I used to work the nightshift for 5 years....and then I would come home and take care of my kids until my wife got home from work. So I would get 4-5 hours a sleep on average. Life was tough, there were times I would go 48 hours without sleeping, at one point I was a walking zombie I think for the week total I had 8 hours sleep over 5 days....I mean I was "numb" people looked at me in horror (still do)
Anyway, luckily for me I was in the US Army and sleeep deprivation was a condition "learned" 20 mile "jogs" all night long, you lear to take cat naps, etc. It's a "learned condition" But while at my civilian job and worked the night shift (5 years) I learned to manipulate my surroundings to allow me to get a good deep sleep, even if it was a few hours a day.
It is really not about how much sleep you get, but quality of sleep. a solid 4 hour REM session opposed to a 8 Hour toss and turn session makes a world of a difference.
There are many factors that can help your sleeping pattern, but what you eat/drink to environment surroundings, darkness, noise, stress, etc. You will need to expermint to figure it out.
Now before you go Nuclear on CCR and say he is a big meanie, I can see his point, anyone that has been in the Military or a high level sports team, knows, there is no room for excuses, that EVERYTHING is a win or lose oppurtunity in life, and waking up in the morning counts. It is the "small" battles that define your life.
I once had a coach and he challenaged us to get up with our Alarm clock, WITHOUT hitting the snooze button. that that was the first win/lose oppurtunity of the day. Who was going to win? you or the clock? Breakfast? who was going to win? you eating and eating right? or Society not eating or eating a pop tart and running out the door.
You see every oppurtunity you should see as a "self challange" a win or lose situation. Either it be Home work, paperwork at your job, Being your kids coach, or being the parent that watches?
It is very simple....you have a choice, what are YOU going to do? The rest are excuses. we all fail, the question is, what do you do after you fail? continue down the spiral? or WIN the next contest???? The choice is yours.