full body workout every other day? or each part once a week?

When I was working out with a physical trainer I started working out each part once a week, Mondays - weights (upper body), Wednesday - Abs Friday - legs

Well, I'm not working with a physical trainer anymore, I wanted to work out on my own every other week and so she just stopped communicating with me.

So now I'm stuck in this 109 gram protein diet and I can't push myself to train as hard as I did with her.

When I would workout with my trainer I would be sore for a couple days for each part that I exercised. I could really feel that I did workout and would be tired afterwards and sore for the next couple days. Unfortunately I just can't afford to workout with a trainer.

When I exercise on my own I get tired and stop quicker and don't train myself as hard. So I'm wondering if I'm not training myself hard should I do full body workouts every other day instead of exercising each part once a week? So I do a few sets of weights, ab workouts and legs every other day? I try to workout until failure, but like I said I'm not training as hard as I was with a trainer.

I also walk/fast-walk a mile (2.7-3.0 mph) for 20 minutes a day (6-7 days a week). I'm trying to lose my beer belly (I stopped drinking beer and drinking at all on weekdays, I'll drink one day on the weekend). I'm also trying to work on my abs and upper body strength.

As for nutrition - My breakfast is usually a cup of oatmeal, 1 - egg white, and a protein shake. My lunch is usually stir-fry/brown rice, veggies/fruit, or tuna sandwiches, or something with chicken. I try to get all my carbs out during the day before lunch and after my workouts I'll have chicken breast/veggies, and another protein shake. I try to eat snacks between lunch and dinner such as beef jerky, peanuts/almonds (non-salted, no sugar, just plain). I also try to drink 96 oz. of water a day, multi-vitamin as well. I'm trying to get 109 grams of protein which was recommended from my trainer. I weigh 185 lbs and I'm 5'9.

How does this sound so far? I'm just worried since I don't push myself hard to train that I won't see any results, and I would like to see results in 3 months.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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109 grammes of protein sounds like a heck of a lot! Its also not meant to be great for your liver!

Your eating though sounds good, rule of thumb is the 6-8 meals a day at 2/3 hour intervals with a protein and carb in each. What are your calorie intakes like?

What sort of cardio are you doing?

I've got the same/used to have the sam problem with the beer belly.
I'm not sure if I'm working out hard enough, so I don't know if anymore protein is going to help. I do know that I'm not working out as hard on my own as I was with a trainer. I don't want to end up getting fat with all this protein.

My most important question was if I'm not working out hard should I be doing full body workouts every other day?

I know the way you build muscles is through "breaking them down" and then they you actually build muscle during recovery. If I'm not working out hard enough and my muscles aren't breaking down in one session, then once a week doesn't seem enough.

I'm not sure if I'm working out hard enough, so I don't know if anymore protein is going to help. I do know that I'm not working out as hard on my own as I was with a trainer. I don't want to end up getting fat with all this protein.

My most important question was if I'm not working out hard should I be doing full body workouts every other day?

I know the way you build muscles is through "breaking them down" and then they you actually build muscle during recovery. If I'm not working out hard enough and my muscles aren't breaking down in one session, then once a week doesn't seem enough.


Why aren't you working out as hard, I don't think I understand what the problem is? Also, protein in and of itself will not make you fat, calories over your maintenence level will make you fat, and really that isn't even correct to say. They will make you add tissue. That's where the heavy lifting comes in, if you are doing it right, you will add muscle tissue, and a bit of fat, which is OK.

To answer your question, you could be doing 3 fullbody workouts a week and seeing great results. But again, why aren't you working out hard?
109 grammes of protein sounds like a heck of a lot! Its also not meant to be great for your liver!

Your eating though sounds good, rule of thumb is the 6-8 meals a day at 2/3 hour intervals with a protein and carb in each. What are your calorie intakes like?

What sort of cardio are you doing?

I've got the same/used to have the sam problem with the beer belly.

To answer your question, you could be doing 3 fullbody workouts a week and seeing great results. But again, why aren't you working out hard?

Thanks for the advise, and to answer your question I just get tired too quickly. When I work with a trainer I have somebody there pushing me harder and motivating me and telling me, "one more..one more.." etc.., and I feel like working out harder infront of people from the shame of looking weak if I don't. When I workout on my own I don't workout as hard, as soon as I start feeling tired or feeling the workout I'll stop and take breaks. I really don't even break a sweat working out on my own. I'm starting to think I might just be wasting my time.
Thanks for the advise, and to answer your question I just get tired too quickly. When I work with a trainer I have somebody there pushing me harder and motivating me and telling me, "one more..one more.." etc.., and I feel like working out harder infront of people from the shame of looking weak if I don't. When I workout on my own I don't workout as hard, as soon as I start feeling tired or feeling the workout I'll stop and take breaks. I really don't even break a sweat working out on my own. I'm starting to think I might just be wasting my time.

Find a Gym partner who can help motivate you to push yourself harder.
Thanks for the advise, and to answer your question I just get tired too quickly. When I work with a trainer I have somebody there pushing me harder and motivating me and telling me, "one more..one more.." etc.., and I feel like working out harder infront of people from the shame of looking weak if I don't. When I workout on my own I don't workout as hard, as soon as I start feeling tired or feeling the workout I'll stop and take breaks. I really don't even break a sweat working out on my own. I'm starting to think I might just be wasting my time.

Hmmm, I see. Do you really know about and enjoy what you are doing? For example, understanding the functionality and benefits of the squat is part of my motivation for doing them. I realize it's something I do everyday, many times a day so it feels good to get better at doing them. Also, I enjoy the challenge of putting lots of weight across my upper back and squatting it, and striving to put more and more weight on every time I do them! To someone who hates doing them, they think I'm crazy, but to people who like them, they probably feel the exact same way...

I guess what I'm saying is do you really like your workouts, or were you just doing them because a trainer was watching you and "making" you do them? I really think you have to be passionate about this stuff, the mental aspect is almost important as physical. So think about that. What kind of stuff are you doing?

Also, how is your pre and post workout nutrition?
I will make my answers short. I will also risk sounding a little harsh.

So now I'm stuck in this 109 gram protein diet

Eat more protein.

I get tired and stop quicker and don't train myself as hard.

If you want results, train harder. Figure out how to get it done. Your diet means nothing if you do not train hard enough to take advantage of the nutrition.

I'm starting to think I might just be wasting my time.

If you are not training hard enough to get results. You are wasting your time.

My advice, start training harder. ;)
After reading your initial post again. I have some more.

Don't worry about a FBW or split. Choose what you like and learn to train harder. Everything works when your train harder. You can adjust your workout once you get past that point.
Do you use an MP3 player? Can make a huge difference while working alone. Music that motivates you can push your testosterone alot higher, which benefits your lifts.
Maybe I should just get a physical trainer to workout with every other week? It seems everybody is saying working out hard is important and if I'm not doing that on my own maybe I'll need to work with a trainer for a little while.

I liked working with my trainer, but when I mentioned working out every other week (I work out on my on off weeks) since it was out of my budget she just stopped communicating with me.
Maybe I should just get a physical trainer to workout with every other week? It seems everybody is saying working out hard is important and if I'm not doing that on my own maybe I'll need to work with a trainer for a little while.

I liked working with my trainer, but when I mentioned working out every other week (I work out on my on off weeks) since it was out of my budget she just stopped communicating with me.

Probably because she realized she wouldn't be making any money off you.

Don't just go hire a trainer. Read around, educate yourself, and implement your own plan. You'll find that knowing what's what will increase your confidence and thus increase your ability to work hard.
HMMM. Yes that may be true...but then it wouldn't be "training" it would be "working out"...G hit the nail on the head about training, but if you're just looking to "work out" then it's a little different.
im no expert but no way its a total waste of time as far as your general health

General health is a nice way of saying that one is not getting any results. Fitness has to be improved in order to "be healthier."

Results are what motivate and keep people consistent. Without results there is only a high motivation to quit.