George Bush Show?

Does anyone eles think this new George Bush show on comedy central is a little over the top? I can understand if you don't like him, but to go as far as to create a cartoon show that absolutly makes him look like the stupidest man on earth i think is a little drastic. I watched the episode last night trying to understand it and be open minded, but i honestly can't laugh at something like that. I think to portray our leader in that fashion is an insult to ourselves...i meen, aren't we the ones who elected him? What are yalls opinions? I know there is a large population, at least in my veiwpoint, that hates Bush, but that is kind of why i asked this question.
Does anyone eles think this new George Bush show on comedy central is a little over the top? I can understand if you don't like him, but to go as far as to create a cartoon show that absolutly makes him look like the stupidest man on earth i think is a little drastic. I watched the episode last night trying to understand it and be open minded, but i honestly can't laugh at something like that. I think to portray our leader in that fashion is an insult to ourselves...i meen, aren't we the ones who elected him? What are yalls opinions? I know there is a large population, at least in my veiwpoint, that hates Bush, but that is kind of why i asked this question.

We have freedom of speech so we can say what we want. Its funny when they took down the Saddam Hussein statue and oil started spilling out of it. Doesn't seem like it will last long though; one of thoughs one season shows.

Yes we did elect him; my fathers a 100% democrat so he just hates the guy. I don't think he is a bad president he has done alot of good things but people keep looking at the mistakes he has made.

Also don't understand the whole democratic- rebuplican thing. Both parties are too busy fighting one another and they need to just sit down and fix Americas problems.
to go as far as to create a cartoon show that absolutly makes him look like the stupidest man on earth i think is a little drastic.
He's certainly the most stupid elected leader in the world! Calling the war against Iraq a 'crusade'? Making a reference to the crusades lost any support you had in that region and armed extremists with more than enough material to recruit the youth in the area. Those words alone are going to cost hundreds of young mens lives from the allied forces over the next year or so and in retaliation we'll kill a few more thousand of theirs. Any sensible person with a high school diploma should know not to say that. He appologised later but the damage was done and the words were on global news networks in minutes

Also don't understand the whole democratic- rebuplican thing. Both parties are too busy fighting one another and they need to just sit down and fix Americas problems.
Welcome to democracy
Does anyone eles think this new George Bush show on comedy central is a little over the top? I can understand if you don't like him, but to go as far as to create a cartoon show that absolutly makes him look like the stupidest man on earth i think is a little drastic.

No see, the thing is, he IS the world's stupidest man. In my view, all this cartoon does, is attempt to demonstrate this fact more clearly to the twenty something percent of Americans who to this day approve of his presidency.

but i honestly can't laugh at something like that. I think to portray our leader in that fashion is an insult to ourselves...

Now you're no to something. Except, the REAL insult was giving him enough votes to enable his mob to rig two consecutive elections, and then failing to protest enough to make any difference.

Even though I'm not American, I can honestly say that Bush's presidency over the last 7 years has influenced Australia in the worst way in our entire history. We have never declared war on another country. And by all rights and means, as it stands now we have declared war without any logical Casus belli on both Afghanistan and Iraq.

I don't know how you feel, but the feeling that my country attacked two others in an act of unprovoked aggression is a horrible feeling. What will the history books say in 100 years? How will people see us in the future? Will the people whom don't want us there ever forgive us?
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The larger problem is not Bush. There are 100 people in the senate, and 435 in the House. They had to vote to allow all of the action that the US has taken. And they have. Not by a slim margin either. Allowed everything to happen. Even people who claim to be against the war in Iraq, voted to allow the action. Not because it is what they believed, but because of politics.

Welcome to democracy

The US is a Republic. We elect officials to make decisions for us.

But do not worry. We will be Socialists within 10-15 years unless the people of the US do something.
The US is a Republic. We elect officials to make decisions for us.

But do not worry. We will be Socialists within 10-15 years unless the people of the US do something.

The US is a democratic republic, you vote for the officals so it's a democracy

And would Socialism be such a bad thing? Socialism gets a bad rep in the US because of things like the cold war propoganda. Don't bunch political partys like the Communist Party of Russia in with Socialism, they are not the same thing, read up on Marxism. I speak to so many American who hold Marxist views but if you mention socialism they think it's the work of the devil; that's because they've been told a lot of lies for decades

P.S. I'm a Capitalist so don't agree with Communism at all, I just don't understand why people love songs like John Lennon's 'Imagine' but hate Communism. No borders, exploitation, discrimination or social classes - Is that what you disagree with?
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And would Socialism be such a bad thing?

Yes, America was founded on the ideal that people wanted their own rights, to make their own decisions, and to take responsibility for their own lives.

Socialized medicine is a mistake, yet we seem to be marching toward it. Social Security is another example of a mistake. People need to be able to exercise the right to take care of themselves and their families. Not have the collective do it for them.

On a personal note I think that Social Security is one of the major causes of the degradation of family values. People no longer have to care for their parents when they get older. The responsibility gets pushed of. Let the state do it. Remove Social Security and loyalty to family and friends will increase.

I speak to so many American who hold Marxist views but if you mention socialism they think it's the work of the devil

This is because most people are afraid to take personal responsibility for themselves. They do not realize the freedoms that they are letting slip away on a regular bases. Most will not know until to late.

The other side of the coin is that socialist ideals work for small groups. Families, groups of friends, even small communities. It breaks down when applied as a national system.

No borders, exploitation, discrimination or social classes - Is that what you disagree with?

Yes. There will always be boarders. The edge of my yard as at the edge of your yard. Groups of people will always have areas that they claim for themselves. There is nothing wrong with that.

No social system will solve exploitation, discrimination, or social classes. Again these are decisions that are made on an individual basis. There will never be a way to control what goes on in the mind of the individual.
Yes, America was founded on the ideal that people wanted their own rights, to make their own decisions, and to take responsibility for their own lives.

People need to be able to exercise the right to take care of themselves and their families. Not have the collective do it for them.

That's called Communism, individuals taking care of themselves, Communism demands the eventual abolision of state so there is no government and people have to take personal responsibility for everything. It's worth noting that no country in the entire world has ever been truely communist in modern history.

You live within a democracy where a small group make the laws and rules that you all have to live by.. 'The collective' as you put it relates to a government that controls things like Policing, military, and eductation, under true communism this power is placed with the individuals.

I do agree with a lot of what you say though, I think of Communism as an unattainable ideal and if we ever tried to acheive it people would still seek a way to gain control over others and wealth. People are too corruptable to be trusted with this kind of social set up which is why I prefer capitalism, it may not always be nice but the rules are pretty easy to follow, money = power.
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Thanks for being open minded enough to listen :)

Karl Marx is probably the most misunderstood person in history and his teaching have been twisted and used by so many people in the past to introduce dictatorship (think USSR)

Marx, Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad are probably all up there somewhere wishing they'd never opened their mouths :D
The US is a democratic republic, you vote for the officals so it's a democracy
Incorrect, as you note. The fact that the representatives are democratically elected does not make it a republic.

And would Socialism be such a bad thing? Socialism gets a bad rep in the US because of things like the cold war propoganda. Don't bunch political partys like the Communist Party of Russia in with Socialism, they are not the same thing, read up on Marxism. I speak to so many American who hold Marxist views but if you mention socialism they think it's the work of the devil; that's because they've been told a lot of lies for decades.
Yes, socialism would be a bad thing.

I have read up on Marxism. That is why I am not a Marxist. I wonder what Marxist views you hear from these Americans. Could it be the wisdom found in that gem, On The Jewish Question, which teaches "What is the worldly cult of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly god? Money." Or, perhaps the wonderful After The Revolution, which instructs that, "it [the proletariat] must still use a measure of force, hence governmental measures; if it itself still remains a class and the economic conditions on which the class struggle and the existence of classes have not yet disappeared, they must be forcibly removed or transformed, and the process of their transformation must be forcibly accelerated."

It does not take much imagination to figure out what will happen to those who refuse to be "transformed".

P.S. I'm a Capitalist so don't agree with Communism at all, I just don't understand why people love songs like John Lennon's 'Imagine' but hate Communism. No borders, exploitation, discrimination or social classes - Is that what you disagree with?

I hate that song. It is about atheist communism.
Thanks for being open minded enough to listen :)

Karl Marx is probably the most misunderstood person in history and his teaching have been twisted and used by so many people in the past to introduce dictatorship (think USSR)

Har har, I love this old saw about "Oh, the world has never seen true Marxism" to explain away the failure and oppression of every Communist regime on the planet. It's a true Scotsman fallacy. Has it escaped your attention that every Communist regime has practiced oppression and murder? Could it be because it is intertwined with the core values of communism?

But please, tell me about how Karl Marx has been twisted. For example, in On The Jewish Question, classy Karl wrote, "Very well: then in emancipating itself from huckstering and money, and thus from real and practical Judaism, our age would emancipate itself".

I take from this writing that Karl Marx was an anti-Semitic git. I am anxious to learn how I have twisted him.
err.. communism is a political ideology, a communist is not nessicarily someone who wants to kill and opress everyone, though the communist countries we have had/have have been "bad" you cant say communism is evil.

Oh, and the people who twisted Marx were the one who took single quotes from his works and put them out of context.

And is socialism evil? Last time i checked Norway was one of the wealthies countries in the world, and we are socialistic..

EDIT: And we dont kill half the people the US does in a year either. So what was that about socialism?
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Number 1 - I am glad that we have the freedom to speak poorly of, and insult our elected officials.

Number 2 - I am sad that we don't have the good taste to control ourselves while doing it, be it Clinton, Bush, or anyone else.

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."----

On the surface, that seems to be the ideal. Everyone would contribute as much as they could, and everyone would receive all that they need. However, human nature does not work well with an idea that says you don't necessarily have to work to get something--far too many people take advantage of that.

No one should ever be forced to give over the money they worked for, to be handed to someone else who didn't/couldn't do it themselves. If the money that goes for welfare, Medicaid, etc were not taken automatically out of our paychecks, and instead we had to actually see the money in our hands, then write a check and give it back, there would be a massive public outcry to end it. As it is, people barely think about that money as theirs in the first place.

I much prefer the idea "to each according to what he has earned".
I much prefer the idea "to each according to what he has earned".

I grew up in some very bad areas of Chicago and lived with some pretty trashy people. As I go through life I encounter more and more people who are not well off. And the more I do the more I agree with the above quote.
err.. communism is a political ideology, a communist is not nessicarily someone who wants to kill and opress everyone, though the communist countries we have had/have have been "bad" you cant say communism is evil.
Of course you can. Would you sit there and say, "You can't say Nazism is evil just because all Nazi countries have been 'bad'."

Oh, and the people who twisted Marx were the one who took single quotes from his works and put them out of context.
If you think the quotes were taken out of context, please provide the context.

And is socialism evil? Last time i checked Norway was one of the wealthies countries in the world, and we are socialistic..
No one said that socialism is evil. That is a straw man. You made quite a non sequitur there. What does your wealth have to do with the evilness of the government?

EDIT: And we dont kill half the people the US does in a year either. So what was that about socialism?
"Kill" is not the same as "murder". For example, Norway, in an act of cowardice, was neutral in WWII. The US was not, so it obviously killed more people in WWII than Norway. However, few would say that Norway's sitting on its hands during that war was a morally superior act to the US's involvement.
...i meen, aren't we the ones who elected him? ...

Well, yes and no, I mean if our election process was based on a populous vote then I don't think he would have won, as opposed to winning the states with the larges electoral votes...

I haven't seen it. I may check it out now just to see what it is. I think
Of course you can. Would you sit there and say, "You can't say Nazism is evil just because all Nazi countries have been 'bad'."

If you think the quotes were taken out of context, please provide the context.

No one said that socialism is evil. That is a straw man. You made quite a non sequitur there. What does your wealth have to do with the evilness of the government?

"Kill" is not the same as "murder". For example, Norway, in an act of cowardice, was neutral in WWII. The US was not, so it obviously killed more people in WWII than Norway. However, few would say that Norway's sitting on its hands during that war was a morally superior act to the US's involvement.

Actually, yes, i would say you cant say all nazism is evil because all nazie countries have been bad. But you can say nazism is evil because it encourages people to kill jews, blacks, handicapped, etc.
nazism says you have to kill blacks, jews, handicapped, etc. Communism does not do that. You should know that. What a horrible uneducated example.

I dont know the context, because i dont know jack about Marx, but i do know alot of people quote alot of other people with no context.

Im just saying, if socialism doesnt "work" then why do we do so well?
Are you saying Norway is evil because we have a socialistic gouvernment? Its really just about left wing and right wing. Not good and evil.

I wasnt thinking about WWII, i was more thinking about killing for oil and stuff.
And yes, i said that just to provoke you.

Oh, and just for the record.
Communism is not the same as socialism.
And i dont belive communism would work, but its not because its evil, its because aslong as people want more, it would never work. In a communistic country you have to "work by capacity and get by need" which basicly means you will work as much as you can and get as much as you need for it. So someone who cant work very hard might still get as much as you even though you can work very hard.
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