Weight-Loss Group 1 Support!!!

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I am doing really well today! =) I'm not sure what the plan is for dinner yet... I have to think about that one... and I need to find time to work out tonight, but I have so much school work to do.

Girls - I need to find a way to get up earlier, b/c if I don't, I can't get my exercise in!!! I set my alarm for two hours before I had to leave (I need about an hour to shower, get dressed, eat, pack, etc.) but I didn't GET OUT OF BED! so my running didn't get done... DOH! and it is too dark when I get off of work to go out running... MAYBE if I get some reading done I can head to the gym and do some weight-lifting... I need to call my friend and see if he will go with me.

WISH ME LUCK!!!! and Keep PUSHING me!
holy cow... one of the other groups has more posts in their group thread than we do.. you know what that means? we aren't encouraging one another enough!!!

Jennylynn... how is it coming babe? It's harder to check up on you b/c you don't have a diary, but we are thinking of you!!!

JenJen... are you doing okay? keep it up honey, remember you are doing this for yourself, to give yourself more confidence... and you are doing awesome! stick with it!

Julie... oh darling... how are those four kids of yours? I'm sure they run you ragged, but post here so we can here about it! =) don't get too down on yourself for a slipup, just get up and start again the next day

Christina... oh girl... if i'm the "team coach" you are DEFINATELY the cheerleader!!!! keep up your amazing work, you are completely worth it!
GREAT DINNER JENNYLYNN! water? exercise?

Glad you were able to exercise last night Katie... hope you make it to the gym with your friend!

hopefully JenJen and Julie, you two are doing good too!?!

CHEERLEADER!!!!! WHoa! I always hated them! And after highschool I always wish I was one! I FInally get to be a cheerleader! LOL

Group one's number one!
Group one's number one!

high kick! cartwheel, splits! (cant do any of those.... but I'm not really a C.L.!)lol
you hear that girls.. the competition is encouraging us.. laughing right in our faces!!!

that's it... time to step it up and show THEM who will be laughing !!!!

I agree! Everybody in Group 1 GET UP AND GET MOVING!!! I am not feeling to well today so I am going to skip exercise I think. I hate when you get that sinus crap and it makes your stomach feel all funky and your head hurt. The cough doesn't help matters either. So, needless to say, I am not hungry at all but I am going to make myself eat so my metabolism doesn't stop. Not sure if I can do the water today though. Just the thought of it makes me gag! I am going to try to get as much water in as I can.

How is everyone doing today?
Hey guys! I feel like a cheerleader because I'm going from group to group thanking ya'll for being such a great combination of people helping out and I want to cheer ya'll on! This is so awesome, I feel corny saying it, but coming online in the morning and reading the posts gets me feeling confident that today's going to be okay and I'll be able to do this - fight this battle - and win!

5 lbs and working on it!!! It's Thursday woohoo and ya'll still have another week to go. Amazing! Way to go guys
Well if you look - it's my name backwards: romanovictoria... RomanoVictoria ... Victoria Romano.

So how's the day going for everyone so far?
I'm doing AWESOME victoria =) thanks for asking!!! and Thanks for cheering us on!!!

Jennylynn.. I hope you feel better babe!
Ahhhh I have an appointment today after work so that I won't have time until LATE to get some cardio in. I'll be done anywhere from 630 to 1030, hopefully, it'll end early and I wont' have to worry. Now if it does end late, I don't get cardio in because I have to go to sleep at a somewhat normal hour before waking @ 5am, should I do a good walking session during my lunch hour? I have a whole hour to be gone and it takes me no time to eat. I can eat at my desk if need be.

Problem is, I don't want to get sweaty during lunch because I dont have clothes to change into. I sweat easily and it's HOT today.

Ideas? Motivation?

Okay appointment was canceled. No worries. Now I have called two friends to work out with after work :)!!
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OMG Group One...... I am doing way better than I ever thought I could..... Please, I hope you all are trying your hardest! We are exactly half way there..... Let's do this thing guys! DON'T LET ME DOWN!!! I know you girls can do it.... If I can do it, anyone can..... FOR SURE!
Christina... I will do EVERYTHING in my power to NOT let you down this week!!! I'm not going out for extra drinks, I'm gonna get my exercise in, and I"m going to take care of my body...

And we are GOING to WIN this thing =) Whee!!!

Are the rest of you ladies with us?!?!
girls... i'm really not looking forward to this dinner I have to go to tonight, b/c i have NO idea what kind of food they will have there... and I'm also going to a football game tomorrow (Vandy is 4-0!) but we are having a pre-party and then I'm worried about all the snacks at the game...

PLEASE help me have the willpower to say NO! and to plan appropriately!!!

I think I just need to tell myself that I can't afford to eat at the game all that greasy fatty food... Or maybe I should limit myself to one hot dog... I DON't KNOW! someone help! =(
I've been neglecting my group :(

Sorry everyone... Been busy. I haven't weighed myself since Tuesday, but as of Tuesday NO CHANGE. I'm so sorry. I still have time to do my best, it's just the will power to do it.
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