Weight-Loss Group Five Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Run, why don't you start writing everything you eat here. If you have to write it all down, you will think twice when you decide what to go ahead and eat. If you want to have pizza it's okay. Just limit yourself to 1 slice and don't eat the extra crust. Get some water instead of soda and pretzels? Nope, can't justify those!!!! I would if I could because I sure love them!
Group Five....Drop Those Lbs!!!....You can do it!!!
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Not doing well here either. I think the 5lb plan made me feel anxious about eating. I'm just going to take a deep breath and relax.

Alright, today wasn't a good day either, so that's 3 bad days in a row.

Therefore I must change something, so, I'm planning my meals ahead of time.

I'll do that in my diary though.
Group Five......One more week to go........You can make it.......just get in your undies and shake it!!!!!......Come on girls....Im behind you!!!( no pun intended..lol)
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I'm BaaaAaaaaack......
Damn I had a busy weekend... AND NOT A GOOD DIET WEEKEND!

Kimberly, You're a wonderful cheerleader!

We gotta kick it up girls!

Ok, Tori, I hope your planning ahead helps you... I think it's your best bet!
Danita, hopefully you're doing well... Has no one heard from Vicki yet?

Well, I am going on a field trip today with my daughters class, so I dont have time to type, but I will try to get back later....

We have a week and a half left!
You totally have to put your minds into it... work your ass off until you feel faint! LOL
not really that much... but still put your all into it....

I know even though I had a bad weekend, I am still going to put my all in the rest of the week.

ok... no one has heard from Vicki...
per our rules and guidelines.... #5
5) after five days of no activity, (if you haven't let your team know you were going to be out), the group has the right to kick you off their team. This is important, b/c we are working as a group here - and if someone isn't pulling their weight then it's not fair to the rest. (if your group makes this decision, please let the entire club know by posting in this thread)..

SO VICKI~ I hope you're out there... Please check in by tomorrow or we will be forced to lose you! I really want you to make it wtih us! C'mon GIrl!
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Yesterday I stopped "overfocusing" on eating...and the day went better.

Even did 30 mins on the exercise bike. Wooo hoooo.


Vicki, sorry hun, but you are no longer in Group 5... maybe next time around....

So its up to Christina (thats me :))
and Tori (run4fun)
and Danita!

15 pounds is ALL we got to lose females! LETS KICK SOME BUTT!

I dont know about you all, but I plan on losing MORE than 5 pounds by the time this 2 week thing is up!

Danita, where you at hunny? I hope you're excercising and thats why you're not here! ;)
I hope you do, I think I'm in plateau mode.

But thats okay, and I'm going to try my hardest this next week. I don't care, I will make this budge, even if all I can do are sit-ups and stuff.

But... tomorrow is one of the days I'm scared of. School football game for band, I'm going to try to get through it.. but... not so sure.
I keep forgetting how young you are. I wish I was still in high school. I would LOVE to go back in time and change a few things.... hmmmm. oh well..
Just do what you can Tori!
Danita~ how are you doing hun? Hope all is well..

My knee hurts! argh! I fell yesterday and it didnt start hurting this bad until late last night... oh well.. .I have work to do so my knee will just have to put up with me!

so how are you girls doing? Have you been losing any weight? I noticed that another group is PM-ing each other with how well they are doing so far... Did you want ot do that too?
Hi ladies,

Sorry I've been absent. I have, uuummm, "visitors" in town and haven't been feeling so hot. (lol).

You two are sooo cute...so motivated.

I'm still in this race....

Mary! Thats so cute! Thanks hun!

GROUP 5.... We've gotta put pourselves in full workout mode... Full diet mode...
NOW! WE have 4 days left! THATs IT!
Tori? Danita? how are you girls? I am not doing well.... at all! oh well.... you win some you lose some... We still have 3 days left! Are you ladies still in? PM me if you want or in my diary or here.....
Let Me Know!
on crutches for one more week they said, then I can start walking on it for school for a week, then possibly more crutch time afterwards
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