Hi Gals, MissJelly checking in on Wednesday morning. I have to run to take a midterm in a bit, just wanted to say everythings a go! I'm seeing really good results.
NewBride- I don't know JenJen, but I think we should give her another day or so. Maybe her computer is broken? Do we have to kick her off so soon? I say if we don't hear anything by Friday then we can vote her out. I hope she's ok, it doesn't make sense to sign up to be in a group and then no show.
WW- I didn't realize you had 3 kids. Go girl! Sorry you tore up the tire. Accidents happen, what can you do? Maybe you can get it covered in your insurance, tell them that you had a curb run across the road and cut you off. hehe
MissR~ How are you feeling? Any better? I hope so.
Anyhow, more later ladies! Let's do this.