Weight-Loss Gaspari Nutrition SuperPump250

Let me clarify:

I'm not saying load creatine, drink caffeine and pop amino acids.

What i'm saying is that it does the same thing as Superpump, which is my nice way of saying that it really does nothing but amp you up. In other words, the stuff sucks.

Sorry for the confusion!

no need to look them up. There has been a ton of articles written to debunk this one particular study from 1996, and the one following it in 2002.

This article talks about the poor design of the study itself
John Berardi - Creatine Combinations

That same article (and others I can post if you want) also goes on to say that in earlier tests that showed creatine was effective, the test subjects were administered creatine in coffee or tea.

Even if all of that doesn't mean anything. Let's assume that they expand their "n" value and those tests come out to say that 5mg of caffeine per kg of bodyweight do inhibit the muscular performance boost, no studdies have shown what APPLICABLE amounts of caffeine will do to it, or have shown any conclusive evidence along that front.

I weigh 314 lbs. In that study, I would be given 713.64 g of caffeine. A typical soft drink contains 10-50g of caffeine. A coke classic has 34g. I would have to drink 21 coke classics to be at the same caffeine level as these studies.

I was unable to find those other studies I spoke of. In which case, I will have to change my thoughts on the subject and retract my earlier statement. From a physiological standpoint, I don't understand how they would "mess" with one another. Possibly caffeine has an affect on the carrier system for creatine. None the less, your point about dosages are valid. None the less, I got to caught up with that one study.

So, until further studies are presented. I will have to stand on the other side of the fence for now and assume the combination (in realistic dosages) remains beneficial.
So, Double up! ;)
It was a great learning experience for me. I never knew that they did the second repeat study in 2002 (using the exact same framework, though... lack of creativity, and unoriginality FTL).

As with a lot of this stuff, the lack of real experimentation done makes it so that you'll find proponents on both sides of the fence. There'll always be people screaming for one side and for another side.

Plus it is always fun to argue a point. I wouldn't really have done the research and argued it if I hadn't personally seen benefits from creatine while on caffeine at the same time. I'm taking it now, and have not stopped drinking caffeine, and am currently experiencing a definite boost. If I had accepted the study, then that means that what I've felt as a boost has been strictly a placebo, and I have just been jerking myself around. I'd much rather look like an ass to others than to myself. Personal flaw, I guess.