Gay marriage

true dat
Who is fooling who? If a man dresses up in women's clothing is he still a man or is he now a woman? If boys play with dolls do they become girls or are they still boys. My reaction to this is call it somethin else not marriage. Doh! :cool2:
Who is fooling who? If a man dresses up in women's clothing is he still a man or is he now a woman? If boys play with dolls do they become girls or are they still boys. My reaction to this is call it somethin else not marriage. Doh! :cool2:

lol what?

marriage is defined as:
(2): the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage

an act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected

an intimate or close union

per merriam webster
lol what?

marriage is defined as:
(2): the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage

an act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected

an intimate or close union

per merriam webster[/QUOTE

I dont know where you pulled that from, nor do I care if you like dudes. But this is what the dictionary says:

mar·riage [mar-ij] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.
2. the state, condition, or relationship of being married; wedlock: a happy marriage.
3. the legal or religious ceremony that formalizes the decision of a man and woman to live as husband and wife, including the accompanying social festivities: to officiate at a marriage.
4. a relationship in which two people have pledged themselves to each other in the manner of a husband and wife, without legal sanction: trial marriage; homosexual marriage.
5. any close or intimate association or union: the marriage of words and music in a hit song.
6. a formal agreement between two companies or enterprises to combine operations, resources, etc., for mutual benefit; merger.
7. a blending or matching of different elements or components: The new lipstick is a beautiful marriage of fragrance and texture.
8. Cards. a meld of the king and queen of a suit, as in pinochle. Compare royal marriage.
9. a piece of antique furniture assembled from components of two or more authentic pieces.
10. Obsolete. the formal declaration or contract by which act a man and a woman join in wedlock.
Who cares, as long as everyone is happy in the end, that's all that matters. People in this world get so caught up with what others are doing when they should stop, look in the mirror, get a grip of themselves and realize that this is the only life we get. I don't know about anyone else but when I'm on my deathbed I hope I can say I did more with my life than vote against gay marriage. What a waste of time.

They should have taken that money and put it towards a homeless shelter or charity.
lol what?

marriage is defined as:
(2): the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage

an act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected

an intimate or close union

per merriam webster

True. But this definition has been modified over the years and has become more generic, and isn't close to the version it once was, many years ago.

There is a reason a man has penis and woman a pu$$y. The ass was not meant to have a penis in it. Common sense.

However, I will disclose, I do not support gay marriage. I will not ridicule the ones that practice it nor have a different opinion on this subject. I have a friend that is gay. I am not personally biased and do associate with them. I understand their position, but htis doesn't mean I must agree with them.

Having a compassionate and caring heart does make all the difference I agree.

We need to love one another, help one another (gay or not, and is one of the reasons I post the way I do on the forum); I would assist a gay person as fast I would anyone else.

This does not mean I have share the taste in sexuality. For every argument that its natural (or a biological/psychological factor involved, etc) there is a counter argument, and I have looked and studied both sides, and have come to my personal conclusions, that I will keep-in-detail-to myself. This subject like abortion, can be a hotly debated subject matter.

Best regards,

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This opens up anyone who preaches the values of a traditional marriage to discrimination. Thus making traditional churches potential institutions of hate.

The problem with this is the voters in California voted this down then the California supreme court arrogantly overturned the voters decision. To me this contradicts the very reason we all go out and vote. its not an issue of whether or not 2 dudes want to share benefits of marriage.

Why vote for anything if a surpreme court can simply overturn what the voters say. I'm all for someone getting the joint tax return or the health care of a said "provider" for a "family".
There are checks and balances in our system because we live in a constitutional republic. The voters cannot enact something that is deemed unconstitutional (such as something that denies equal protection under the law.)

Since people are hung up on the religious definition of marriage and since separate but equal is never equal ... why shouldn't "marriage" as a legal term be replaced with "civil union" and apply to straight or gay?

If you are religious I wouldn't think it should be important how the government views your union, but how your church views it. Your church can call it marriage or whatever it wants. Marriage shouldn't be a legal term
In most extended families, you will find at least one gay person. More often than not, they live their lives in a closet, mostly out of fear of being judged, rejected, persecuted and/or ridiculed. Many of these people are in heterosexual marriages and are not exactly fulfilled. In fact, they're miserable. But you won't know it because they are living a lie.

I think it's ridiculous that countries even consider spending billions of dollars trying to figure out whether or not gay people should be afforded the same rights as heteros.

Gays, bis, lesbians, and the transgendered are human, have wants, desires, aspirations, emotions, and they deserve to be happy, too. What they do does not hurt anybody. I will point out that the fringe element in gay society is not representative of what most gay people are like. Unfortunately, that's usually what the media reveals to us.

I don't care what you call it, marriage, civil union, whatever. Just let them be happy and give them the rights they deserve.

Canada was the first country in the world to allow gay marriage and we haven't been taken over by gays (surprise, surprise!) ... in fact, nobody really took much notice. There might have been a few more marriages, but it really wasn't a big deal.
In my previous post, I wasn't hanging any religious preference or a political opinion on it. But rather just common sense: A male and a female are different for a reason, and the ass serves a biological purpose not meant for penis penetration.

I mean.....a dude has a Shlong (let's call it the bear), and a woman a cave. The bear hibernates in the cave. The meant for a different purpose: Its called taking a dump.

Best regards,

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In my previous post, I was hanging any religious preference or opinion on it. But rather just common sense.

I mean.....a dude has a Shlong (let's call it the bear), and a woman a cave. The bear hibernates in the cave. The meant for a different purpose: Its called taking a dump.

Best regards,


What about red flag week?
Read my post carefully.

How can a supreme court overturning a decision made by the majority be constitutional? Maybe the constitution of North Korea.

Lets say McCain wins the election but a panel of judges decides they want Obama. Piss on what the voters think. Thats the issue that needs to addressed.

What is the real issue here? Why do gays want to get married? Simply for health insurance, joint tax returns etc. Let them have it.
I realize that 95% of this site is at the far left end of the spectrum. Not sure why I even bother with these threads.
Read my post carefully.

How can a supreme court overturning a decision made by the majority be constitutional?
Because that is their duty under the constitution. If the voters said they think slavery should be re-enacted guess what? Too bad, slavery is unconstitutional. Otherwise there would be no reason to have a constitution, we would just vote on every issue.

Sometimes the minority has to be protected from the tyranny of the majority
I realize that 95% of this site is at the far left end of the spectrum. Not sure why I even bother with these threads.

All perception, many hardcore liberals think I'm a right wing nut for some of my stances. I make up my mind on each issue. I agree with the lefties on this one. If you always fall on one side you probably aren't thinking for yourself IMO
And the constitution should guard against the psychologically challenged--defying common sense. Common sense says: Two bushes do not rub, and two sticks do not butt rub.

EDIT: There is something wrong with this picture: I must strap on a plastic penis, to have sex (Female to female). Just getting down to the bare bones truth on what happens between some female to female relationships. Some can handle this truth and some can not.

The beauty of the US, is "restricted freedoms" (example, we have freedom of speech, but we just cannot say what we want without consequences, so it is in fact "restricted"), and if it is ones choice to participate in having sex with the same sex, and it is supported by our government, I am actually fine with this, under the spirit of the constitution; likewise, I have the freedom not to support or support such acts.

But this issue, really doesn't pass the common sense test (with me) just by the mere design differences between a male and female, no matter the psychological/biological issues they say are present.

Best wishes

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All perception, many hardcore liberals think I'm a right wing nut for some of my stances. I make up my mind on each issue. I agree with the lefties on this one. If you always fall on one side you probably aren't thinking for yourself IMO

A view from the right is indeed rare. But I am pro choice and for legalizing drugs so I guess I'm a tree hugger too.