
man A walks into bathroom, takes a piss, walks towards the door. then man B says "didn't your mom teach you to wash your hands?" man A looks at weird at him and replies "didn't your mom teach you not to piss on your fingers?" and walks out.

Go workout before your bad jokes make me angry.
Whoever thinks its a good idea to touch your wanker in public and then go out and touch other stuff is dumb.

I never wash my hands in a public restroom for many reasons.

If you're eating, you should just soak a napkin with water, then wipe your hands. Also, some restaurants offer wipes that come in a packet. Also, you should know that anything that comes out of your body is already sterilized. I think the Army training manual has it if you need to clean a wound and don't have fresh water - or if fresh water supply is limited to the need of survival - then you should use your own fresh urine - not minutes or hours old ones as bacteria growth can occur.
Is this what you do Karks?

Are you washing your hands with urine and trying to secretly tell us through a bad joke? You can just come out and tell us man.

Don't worry bro, we accept you for who you are, not how urine infested your hands are. We still love ya.
Well the first question is why are you eating with your hands? ;) And second, I wasn't suggesting peeing on yourself then eating (unless someone has that type of fetish)
Mr. T said:
I pity the fool who doesn't wash his hands after touching his junk.

Now, it's a different story if you use the hands-free method, but even so just touching the door to get into the bathroom is a good enough reason to wash before you leave (being sure not to touch anything on the way out). The thing to do is keep some hand sanitizer and a little packet of Kleenex in your jacket pocket. All the cool kids are doing it.
If using the bathroom and touching your privates while doing so is such a bad thing and will make you sick, then you would have long ago gotten a terrible illness. I much rather not wash my hands in a public restroom and eat food, than touch everything in the bathroom while washing my hands then going to eat. If you have to get dirty, what better thing to do than touch yourself; at least you know where your parts been --- I hope.
If using the bathroom and touching your privates while doing so is such a bad thing and will make you sick, then you would have long ago gotten a terrible illness. I much rather not wash my hands in a public restroom and eat food, than touch everything in the bathroom while washing my hands then going to eat. If you have to get dirty, what better thing to do than touch yourself; at least you know where your parts been --- I hope.

You, my friend, are the reason I use the paper towel I dried my hands with, to open up the bathroom door.

If using the bathroom and touching your privates while doing so is such a bad thing and will make you sick, then you would have long ago gotten a terrible illness. I much rather not wash my hands in a public restroom and eat food, than touch everything in the bathroom while washing my hands then going to eat. If you have to get dirty, what better thing to do than touch yourself; at least you know where your parts been --- I hope.

I'm very hygienic; I have never been sick. Except with the chicken pox when I was very young. Is there a correlation, necessarily? No. But the implication makes a great deal more sense than what you just said.

For starters, I can get in and out of most public restrooms without ever coming into direct with (see: skin touching) anything but myself and the soap. Then something about your ***** (or any part of you, really) not being anywhere near as clean as you think it is, despite your supposedly 'knowing where it's been'. ;)

Edit: Bah. LV beat me to it, and was more direct. I lose. :p
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I rarely get sick as well, and I have minimal public sanitation methods. Only time I ever get sick is when the season changes, but this year I haven't gotten ill yet.

I rarely clean myself in public facilities because I have a huge phobia in touching things in the bathroom - even the buttons for the soap, the sink, or anything. I just run in, don’t touch anything, then leave. I rarely flush the toilets (even lift the seats) unless I can do so with my shoe. This has been a lifelong habit, and I don't tend on breaking it anytime soon. Quite amazingly, I still believe in the boogyman, and even though now I can probably defend myself from such an attack, I do not wish to confront him.

I even have a huge phobia in hospitals and around small children. Once I have sat next to a small child in the hospital and gotten strap throat (or whatever you call it) and ever since, whenever I come in contact with a small child in or around a hospital, I place my hands in my pockets and constantly remind myself not to touch my eyes, mouth, or nose. Then when I get home, I vigorously was my hands and face with a soap and towel. Call me an crazed OCD person, but I do not intend to get that strap throat again.

At home and at work I am fine. I always wash my hands with soap at home and at work. But if at work someone makes a mess in the restroom, I'm out. I don't even touch anything. Good thing about the work toilets is that it’s motion sensitive, so I can just not worry about flushing. Also the sinks at work are motion sensitive, so I can just put my hands under it, walk to the wipes, and be gone. The soap box though is not, so I never touch it.
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I got sick in December, with an ear and upper respiratory infection that put me down for two weeks, and this is one hard thing to do. I lost 6 pounds in those two weeks; I just had a very difficult time holding any food down. I gained most of the 6 pounds back within about one week with proper and careful nutrition. Before this I hadnt been sick in over 15 years.

Now however, I am emmensely sick with drive and determination; nothing and I mean nothing, stands between me and my goal. I like this sort of sick; it divides and grows within me and combates the oppostite sickness that breathes destruction and despair. I am "the" prescription medication, and provide the cure. I will remain constant and consistant, as this is the base killer of goal deconstruction. YES! ROCK ON!

FEEL the thunder of the appropriate sickness! :)

Best regards and peace and happiness to all on the forum!

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Go in, pee, flush with your foot, wash, then use a paper towel to turn off the water and open the door. That way, you wash without touching germy things.

So, how exactly does fear of touching icky things translate into becoming the icky thing others are worried about (i.e.-the person who touches the door after putting their hand on their genitals and not washing).
I'm very hygienic; I have never been sick. Except with the chicken pox when I was very young. Is there a correlation, necessarily? No. But the implication makes a great deal more sense than what you just said.

For starters, I can get in and out of most public restrooms without ever coming into direct with (see: skin touching) anything but myself and the soap. Then something about your ***** (or any part of you, really) not being anywhere near as clean as you think it is, despite your supposedly 'knowing where it's been'. ;)

Edit: Bah. LV beat me to it, and was more direct. I lose. :p

Do you have like, mutant healing powers? After reading your workouts and now knowing of this information, 2 and 2 makes 4...

Do you have like, mutant healing powers? After reading your workouts and now knowing of this information, 2 and 2 makes 4...



I'll let you know if I grow bone claws or whatever.