I've got several...
The first happened right when I started college, with the second soon after.
1) My then-boyfriend and I were hanging out at a friend's house. The friend had joint custody of his little girl, who has Down's Syndrome and wasn't able to talk very clearly at all. His roommate also had a little girl who came around sometimes, but the two girls were never together at any time. Anyway, the roommate's little girl was playing in a room of the house one day and came out screaming and yelling about "Bob" and refused to go in the room again. The friend's little girl was there a week or so later, and was having her diaper changed in that same room. She looked over at the window, pointed and, clear as day, said "There's Bob!" So we're over there and we hear this story, then sit to watch some stupid movie. I'm on the couch and there's a window to my right. Out of the corner of my eye I see movement and, thinking someone is sneaking up on me to scare me, I look toward the window. In the window I see a reflection of a tall man wearing jeans, a brown shirt and a cowboy hat. I look to the other side and behind me...nobody's standing up. I ask the guy what "Bob" looked like, since they'd seen him too....they said a tall guy with jeans, a brown shirt and a cowboy hat.
2) A little bit later my friend Brandee and I were hanging out, and her man and my then-man were goofing off at his place, kind of out in the country. We go over there and we're sitting in her van with the AC on since it was mid-July (gets HOT in Texas). Anyway, we're talking and over by a tree I see something kind of moving around. I get out and look, and the thing disappears. All that's there is a knothole in the tree. It's 90+ outside, even though it's night, but I put my hand up and moved it right over the knothole, and it HAD to have been 40 in that single spot. That same night the goof-off guys were listening to music, with the CD player many feet away from where they were sitting. The CD player kept shutting off. They thought the CD was skipping, but there weren't any scratches on it. The next time it happened, they hollered "turn it back on!" and it came on. They tried it with several songs in several places.
3) This one's personal. My mom died suddenly in January 2003. The night before her funeral, the same guy and I were sitting at her house with my nephew, playing some game. All of a sudden the air just felt heavy...like someone was looking at me. I sent my nephew to the kitchen and asked the boyfriend if he felt something weird. He said it felt like someone was staring at him, and whatever it was, was in my mom's bedroom doorway about 10 feet away. Same place I felt it coming from. That happened on and off all evening. That same night this old clock started going off in the bottom of an old box of clothes that'd been sitting untouched in my mom's closet for years. Dead batteries and all, it chimed every hour on the hour until my dad woke up and found it. She stuck around the place where she'd worked a few days, too...the door would open and shut every day at 8:45 a.m....her normal arrival time. And when the cook didn't put things up where she wanted them the night after her funeral, he came in the next morning to find them back in place.
I could go on...but that's good for now... sorry so long and boring!!!!