Weight-Loss Gaspari Nutrition SuperPump250



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Ok my brother takes this and he says it works great,and makes his workouts more pleasent he claims his muscles don't get tired?OK my question is do they make a form of this for women?
I don't want to get bulky but would love to have better workouts and get CUT in the right places.:party:
There's so much to read around this forum but some things that are known..

1. regular women do not get bulky - we're not built that way
2. Getting cut is the product of fat loss, not a pill.

Workout smarter, don't rely on a pill for anything...
There's so much to read around this forum but some things that are known..

1. regular women do not get bulky - we're not built that way
2. Getting cut is the product of fat loss, not a pill.

Workout smarter, don't rely on a pill for anything...

It's not a pill it is a drink he drinks and he says he gets awesome energy and great workouts thats all I am looking for.My energy is always on a low I don't sleep well at night and I blame my energy levle on that.
i'd work on fixing the sleep problem...

why don't you sleep well at night?

an energy drink is primarily caffeine or a caffeine derivative... that will compound any sleep issues you have...

if your energy is low during the day -look at what you're eating - and the nutrients in what you are eating...
Load creatine and down an energy drink before you workout. You'll save money and get the same effect. You can also pop a couple amino acid pills beforehand.

My little guy sleeps in bed with me and hubby then hubby itches his feet all night and constantly coughing(he's a smoker w/ asthma)and my neck is always stiff and to topp it all off I am not a heavy sleeper I can hear a pen drop so all this cimbined makes for a BAD NIGHTS sleep.
I eat a variety of foods so thats not the problem I also though about viatamans I think "B" is the one for energy,I was just sitting here looking through OLD pics of me and my brother and he used to be so puney and scrawny(the oppisite of me)now he's FIT and built and I was talking about how I have been feeling latlely and then asking what all he does to look like that he said works out at the gym 2 hours 5-6 days cut out alot of greasy foods and sweets ate more fruits veggies and protien and then he has his 1 drink to get a good workout.
Load creatine and down an energy drink before you workout.
Caffeine negates the affect of creatine. Most "energy drinks" are mostly caffeine. Also, many are comprised of Monosacharides which will only lead to a rebound hypoglycemic response during the workout. Fast digesting carbohydrates, that which is common in "energy drinks" should not be ingested within an hour of a workout.

You can also pop a couple amino acid pills beforehand.
Whats the benefit of this, in terms of energy?


Straight coffee has been shown many times to increase the intensity of a workout and the duration of one. Although, routine use dampens its affect and not all people should drink it so often.

Above all, correct your sleeping patterns. Poor sleep has been linked with everything from cancer to heart disease so get to bed!
Caffeine negates the affect of creatine.
False. This has been claimed by multiple people, but no studies have ever been done to show conclusive evidence. How would caffiene have anything to do with building and retaining and using phosphocreatine? The only thing that I could see why you would say that would be because caffeine is a diuretic, and could potentially cause an issue with the fact that creatine flushes water into your muscles.

Do you have anything to back that up?

You can also pop a couple amino acid pills beforehand.
Are you talking about the "predigested" amino acid things? I personally have found no use for them, especially considering their price.

My energy is always on a low I don't sleep well at night and I blame my energy levle on that.
If you get tired / unfocused during workouts, then some people say to take weight loss pills (the "WE GIVE U ENERGEEE TO GET THRU DA DAI WHILE DIEETING" type). I have done it, and done it at stupid levels. It definately gave me mental focus to finish out my sets. However, I'd end my workouts, and be so damn drained that I wouldn't be able to focus anywhere else. At some point, you're just stripping your gears.

The point of my last post was to say that while taking the weight loss pills just before a workout definately keeps you up and sharp for your workout, they can have a nasty backlash. I don't recommend using them based on personal experience, but they do work if that is your intent.
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I found this on a musclehead forum I also read about the product...

it is a little crude, but here are their opinions on it... no real information, just opinions
its a tiny bit of creatine loaded with caffiene and arginine and sold for a rediculous amount of money

On digging, I found a bunch of more people asking the same question as you... this was pretty much the common response...
False. This has been claimed by multiple people, but no studies have ever been done to show conclusive evidence. How would caffiene have anything to do with building and retaining and using phosphocreatine? The only thing that I could see why you would say that would be because caffeine is a diuretic, and could potentially cause an issue with the fact that creatine flushes water into your muscles.

Do you have anything to back that up?

Yes, External supplementation of creatine held no affect on people when caffiene was ingested at the same time compared to those who took creatine alone.

Vandenberghe K, et al. Caffeine counteracts the ergogenic
action of creatine loading. J Appl Physiol 1996;80:452.

FYI - creatine and phosphocreatine are two different things. I never said it would affect the body's ability to use phosphocreatine through the creatine kinase reaction for the conversion of ADP to ATP.
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Yes, External supplementation of creatine held no affect on people when caffiene was ingested at the same time compared to those who took creatine alone.

so, you're saying (and the results of this study are saying) that caffeine stops the absorption of creatine?

creatine and phosphocreatine are two different things

Obviously they are two different things. I would have to look at the study itself, but was the study on creatine absorbtion, or on the effects of creatine? If you're saying that caffiene doesn't do anything to the body's ability to process the phosphocreatine, then you're arguing my point.
Howdy TY for the many different oppions.Bottom line I need to kick my son and hubby out of bed and sleep ALONE for the good nights sleep that I need lol.Also I do take a STACKER2 daily and have been for over 2 years for energy to help me get through my workouts and get through the day since I can't stomach COFFEE then my brother beought up the drink he dri ks before his workouts and thats what brought me to ask more about it.
My stacker 2's they did take out the effedrine but at times I wonder since I have been taking them for over 2 years how safe is this routine?Ty again and I saw the link of opions.... intersting....
so, you're saying (and the results of this study are saying) that caffeine stops the absorption of creatine?
Read it yourself lol(below).

Caffeine counteracts the ergogenic action of muscle creatine loading

K. Vandenberghe, N. Gillis, M. Van Leemputte, P. Van Hecke, F. Vanstapel and P. Hespel
Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy, Department of Kinesiology, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.

This study aimed to compare the effects of oral creatine (Cr) supplementation with creatine supplementation in combination with caffeine (Cr+C) on muscle phosphocreatine (PCr) level and performance in healthy male volunteers (n = 9). Before and after 6 days of placebo, Cr (0.5 g x kg-1 x day-1), or Cr (0.5 g x kg-1 x day-1) + C (5 mg x kg-1 x day-1) supplementation, 31P-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the gastrocnemius muscle and a maximal intermittent exercise fatigue test of the knee extensors on an isokinetic dynamometer were performed. The exercise consisted of three consecutive maximal isometric contractions and three interval series of 90, 80, and 50 maximal voluntary contractions performed with a rest interval of 2 min between the series. Muscle ATP concentration remained constant over the three experimental conditions. Cr and Cr+C increased (P < 0.05) muscle PCr concentration by 4-6%. Dynamic torque production, however, was increased by 10-23% (P < 0.05) by Cr but was not changed by Cr+C. Torque improvement during Cr was most prominent immediately after the 2-min rest between the exercise bouts. The data show that Cr supplementation elevates muscle PCr concentration and markedly improves performance during intense intermittent exercise. This ergogenic effect, however, is completely eliminated by caffeine intake.
There are other studies on the subject that come to the same conclusion.
This short version is a tad "hard" to comprehend. Just read it a few times and it will get clearer.

My stacker 2's they did take out the effedrine but at times I wonder since I have been taking them for over 2 years how safe is this routine?Ty again and I saw the link of opions.... intersting....
I would not advocate the use of an ephedrine containing product.

Bottom line I need to kick my son and hubby out of bed and sleep ALONE for the good nights sleep that I need lol.
Right on! ;)
ah, okay, this is the study I was thinking of. This study was done with a sample size of... nine... nine men.
ah, okay, this is the study I was thinking of. This study was done with a sample size of... nine... nine men.
Correct, thats why I wouldn't put total faith on that study alone. Hence, why I said...
There are other studies on the subject that come to the same conclusion.
I forgot which journal they were posted in and don't have to time to go search as of now, however. I'm sure you could find them if you were interested.
no need to look them up. There has been a ton of articles written to debunk this one particular study from 1996, and the one following it in 2002.

This article talks about the poor design of the study itself
John Berardi - Creatine Combinations

That same article (and others I can post if you want) also goes on to say that in earlier tests that showed creatine was effective, the test subjects were administered creatine in coffee or tea.

Even if all of that doesn't mean anything. Let's assume that they expand their "n" value and those tests come out to say that 5mg of caffeine per kg of bodyweight do inhibit the muscular performance boost, no studdies have shown what APPLICABLE amounts of caffeine will do to it, or have shown any conclusive evidence along that front.

I weigh 314 lbs. In that study, I would be given 713.64 g of caffeine. A typical soft drink contains 10-50g of caffeine. A coke classic has 34g. I would have to drink 21 coke classics to be at the same caffeine level as these studies.
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Read it yourself lol(below).

I would not advocate the use of an ephedrine containing product.

Right on! ;)

They don't have effedrine in them anymore,but I would like to find soemthing more natural that can help.LOL and kicking the family out of bed would be nice but I don't think they will go 4 it but I do sneak onto the couch some nights to catch some Z'S. Also can someone explain EXACTLY what does CREATINE do and what are the advantages and disavatages?
can someone explain EXACTLY what does CREATINE do and what are the advantages and disavatages?

Taking creatine does two things:

1) flushes your muscles with water, making them bigger. This is not a permanent thing.

2) As trevor said earlier, it lets your body to anaerobically convert ADP into ATP. You naturally ingest creatine through different meats every day, and your liver produces it. What you are doing by choking that nasty chalky powder down is filling your muscles up with it beyond what is normally there. In your cells, Creatine is turned into phosphocreatine. That phosphate group (which has a loose association with the creatine) is the same sort of phosphate which is the "P" in ATP.

Long story short, when your ATP goes to ADP (exercise), that phosphocreatine recharges those ADP back to ATP, allowing you to anaerobically go stronger for longer.
Taking creatine does two things:

1) flushes your muscles with water, making them bigger. This is not a permanent thing.

2) As trevor said earlier, it lets your body to anaerobically convert ADP into ATP. You naturally ingest creatine through different meats every day, and your liver produces it. What you are doing by choking that nasty chalky powder down is filling your muscles up with it beyond what is normally there. In your cells, Creatine is turned into phosphocreatine. That phosphate group (which has a loose association with the creatine) is the same sort of phosphate which is the "P" in ATP.

Long story short, when your ATP goes to ADP (exercise), that phosphocreatine recharges those ADP back to ATP, allowing you to anaerobically go stronger for longer.

TY James and Trevor,I overlooked that and it sounds like that is definatley NOT for me which I kind of knew that I was wondering if they made something a little less bulking for women?