the tomato/cabbage diet but i found something better, it sounds legit and it says ur body wont gain weigh for 2 yrs!! or so

basically calories and sodium and sugar is what makes u fat..
(it doesnt make no sense to me thogh, its like u eat this stuff n from that body decides to generates fat? but fat as a food somehow is digested just fine? it makes absolutely no sense to me..)

so i think ill try to do that diet n then be healthy for awhile n so, it should do the trick..ill see what i can do about exersise also..

i rly have no idea about exersise though bcs we have rly thin walls at home so..the meaning less walking is rly boring too, idk where to go cos whenever i went somewhere i expected to get something to eat there lol, now idk what to do fe in mal at all. :/ lol pedometers.. does they detect pedobears in area for safer walk or something? nways i dont need this stuff..i dont have time for such endless walking either..

just weighed..72 kg stilllll ><

ill change something..
When I was young I tried all sorts of diets like that and they never really got me anywhere... I tended to lose a little weight and feel really deprived - then gain it all and more at the end as I was not going to keep on eating like that...

I dont have time to work out how many calories in all that - but it looks pretty low to me... I wouldnt fancy eating like that.

The problem is that if you cut your calories too low - your body adapts almost like there is some sort of famine... The metabolism slows down and you burn less calories... A lot of people find themselves stuck in a position where they have to eat fairly low calories just to stay the same weight...

Loads of people here have followed the advice that we are giving and lost a whole ton of weight - often losing more than you weigh!!!

Feel free to try a diet sheet like you have found and see where it gets you. I would certainly expect to lose some weight with it - as it looks pretty low calorie - so you should drop a pound of fat for every 3,500 calories deficit plus of course a bit of water weight as it is probably set up to be fairly low sodium and maybe a reduction in food weight inside your body because of the small amount of food you are actually eating... If you do drop all the weight that they promise - then you will be happy. If you dont - you may be more open-minded about the advice that you have found here...

Exercise is well worth you doing. I wear a pedometer clipped to my waistband and it counts how many steps I have walked so far today. I walk for some of my steps and actually dance for a lot of them... Good music tends to make me want to dance so that works out for me... You just have to be open-minded about exercise and know how much it will help you and I am sure that you will find something that you enjoy.
The problem is that if you cut your calories too low - your body adapts almost like there is some sort of famine... The metabolism slows down and you burn less calories... A lot of people find themselves stuck in a position where they have to eat fairly low calories just to stay the same weight...

i just cant believe dont eat but you still wont loose it just yet! thats just...............
anyway whos to say it wont adapt again? if i increase calories too? o_o

damnn if i had cash id just liposuck all that shit away and keep eating normaly!!
yesterday i increased calories to 900 so it wont go into that fuking starve move for wtv reason....i gained fuking weight immediately!!!

6 days...6 DAYS!!! to absolute waste!!!! not a single lbs is gone!! small portions, low cal, healthiest cleanest food, everything!!

i just cant..theres noway ill live as a fatty, thats just not who i am! ill just fuking die..

idk wtf to eat!!! >_______<
Remember that weight changes for different reasons. Water retention (specially in women) can be a problem and mask fat loss. Things like sodium, carb intake, hormones (cortisol and such) all contribute to that.

When counting calories, you ideally want to weigh your food (on a food scale), not estimate amounts.

Now, what you really need to ask yourself, is; is eating 900 calories a day sustainable? Can you comfortably stay with this amount without cheating / binging/ feeling bad ?

Also, what will you do once you reach your goal weight? You can NOT go back to eating the same way that got you here in the first place. Will you eat 900 calories forever?

damnn if i had cash id just liposuck all that shit away and keep eating normaly!

You would fail if you do this. You can not ever do this. There is not such thing as eating normally. Eating 'normally' for one person could be eating 1500 calories a day, and for another that could mean 3500 a day. The borderline is; you need to adjust how much YOU are eating to how many calories YOU can consume.

Believe me, even at 900 calories per day; it will take some time. There is no other way around it. For each pound you want to lose, you need to create a 3500 calorie deficit, and that takes time.

If you're still growing, eating 900 calories per day is not a good idea. Specially if you plan to do it indefinitely and don't know what you'll do once you reach your goal weight.

You should be eating more, or at least come up with a good plan if you want to do 900 calories per day. The latter one means that you should be making sure you get all nutrients you need, essential fatty acids (this, in most cases means supplementation), and that you have and schedule some days when you will do higher calories. This also means you should know EXACTLY what you will do once you finish, because if you don't you will have wasted your time.

If you really want to do low-calorie, why don't you at least try a cyclical diet? Consume 900 calories one day > 1200 the next and > 1500 the next. Then you go back to 900 and repeat. IMO, your health would be best suited that way, instead of staying on 900 calories / day and not knowing what to do next.

What you need to accept is; it is not going to happen overnight. Once you realize and accept that, you will have a lot more choices and it will be easier to stick to a plan you choose.
counting calories are becoming drag...

nothings fuking going off at all......

im starting to get hungry...

as soon as i cut my calories to 321, i finally got off 1 kilo (2.2 lbs). next day after that i ate 930 calories but still stayed the same weight surprisingly...

next day however i ate 344 cal only but somehow freaking gained 0.5 kg back! so..ITS DEFF NOT JUST ABOUT CALORIES!! i ate a bit more of humoss, after all those leafs that stuff is just heavenly. i also had superstraining exersise that day. ~3 km of very fast walking. i was so supertired all the rest of the day i could only sleep after everything. and none of that exersise felt healthy at all btw, just saying..

today 344 cal again but practically no fat whatsoever and no change in weight anyway..

also its exactly A MONTH from when ive been eating whatever i could get my hands on. a month of eating as less as possible, healthiest food u can get and result is just schockingly low, i thought such dramatic eating habbits change will make me shed kgs away but can you imagine...6.5kg ? (14.3 lbs)
there is sooo much more to go still...

i wont stop now but my dreams of getting normal body are really dieing right now, i have retarded slug fatass metabolism for life probably and there will never be rest about food ever if ill want to stay just ok, its just so depressing..

tomorrow ill start this exersise

its said it increases your metabolism for next 36 h


after 3 days theres gonna be traditional festivity in our country and noway im gonna be counting no fuking calories. ill try to eat healthy but yeah that day im totally soon as its over ill be doing that diet i posted before and then after that will see..

i really dont think im still growing...i hope at least but ill try eating low cal and healthy as long as possible anyway..ill look into that stupid water retention but seriously as soon as u gonna cover those aspects along with leptins there 100% gonna appear next shit..

so yea thnx for all the advice and info, im done with this thread. conclusion: loosing fat is tooo damn hard and complicated!!
Well, I cannot convince you so it's pointless to keep trying.

Your weight is determined by energy balance. That is measured on calories. If does not matter if somebody does a lot of exercise, if there is no negative balance, you don't lose weight.

i really dont think im still growing..

Unless you are 21 years old, you are still growing.

Your weight is gonna fluctuate, it doesn't not mean you gained weight. You cannot gain weight on 300 Kcal.

also its exactly A MONTH from when ive been eating whatever i could get my hands on. a month of eating as less as possible, healthiest food u can get and result is just schockingly low, i thought such dramatic eating habbits change will make me shed kgs away but can you imagine...6.5kg ? (14.3 lbs)

Most people are considered lucky if they can keep a loss of 2 lbs / week. And that is the lucky ones. Some don't even make it to that, and have to conform with 1 lb / week. That is 8 or 4 lbs a Month.

As I said, you cannot simply lose weight that fast, because you cannot create the deficit you need that fast. Every pound means a 3500 Kcal deficit.

All diets work through caloric restriction. Each one of them. Even the ones that try to convince you otherwise. If you don't understand that (how energy balance works) you will never achieve permanent weight loss. It's not your 'metabolism'.

Just try not to hurt your health and be caught once again gaining the weight back if you go ahead. That's all I have to say.
are you fuking kidding me? whole 3 months for mere 10 kilos? i dont think you even need any pills for that..

idk who has time and patience for all of this lol.

yes i overated before but i was mad depressed and certain pills for other disorders were in effect. so u kind of didnt have options there you know? but now im ready for getting back in body. ill do wtv it takes but the fat needs to be gone really soon? all this month and i already feel like i wasted time...

i dont have time for this shit?

if anyone wants to know abt that diet i posted before. 2nd day of it atm. damn the 400g spinach meal was hell. felt like i was doing a dare. srsly hard to keep that shit in. i feel like ive eaten spinach for all life now..
other than that no prob to do it so far.

im pretty sure scientist could develop pills that could proper get u rid of fat but lets get real here, like anyones gonna sell u that :]
day 3 of

having headache from time to time (some others have reported this too),

practically no energy so no exercises atm (they say u dont even need exercise on this diet and 1 guy lost 14kgs that way!)

wanna sleep alot

not a single gram have been lost! (when it should be ~2kg by now)

will keep going tho

i think i dont have a metabolism..

Just remember that a lot of the weight these people lose is water weight.

On a diet such as that you lose water, glycogen, and you also weight less simply because the sheer volume of food you're consuming is dramatically reduced.

And, by the way, the gain all that weight (water, glycogen and food) right back once they start eating normally.

They also lose muscle mass.

I still think you would be best suited by counting calories. All diets (even the ones that want to make you think otherwise) work that way.

Judging by the look if it, that diet would be around 600 - 1000 calories. It's not the specific foods on that diet that make it 'work', it's the total of calories. Anybody is gonna lose weight on 500 - 1000 Kcal / day.

Just make sure you understand that; it's not the specific food, its the calories.

Also, I've already told you. You only want to lose fat. And a kilo of fat requires a deficit of 7700 Kcal. You cannot do it fast simply because you cannot create said deficit that fast. You can lose a lot of weight fast, but if what you lose is not fat, you will still look as bad (or even worse!) than you did before.

We would all love to be able to lose weight (Fat!) fast, but there is just no other way around it! It's gonna take some time whether you like it or not. We did not make these rules, but there is nothing else we can do.