Sport Haven't had a soda in 3 months

Sport Fitness
I haven't had a soda, or anything other than milk/water/white tea, for about 3 months now. Kudos to me, if anyone cares :(

Congrats OP! I've been lucky enough not to be addicted to it, I can't say that about coffee though :(

3 months!
Wow, you probably last had a soda about the same time I last got laid :bncry:


Haven't had a soda in 3 months
I really AM impressed, NoU! Because I get dry mounth nonstop from the meds I have to take, I am contantly sipping on anything I can find. I used to drink 5-6 cans/day but now have it down to ONE a day, and thought I was doing well w/ it! My goal is to get down to one a week or even less, then do like you are doing. I am sipping on water as I write this.

Although my doctor doen't agree with me because he thinks it is hereditary, I think developing high tryglycerides, then pancreatitis from the ERCP, a simple proceedure that pancreatitis can be a side effect from, was possibly caused by drinking all that soda pop. BAD me!:beer2:

FYI, soda w/ artifical sweetners can be as bad or worse as soda w/ the sugar. There are people developing MS-like symptoms that won't go away when they stop using the artifical sweeteners. (I already have too many MS-like symptoms & have been tested for it several times) Also, the sweetners trick your body into thinking it has the sugar, thus messing up your taste buds for other things & messing up your other levels. Please see all the other posts here & other places about them. (I know, some people swear by them too, so it's up to you if you want to possibly get MS symptoms, among other things.)
Well done matey. I used to drink like upto 2Litres of pepsi max a day now I hardly have it :) Feel so much better but I cant talk. Ive just eaten tea and feel ill as ive eaten tomuch :( grrr. I hardly ever do that.
Unfortunately, I can't say the same thing. I always have Coke Classic in the fridge in case I'm feeling hypo. It's the only thing that brings my sugar levels up fast enough to stop me from bonking.
I consider myself soda-free because of the fact that I only take a few sips when I do, and that is rarely. I'm going on about 3 months or so I believe. I used to have nearly 3 Mountain Dew: Code Reds per day during the spring.
So what would be better to have when I go out for supper, a coke, or a pint of beer?


Maybe someday, some will realize that the diet is the KING of all drugs. And, the quality and the quantity of the ingredients of the KING of drugs will either optimize one's fitness results or provide suboptimal results.

Do not dig your fitness grave with your teeth.

Get on the King of drugs today.

Rock-Out! With Diet education.



Best regards,

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Haven't had regular soda in months. But I do drink diet soda though- I don't really see anything wrong with it. (except aspertame but what the hell)

I make sure whatever diet soda I drink though is caffine free- any small trace of caffine will keep me up all night.
I recently had a soda for the 1st time in MONTHS. I've been drinking nothing but water, Powerade, juice and these:

Simply because we have a water dispenser at our shop and the rep gave us a ton of those things to give to people to try.

A rep decided to bring us Hooters and buy the shop lunch and brought Pepsi. Without thinking about it, I drank it and was absolutely SHOCKED at how sweet soda is. I almost forgot how it tasted. I felt like "Frank the Tank" when I sipped it "it's so good when it hits my lips!!!!", lol. But, I haven't drank another soda since...
I havent had a soda in over five years, beer on the other hand...yeah nevermind!