Dear Julie,
The first few days can be really horrible, you will probably regret having it done, the nausea seems to be constant and the only relief from it is to actually be sick. This is something that I learn't to do. Not the best thing I know but if you want a couple of hours rest without being uncomfortable then you have to. It doesn't help that you can only have water and that does nothing to help with the acid in your throat, you should get tablets though to help with this.
When I got through the first couple of days and got home I started having apple juice, milk and water for my drinks. Also get some bouillon, a powder made by marigold, will be in the gravy isle at your supermarket. I use this as a drink and also for lunch and dinners.
It is also ideal to put with potatoes and carrots and liquidise them into a soup when you feel up to it. I have had mine in for just over a week and my nutritionist has said that I can now eat normal food but chew it really well. So you will be able to eat out but just really small portions, probably recommend a baked potatoe and not eat the skin. Today will be my first day having mashed potatoe with some cheese. Can't wait, how sad is that.
What they don't tell you in the brochure is the emotional side of things, just because you can't eat something doesn't mean you don't want to, it is quite upsetting to see others eating normal food in the first couple of weeks because you are literally going cold turkey on everything.
Hope this helps, if you want to know anymore let me know.
Haven't had alcohol, they recommend not to as it is alot of calories and no nutition. Saving myself for when it comes out.