Gym Rant

It makes perfect sense Nobody. Your l33tness just doesn't reach the 5th dimension yet so you can't comprehend what they are saying without your head imploding. Sorry.

LYF = the tard pwnz'er FTW
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: D
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: D

Translation= Excuse my anger. It stems from my confusion as to why I continue to have excessive homoerotic fantasies.

And then he breaks into some tirade about dancing with elves and feeling sexy when wearing silk.
Translation= Excuse my anger. It stems from my confusion as to why I continue to have excessive homoerotic fantasies.

And then he breaks into some tirade about dancing with elves and feeling sexy when wearing silk.

Excessive homoerotic fantasies?

Paly, better fantasizing than living out my fantasies. I'm not the one getting off from waxing Mreiks back.
Aloha & Howzit!


A very long time ago, one of my teachers taught me that it is a waste of energy and time to try and firgure out the way people think and act.
What is most important - how it is I understand the way I think to be when the environment is not "right". In this case it is the fitness/workout facility.
I was fortunte to have a teacher who shared this insight with me and that because of this it helped me step into any gym/fitness facility and do my own thing and leave feel right about it.
I wish to share this we you -
an exercise program should be created to conform into a system that will suit the person (the exerciser) rather than modifying the person to suit the style.
Follow me?
An other way at seeing this is offered -
While others are concerned with changing the environment to suit society, the sensible one is concern with observing and educating his or her self to suit the enviroment. "Going with the flow but still in control/navagating..."
This is the true sense of "survival-of-the-fitness."
I always share with people the insights and teachings that I had experienced so they can fulfil their commitment to their exercise/fitness workouts.
One health and fitness fundamental is to always "stay on purpose by being the purpose". Understand why you are there to make what and how fall into place. It helps to build and secure your foundation.

We can all walk through a forest and see the tress but how many of us can truly see the wood/substance inside?
Remember please- the same God that made you made the person next to you.

As you breathe a new breath for better health, see with new eyes for a healthier soul.

GOOD Health To You & ALOHA for now
mikey q.
They give looks because most guys wonder what a woman is doing in the weight section and not on the eliptical.

Plus in my gym you'd be in the way of the curlers.
