Ghosts/Paranormal--Believe? Don't believe? Stories?

Sylvia brown - and that other dude who thinks he talks to the dead too fascinate me - in a perverse sort of way -

and how good they are at reading people... and are able to tell people exactly what they want or need to hear at the time...
I think the name you're looking for is John Edward.
I really need to take a week or three off from work and watch daytime television -- my brain is getting soft :D
well, I kinda believe... and here are some stories.

One, the theater/drama building I perform at is an old converted church. It has what the drama kids like to call, "The Theater Ghost". at random times, though usually at important times, scripts, props, and costumes will disappear, only to be found right before they are needed. For example, I was the stage manager for a show called "Hollesaga". In this show, three wooden swords were needed. Right as I arrived, I did my check of everything, to make sure nothing was missing, costumes to props. Nothing was. Everything was there. Then, 10 minutes before the show goes up, Ananda, our props mistress comes to me frantic... the swords were gone. So, I interrogate EVERYONE. and trust me, they're afraid of me and wouldn't dare screw around on opening night... The overature is almost over when Ananda comes to tell me she found them. I ask where and she tells me that they were leaning in a corner... a corner I was postive I had checked twice...

The other time I was locking up the bathrooms downstairs...and this is WAY in the creepy basement around 11:30 (was going to use it too) and I heard footsteps above me... I stopped, and a few seconds later, the footsteps stopped... I started, they started... I stopped, they stopped... sooo... I rush through using the bathroom and cleaning/locking up and get up to the main auditorium and ask Ms King if anyone else was around. She said no, that she was the last one and I was the only other person in the building... creepy...

He's never hurt anyone, but plays tricks to make the stage managers and the directors INSANE!!! :D

The other thing is my mother works in an older building. She says that the lady who used to clean there is probably still there. Doors will be opened, and things sometimes rearranged. Also, she was in her office when she saw someone walk by her door. One, it was from the direction where there was no way to get there without her seeing them on the way in, and two, when she went to check who it was, no one else was there. The office was closed, and no one was around but her... :D
OOOOOoooooo This is one of my FAVORITE subjects! I've had way too many things happen to me to not believe. Not sure if I'm sensitive or not, but I tend to have had more experiences then most.
I have to leave for work right now, but tonight I'll take time to post a few of my stories :)
Yes I believe. Lots of stories to share, but I won't. I'll just say I've seen and got messages from. The dead like me, I feel like John Edward sometimes.
Until I was 11, my parents and I lived in a two bedroom apartment in the small town I grew up in. The apartment building was old but truly never seemed as old as it was, and in it's early history held meeting of the Molly Maguires (Molly Maguires - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). My mother still tells the stories of me when I started to speak in sentences, I think I was a year and a half when this started happening... i'd be sitting in my crib and she would hear me talking to someone, run in thinking someone got into our apartment and no one would be there... she'd ask me who I was talking to and I usually told her "the angels". Also twice I woke up in the middle of the night to find people in our living room... once was an old party like something out of a movie and the living room was filled and smokey and when I walked out of my bedroom everyone looked at me... I thought it was odd but just walked into my parents room to crawl in bed with them. Another time, I think I was around 3, I was walking into my parents room and we had this old red course nubby sofa that we got from my great grandmother's house when she passed the year before. There was a man laying on it, very tall and looked like Abraham Lincoln... I mentioned the guy sleeping on the couch to my mom the next day... turns out my great grandfather was a dead ringer for Lincoln. A few other things happened in that apartment that were weird, like the attic door would unlatch and swing open by itself quite a bit. But once I got older I never saw anything weird at night like when I was small.

Even now I can't say that I really believe in this stuff... I think the people who see floating circles on cameras are really stretching to fancy their imaginations. And even in my small town there's a building that a lot of the paranormals flock to because lights turn off and on by themselves. But sometimes I think shit just happens.
Ok here we go.. this is just the tip of the iceburg, but I don't have a ton of time tonight if I want to get the last of my proposals typed up for presenting tomorrow and still manage to squeeze in some sleep tonight.. lol

I grew up in a haunted farm house. There is a little cubby room off of my bedroom that I used to play with a little girl and boy when I was little. My mother eventually put a wall up to keep me out of there when I started coming up with "strange mischief" as she called it and apparently I stopped. (I was too young to remember what trouble I got into, but I do have faint recollections of playing in that room.)
The little boy we named Fred. He's around 5 years old and is frequently seen on the 1st floor of the house (not just on the second floor where the little girl is only seen). Fred is very friendly and likes to play little pranks... he'll unlock and open the door in the middle of the night, move chairs, balance books into stacks, that sort of thing.
One of my favorite instances what when I was around 11, it was winter and my parents, my sister, and I were enjoying an evening by the wood stove in the living room when we heard the door in the kitchen unlock and open. (keep in mind these are big heavy farm-house doors, not flimsy at all) My mother yelled into the kitchen "Fred! Get yourself back in here it's too cold to play outside tonight". And believe it or not, the door shut and relocked! :smilielol5:

Many times things would happen when my Exhusband and I were together:
One day we were driving by this house and we both swear it was on fire and there was a person in the front window. So we turned around very quickly and pulled into the driveway only to find it to be an abandoned house with the windows boarded up.
Another time we were driving and suddenly the car filled up with thick smoke and it smelled heavily of cigars. We both turn around at the same time and looked in the back seat... I swear it felt like there was someone sitting there smoking a cigar.
We were laying in bed one night and the TV in the living room suddenly turned on. I got up and turned it back off. A few minutes later it turned on again. I turned it off and took the batteries out of the remote, figuring there must be a short somewhere. A few minutes after that it turned on again... My husband said "unplug it". I told him "no way... if it turned on again while it was unplugged I'd freak out" lol. So I put it on mute and left it on all night lol.
Another night we were laying in bed when a little figure with a blanket over his head came toddling into the bedroom. I scooched over thinking it was my younger son coming to crawl into bed with us. He stood beside the bed for a little bit. I said "It's ok, Keith, come on into bed" and it just dissappeared.
We loved going ghost hunting and one time we went to the Myrtles Plantation in Louisiana (known for it's hauntings). We went on the tour and then had a little snack lunch out by the well. My boys were running around the well playing and I was taking pictures of them. When the pictures came back there were 2 little fuzzy girls running and playing with them! I asked the boys if they had seen them that day, they said no, but thought it was pretty cool.
We took my mother and father-in-law to the plantation tour on another trip and she took pictures of everyone and in a couple of them was a lady dressed in old time clothes in the back ground. On that same trip I watched an impression of a hand appear on one of the couches. Right in front of my own eyes.

There have been several (probably hundreds) of other incidents that have happened to me, but these stick out in my tired mind right now.
The most recent was in the apartment I live in now. I use my cell phone as my alarm clock. It went off, I turned it off. Went into the bathroom, then into the kitchen, grabbed coffee. Then when I entered the living room I almost dropped my coffee... my cell phone was sitting on the bookshelf right by the door... I hadn't picked up my cell phone from my night stand, nor had I made it that far into my apartment yet to have put it there myself:leaving:
Just remembered another good one:

It was a Saturday morning. The boys were in the living room watching cartoons while I was in the kitchen making breakfast. I could see them from where I was. All the sudden my husband screamed from the bedroom "What the H&#$ did you do that for?" The boys got up from the couch as I went through the living room into the hall and we all rushed into the bedroom to see what he was yelling about. He said he was sitting on the edge of the bed tying his shoes when something hit him very hard on the forehead. He saw a chunk of apple fall to the floor after hitting him. He picked it up.. it was a fresh bite from an apple, pretty big one too. He had a large red spot on his head from where it hit him, must have hurt. We searched high and low for the rest of the apple, but never found it....
ooo creepy.

I don't like to say I believe in these things at all, but I dunno. When I was a kid (in kindergarten) me and my mom went to her mothers place to visit my sister (lived with grandma, my mom had her when she was really young). I changed schools and everything.

I shared a room with my mom, I snuggled against the wall. One night I just woke up. I didn't hear a sound or anything, but just woke up and was ready and alert. I noticed my mom wasn't in bed so I called "mom" up the staris (we were in the basement). When I looked at the door there was a figure there. Not a person, but a figure, a woman with a pony tail and glasses. I stared at it for what seemed like an eternity.

My mom had been watching tv, when she heard me she came down the stairs. When I heard her walking toward the stairs, the figure looked up the stairs, looked at me, and then left into a back unfinished laundry room.

I remember everything about that night. My mom asking me why I was awake, the hollow heavy feeling in my chest. I have no idea if I made it up, or what...but it kind of creeps me out.

Also, I don't know if I have an over active imagination, but I often randomly see things happening to me, not like a 'vision' but like a memory. Except the memory is something that I feel like is going to happen to me, it's usually something bad, almost like a warning. For example, for two weeks I continually get this image of me falling and impailing myself with a sharp object that re-occurs everytime I go to grab something sharp, or am holding it. weird.