Gripe Session

Wow I need this today. I hate my pu**y boss, I hate my job right now, and I hate talking to whiny patients on the phone. Patients -- go screw. I think it's safe to say today I just hate people period.
I think it's safe to say today I just hate people period.

do sit by me please :D

What pisses me off are parents who do not discipline/manage their kids and allow them to run wild.

Then said parents wonder why said kids fail their classes or get in trouble with the teachers....and then said parents blame the teachers instead of their little homicidal maniacal children.



Oh, I hear you there! People often ask me why my H and I don't become teachers here in the US (we both taught overseas). That is the very reason. Bc too many parents these days feel that their children shouldn't have to accept responsibility for anything--and the teacher is always at fault. No

And I cannot seem to go to a restaurant that doesn't have either a crying baby or obnoxious toddler running around. No, I don't think your child shouting and running wild is cute. Also, it is dangerous to let your children run amok in a restaurant. Helloooo....people are carrying hot food and beverages that could burn or hurt your child should a collision occur.

And then there are the parents who sit in the smoking section of the restaurant puffing away while their kids get to inhale craploads of second hand smoke. I'm sure their house is no different. Brilliant. I really do think that you should have to pass an interview before you're allowed to have
Here's a another pet peeve of mine: Americans who travel overseas and behave like arrogant neanderthals. No, things are not going to be just like they are in America, and if you want them to be, then you should stay in America. And no, they probably don't take U.S. dollars, and don't ask, "How much is that in REAL money?" And don't assume or expect everyone to speak English, and get annoyed when they don't. Grrr...:flame:

I would love it if an in-person interview were required before receiving one's first passport. And I would love to have the job of interviewing them..lmao. :rotflmao:
Here's a another pet peeve of mine: Americans who travel overseas and behave like arrogant neanderthals. No, things are not going to be just like they are in America, and if you want them to be, then you should stay in America. And no, they probably don't take U.S. dollars, and don't ask, "How much is that in REAL money?" And don't assume or expect everyone to speak English, and get annoyed when they don't. Grrr...:flame:

I would love it if an in-person interview were required before receiving one's first passport. And I would love to have the job of interviewing them..lmao. :rotflmao:
those neanderthals exist from every country...

my pet peeve for the day -

terms of endearment - unless I am dear to you - terms of endearment are highly inappropriate, annoying and wel borderline offensive - I am not your honey, babe, dear, sweetie, whatever - I have a name - learn it - know it - use it... and unless you've seen me naked - that's the name I choose to be called...
It's 6:15am
You're on public transportation.
Is it really necessary to YELL into your cell phone and have an overly personal phone call at full volume...
Indoor voices exist for a reason - to discuss personal things in public

Trust m e when I say -I could live the rest of my life without knowing that the things that you discussed on the phone this morning actually exist...

Indoor voices please... a little decorum...q
You have to watch this haha

those neanderthals exist from every country...
That is true. However, America seems to have more than its fair share. And I'm American, so I can say this..:cool:

my pet peeve for the day -

terms of endearment - unless I am dear to you - terms of endearment are highly inappropriate, annoying and wel borderline offensive - I am not your honey, babe, dear, sweetie, whatever - I have a name - learn it - know it - use it... and unless you've seen me naked - that's the name I choose to be called...

I don't like it when some guy I don't really know calls me hon, etc. But I do love it when older women call me love. I think it's cute.
oooh I haven't griped in quite some time...

people who think the gym is a hook-up joint...

I'm near the front desk the night before last... working hard doing my thing - when a song change comes up on my Ipod- so I can actually hear what's around me... And I can hear a guy - aroound my ageish - asking the front desk person if the women here look like -- points in my general direction (and I was the only one in my general direction)

the front desk person kinda looked quizzical and said excuse me? He asks again - do the women members look like - points again in my general direction or are they hot... the front desk person kinda rolled their eyes and asked what their expectations of the club were... (i turned up the volume and shook my head)

Wow - Ok then -so I know I'm wearing a tshirt, track pants and my hair is pulled back -and I am fully aware of what I look like -but christ almighty -when did having members who look like me become a detraction to a gym?

I'm hating lots of people at the gym these days too. My gym is such a blatant meat market it is ridiculous. Some of the people who go to my gym seriously give me dirty or confused look because I show up there without some product in my hair, or I'm wearing an old t-shirt that looks old. If I'm just going to get the hardcore flop sweat anyways, then why the hell would I care what I look like when I get to the fucking gym to begin with?
Well, Mal, that guy at the gym is clearly an ass, so I'm sure you don't give a shit what he thinks. Still, it certainly doesn't help the ego. Was he good looking? It's usually the balding morons with beerguts who say shit like that--perhaps to make themselves feel better.

This is one of the perks to my women-only gym. No one gives a shit what we look like while we're working out--and there are no fucktard males to make us feel bad about ourselves. :D
hmm... I could go on and on. I still am in high school...

Teachers who have little disipline for bad/rude students

The students who have NO respect for their teachers.

Little assholes that are so much living in their own effing world that they don't see the big picture of the fact that just because they're "popular" doesn't mean that they own the school.

I hate cliques

I hate people

I hate boys in general. All they want in a girl is someone who will giggle, pretend to be /is weak, and a complete bimbo. None of them want a girl who has a brain, and less looks.... @Q#($*@#)($*@#(%*&@)($....ugh. And people wonder why I don't date?

Oh, and I hate people who think they know EVERYTHING. There is this one girl at the rescue where I work at. One, she's OCD, so I give her some leeway. But, she still tries to be miss tattletale when something isn't to her standards. For example, she whined to Vel about it not being safe to jump the horses when Vel wasn't around... ok, we understand that, and can even deal when she sees someone doing it (even though this person has permission to do it if there is someone else around) but then the fact that she goes and does it herself.... GRRR... AND the fact that she doesn't seem to understand that the rules are for EVERYONE. another example is when Vel was giving a lesson in the arena, and the rule is NO ONE can ride when she's giving a lesson. It doesn't help that she gives off this kind of air that seems to scream, "i'm better than you, so stop trying"... So I mention to her (and others did too) that Vel said no riding in the arena with lessons... so what does she say?

"Well Vel didn't say that to me, so I'm going to ride anyway, and I'll find out when I get to the arena."

WTF??? just go ask! Stop interrupting someone else's lesson just because you think you're all that!!!!

Also, she has this anal-ness about halter colors.... if its not the way SHE wants it, she changes it. Even if someone bought their favorite horse that halter and it's brand new. She'll also switch halters if they don't match in color... without telling us, so it creates biiiiiig problems when we go to take in the horses and everything has changed. It really does piss me off, and she's been getting worse and worse, and her attitude stinks.

whew... that was a lot... and I still have more. ... but I'll save that for another time... :D
LOL good thread!

- I hate teenagers!

- People who don't put the cart in the cart corral (Like Amy said) espeically if it just happens to be facing the wrong way... Aww... That's too bad. Y'know, if there isn't room to get it through two monster SUV's blocking your way, they aren't that heavy you can just lift it up and put it in there!

- People who smoke around their kids, and people who smoke and throw the butts anywhere they want. People who smoke because they are stupid teenagers, and people that smoke while driving a stickshift. ... No offense to smokers... I don't mind if you started smoking back when they didn't know it was bad for you, or you're trying to quit!

- Any girl that acts like, has ever wanted to be on, or has been on 'girls gone wild' It seems like there are a ton of them nowdays!

- Penny pinchers. I know it's great to save your money, but the people that drive an extra 6 miles to get that extra 10 cents off that gallon of milk is bothersome. And then they complain about gas prices... lol

- People that don't use their turn signale! Do'h! Like Clive Owen said in 'shootem up' it takes such minimal effort to reach like half an inch to flick the thing!
Great idea. I want to preface by saying I have nothing to complain about, there are a lot of people wose off than me in this world. Now with that said....

This is going to sound mean, but I'm not trying to be so if I offend anyone, I'm sorry.

I have 2 friends who have lost their moms (one of these women was my godmother). It drives me nuts when they say "Don't take your mother for granted, you never know how long you'll have her."

Ummm...OK. First off, I don't take my mother for granted, and they know this. She's the only parent I have, and the one who raised me solo, so how the heck am I taking her for granted. It drives me bonkers! And with one of these women, she still has her dad, I don't. So when my mom does pass, I'll have ZERO parents. So go back under your rock.

OK, vent for the day.
hm ok my rant for the day...I was on the subway this morning (I live in NY quite possibly the rudest city on the planet) and I was looking down zoned out with my ipod on. I happen to look up and noticed a pregnant woman. I offered her my seat and she looked at me shocked. This happens all the time a very obviously pregnant woman will be on the subway and no one even thinks to give up their seat. I have yet to see a man ever offer. It's always other women who offer their seat. There was one day a guy beat out a pregnant woman to a seat so some other woman said something to him about how rude that was. His response "no one told her to get pregnant". Gotta love New York....
^^ Yup. I'm always getting up. When I was 9 months pg and there was one seat on the train, this man ran to the seat, almost knocking me down to get to it. Didn't flinch to see that my fat butt was waddling to the seat. Jerk.
LOL good thread!

- I hate teenagers!

People who smoke because they are stupid teenagers,

why the dislike of teenagers? I really can't stand stupid remarks like that... it's so annoying to be stereotyped for my age...

Yes, teens can be dumb, but come on, it takes experience to get smart most of the time.

Thats another thing I hate. people who make assumptions. its annoying when someone assumes something that is totally and completely not true, and usually offensive. I wish that people would think!

Oh, and the fact that people think that because you don't care for the things that "everyone" else cares about, and you can detach yourself from most things emotional, you don't have a heart... right. Just because I could care less about something that I think would be a waste of energy to spend my time worrying about, I don't have a heart and am a cruel person... *pulls hair out*

One of my "friends" told me that I don't have a heart while on the phone, and I came within an inch of hanging up on her...oooh... that made me mad. I just don't care about the same things that most people do... does that make me a bitch? No damnit! I'm just different! I'd rather spend my time at the barn with my horses than at the mall with you! So shoot me!
Xorie--I too am still a teenager! I have hated teenagers since I was a Freshman in high school. I don't hate ALL teenagers just the majority. I am also stereotyped for being a teenager and I don't like it either. I can't talk about anything serious/smart or they just assume I'm a know-it-all teenager. But that stereotype is from the majority!

I also agree with you about the mall thing... I really don't like going to the mall even with people I know. I prefer having alone time to read, ride my bike, etc. When I turn down people who want me to go to the mall or parties I wish they'd understand it's not THEM I'm turning down it's the situation!
sales people who don't give a shit about you unless you make it obvious your dropping serious dough in the first 5 mins of being there. HELLOOOOOOO I need help too, just like the people who are carrying expensive bags you jackasses.

people ignoring you when you walk past them at school. Hello, yes I saw you, I do recognize you. Would it kill you to use an extra calorie to wave back or even smile!?

People who don't use turn signals

People who don't go the speed limit IN THE LEFT LANE.

Ignorant people who think that just because some people are doing it, it's the "norm" or acceptable. What the hell is happening to society?

'female' mags. God I could go ON AND ON about this one. "Liberated woman in the work force!," followed by "How to lose 10lbs for summer!," and followed yet again by an article about the 4 places women are attacked: at home, at the mall, at school, in your car/parking lot.
Nightporter, I know where you're coming from just gets a little tiring with the whole "I'm an adult, and you're a teen, so therefore, I am right, and you are wrong. No matter what you say" crap. lol And I too dislike the majority of teens..(hate is too strong a word) I just take the moments of joy I get when one of them f****s up while doing something stupid. like the day they were racing in the school lot, hit the curbs, broke the side panel off, and then got caught by not one, but two cops! I couldn't stop laughing! lol. Or the day a cop pulled someone over while they were arriving at school... don't speed in a school zone!

lets see,

I hate car salesmen who only talk to the man... There's a smile, a polite wave for me, and then, *poof* suddenly it's like I don't exist anymore... wtf? I know more about cars than my dad does!!! *ripes hair out*

people in choir who think that they're "all that" then go and sing off key or slightly under the pitch right next to me...

people who swear at their animals

people who kick my seat during a movie

people in church who let their kids cry and scream without taking them to the back so the rest of us can actually hear the sermon...

"Cry the Beloved Country" ... I hate the format it's in...(the book)

oooh...and a big one from today in class... a couple of girls were going on and on talking only wanting to go out with "hot" guys cause they're the best, and then they started talking about people they didn't know, making rude remarks about looks, and body types... man... I was supremely pissed off. I basically jumped on them and told them to shut up. I've been on the receiving end so many times that I feel like I have to defend the people that are being made fun of.

oh...and how no one does their work at the rescue, so that i have to take time away from what I'm supposed to be doing (riding/working with Jessie to get her ready for lessons) to do their crap cause they're just doing a "fun ride"...oooh...makes me mad...
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UGHH.. Went to my sisters for a few days with my mom and stepdad. He had a golf tournament. We went to this little shopping duplex thing. I walk out and sit in the car while they are doing stuff, and as I pass by a vehicle I see a little baby in the car seat, and I look around to see if anyone was in the vehicle with the kid...... Nope.. I sat there for at least 10mins in the car before the people came out ( they were parked beside us) no telling how long that poor kid had been sitting in the car alone on top of the 10mins I saw myself. Not to mention the windows were not down, nothing at all. It was around 80 degrees or more outside.... what were these people thinking...

THEN - the same people mind you. My mom has gained a bit of weight and she has been feeling down, I am trying to help her but she doesn't listen to me because I am her daughter of course, and people can't change unless they really want to- but anyways, she open the door, and accidentally tapped theres. They had parked super close to us- she didn't even notice she had tapped the car door, noone did. So we start to drive off , and the guy gets out flags us down- and comes to my window. He says ( very rudely mind you ) " Did you see that BIG gash in the side of my door, you just hit my door.. and going on and on being an ass" .." I will need your insurance and license... " ........ I looked at him after I saw the scratch ( which was barely there- I mean it was hardly a gash and hardly visible..) "You leave your BABY in the car with noone else there, in the hot ass weather- but yet you are getting butt hurt over a little scratch barely visible, and that was accidentally put there?" That is ridiculous.. and you are retarded. " ... Now my sister is sooo bad when it comes to this stuff she was pissed , she flipped him off.. I mean seriously it could have been buffed out with toothpaste! My mom felt so bad though, I just wanted to cry for her. It was mothers day too.. Idiot.. seriously.. and not only did he just get the insurance information.. He didn't ask for a phone number or ANYTHING! He opened his wallet, and we saw his badge- of course he is a cop, like it was suppose to frighten me, people are just retarded. He just assumed we were from Mississippi I guess( my step dad has a MS license, and tag.) He never asked for a phone number or anything else..