getting bored with protein shakes.

workoutclown said:
u dont have to right come out and tell me what i have is "bad". if its so "bad" why has it done a lot for my gains? be more gentle on my sensitivities. id do the same for u.
What would you prefer he say? Subpar? Inneficient? Poor? You have to be kidding, right? If something is "bad,' then it's bad...that's not a reflection of you, just the brand that you have purchased. If your ego is that sensitive, then maybe internet forums aren't the right place for you. I think that his advice was helpful and without any rudeness, disrespect, or malice.

As far as your gains, how do you know that it was soley due to your choice of whey powder? What about the affect of 24 hour intake? What about natural adaptation to stress? What about workout design? Claiming that your particlular brand of whey powder has "done a lot for your gains" is like saying that your choice in sneakers has done a lot towards you never getting into a car accident while doesn't make any sense.
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bipennate said:
As fart as your gains

*giggles like a 8yr old school girl*
i think if your whey is so bad tasting that it's making you gag at the thought of it then it may be fair to say it's bad stuff. but of course, maybe any whey will make you feel the same, who knows?

i've not tried ON's whey. i have whey from - the unflavoured kind. it mixes amazingly and even the unflavoured on its own isn't bad at all to drink. i've heard people adding neskwik (sp?) to it for flavour tho.

have you tried making jelly with it? :D

also, what are you taking your whey for? if it's for post workout when it's maybe best not to split it in 2 seperate servings during the day but if it's just to add extra protein to your diet then you can split it up as many times as you like - it'll make no difference.