Weight-Loss Halloween Challange:Week 3 Bonus

This one is going to be tough! It will be cool to see the weigt lost at the end of the week though.:pumpkin:
Yikessssss!!!!!!!! I totally forgot untill late last night..I have a doctors appt. on Tuesday. If I do not weigh at home and ask the nurse not to tell me????

Obviously thats something you have to do so doesn't count the challange is basically for obsesstion of weighing in everyday and sometimes 3+ more times a day.GL @ docs office
I take it theres no exceptions?
Because I would be automatically out, my weight watchers meeting is on Thursday =(
Is that allowed ? It's really not in my control
wow, week 3 is going to be really hard for me............... im going to try, its going to be tough
Ok to clears things up if it isn't in your CONTROL then it won't be held against you,so meetings,doc appointments things along those line are OK but No grabbing the scale out yourself and hopping on it,pretty simple as that.
CURNACO you will do just fine!GL everyone Tammy
Boy I can just see myself in the morning standing there looking bewildered... what the hell will I do when I get out of the shower and I can't jump on scale???? Maybe I'll put extra moisturizer on?? Or maybe do my hair lol.
Ok, first day at this. I took out the scale, and I almost stepped on, when realized, oh. no!!!
So I ran and I made myself a hot cup of tea and drank half of it, now I am not as tempted, since I know there is already something in my stomach and it would make the number unreliable anyway...Pheew it was close.... tomorrow is another day....
Ok, first day at this. I took out the scale, and I almost stepped on, when realized, oh. no!!!
So I ran and I made myself a hot cup of tea and drank half of it, now I am not as tempted, since I know there is already something in my stomach and it would make the number unreliable anyway...Pheew it was close.... tomorrow is another day....

Getting something in your stomach was a great way to not wanna weigh.
Hubby and I took a night away from the kids last night and stayed at a hotel..so I had no scales there. Thank goodness.
It really is tough but eating something helps and just thinking that whether you weigh yourself or not isn't going to change your weight because for me weighing myself lets me feel like I have more control over the weightloss process. The challenge is a bit scary because it really makes you realize what a big part in our life the scale has become!
Ok, just so I am understanding this correctly:
We are going to receive 7 points for not weighing in this week, but it only means 6 * right? Since we had to weigh in for Sat. and we will have to weigh next SAt. it gives us only 6 days of not looking at our scale.
Tammy, please correct me if I am wrong, this week's challenge : 6 * means 7points (max).