Health, Fitness, Penis Size and Firmness

OKay Kraken......that rhye s@cked:

Grasp your ears firmly and pull; you might just be able to remove your head from your ASS and add a MASS OF RHYMING CLASS at lassst, instead of so much GAS.


Best wishes


your style is crass
anything but class
sounds like passing gas
smells like ass, trash and old grass
hahaha ;)

Quit Braggin Kitty Kat...

You don't see me starting a thread about breast size and firmness, now do you ....
For Kraken

Chillen SAID:

Not all men are annoying. Some are DEAD.
If I wanted any Sh@T, I would squeeze your HEAD.
All your "unmotivated" spirits FLED.:)
But........the dang crap sure did SPREAD!........

Get out the mops!!!!!!!


Best wishes,

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For Kraken

Chillen SAID:

Not all men are annoying. Some are DEAD.
If I wanted any Sh@T, I would squeeze your HEAD.
All your "unmotivated" spirits FLED.:)
But........the dang crap sure did SPREAD!........

Get out the mops!!!!!!!


Best wishes,


:eek: good god chrsit what are we gunna do with you..... weirdo! hahahaa
For Kraken

Chillen SAID:

Not all men are annoying. Some are DEAD.
If I wanted any Sh@T, I would squeeze your HEAD.
All your "unmotivated" spirits FLED.:)
But........the dang crap sure did SPREAD!........

Get out the mops!!!!!!!


Best wishes,


interesting pile of sh!t
to you this is a hit
but your words do not fit
you need to submit and admit
that Kraken is it
so go commit
to a home for the mentally unfit
the straightjacket will fit
so will the helmet
For Kraken:

I'm not your type. I'm not INFLATABLE
My man hood is DEBATABLE

Man who stick foot in mouth get athlete's TONGUE
This is how I get rid of the personal DUNG.

Kraken's consciousness: that annoying time between NAPS
when he FLAPS his TRAP with what he think are RAPS.

TRAP THIS FLAP!............NOW!!!!!!!!---------------------->:)

Get out the mouth locks!!!!!


Best wishes,

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I did always figure her name was a play on I, Robot.

Which is why I was very confused when we first encountered each other and she went all feminazi gladiator on my ass. :rofl:

P.S. looooool @ second puberty. :luxlove:

It seemed like the right thing to do at the time. And I know you liked it ;)
Have you lost any fat round your waist? That'll make more of the penis visible. Firmness could just be through better circulation from exercise though

But, I_Love_Muscle, seriously, the penis being a muscle? WTF were you thinking? :rofl:

Obvoiusly I wasn't thinking. I lost my mind after reading Focus' post about his penis getting bigger. I only have so much blood to fill my parts, too. And the brain does suffer ...

Assuming I even have one after hearing the word "Penis" ...
Just giving Focus a little jocularity ;)

Besides, after my initial argument (albeit tongue in cheek), this latest diversion tactic was the best I could come up with ...

Seems to have worked out quite well :)
oh it just got a bit ghey in here