I'm BaaaAaaaaack......
Damn I had a busy weekend... AND NOT A GOOD DIET WEEKEND!
Kimberly, You're a wonderful cheerleader!
We gotta kick it up girls!
Ok, Tori, I hope your planning ahead helps you... I think it's your best bet!
Danita, hopefully you're doing well... Has no one heard from Vicki yet?
Well, I am going on a field trip today with my daughters class, so I dont have time to type, but I will try to get back later....
We have a week and a half left!
You totally have to put your minds into it... work your ass off until you feel faint! LOL
not really that much... but still put your all into it....
I know even though I had a bad weekend, I am still going to put my all in the rest of the week.
ok... no one has heard from Vicki...
per our rules and guidelines.... #5
5) after five days of no activity, (if you haven't let your team know you were going to be out), the group has the right to kick you off their team. This is important, b/c we are working as a group here - and if someone isn't pulling their weight then it's not fair to the rest. (if your group makes this decision, please let the entire club know by posting in this thread)..
SO VICKI~ I hope you're out there... Please check in by tomorrow or we will be forced to lose you! I really want you to make it wtih us! C'mon GIrl!