I'm so pumped about this food I'm eating because it's delicious. It's chicken breast with spinach and mushrooms on whole wheat pasta, and then instead of sauce I just threw some diced tomatoes on there.
I didn't feel good this morning so I slept in and went to the gym just now. I had a great workout though, when I was doing cardio I felt so good I just kept going for another 15 minutes. As soon as I got in the car though hunger hit me like a brick to the face. My stomach was actually audibly growling. I don't think that's ever happened to me before. I was like, "shhh, body...just let me drive home and mama's gonna feed you real good."
Oh! And I was doing squats in the power cage next to this guy doing squats at the squat rack and he was doing like, a million pounds and grunting, and I was grunting too, but only doing 45 lbs, and I was like, he's gonna think I'm an idiot, but then I was like, well it doesn't matter, I'm working as hard as I can and that's what matters. But then we got done at the same time and he gave me sort of a "good job" nod, and I returned it. It was a cool moment.
Squats 3x10@45
Deads 3x10@55
Cardio: 30 min elliptical w/30 second sprints, 15 min steady pace