Frühman's diary

Welcome Frühman! What are you studying?

1kg per week is a tough, but doable goal. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress.
Welcome to the forum, Frühmann :) If you spend a lot of time sitting down at a computer all day just going for a walk can make a real difference. Best of luck!

Hey Maria! Thanks for bringing this up. My problem is that outside no one wears masks which makes me kinda feel insecure with many people around. :D
Day 1 was okay. I drank 3x my shake and feel better with it. My mind seems a little clearer, making me more awake. Which is good and bad in and of itself. Anyway it was difficult from time to time, because I felt the usual hunger coming up which usually triggers me buying food, which I try to avoid. My current how to avoid is to use other ways to trigger my dopamine and so weening myself off of the feeling-good addiction from food, while hopefully not starting new addictions..

weight: 131kg - probably lost water
insights: Food is not there to feel happy. Use different behaviors to achieve it.
I don't like to risk things :thinking:
:D Are you me? I don´t have a choice, of course: I work in close proximity with other humans (as in: often hands-on and never more than 2m away even when I really want to) and have been working through all but the first lockdown. I´m very careful at work and outside of it (gloves/screen+mask/apron, disinfecting everything people touch, airing as much as possible) but at the end of the day many of my patients are very careless and they get very close to me. In 10 months of working that way I haven´t been infected. I´m sure part of that is luck but we have had patients who tested positive shortly afterwards so it´s not JUST luck. Meaning that even when other people ignore the rules you can protect yourself to a certain degree. And locking yourself into your apartment for too long is bad for your health as well. So be careful but brave!
:D Are you me? I don´t have a choice, of course: I work in close proximity with other humans (as in: often hands-on and never more than 2m away even when I really want to) and have been working through all but the first lockdown. I´m very careful at work and outside of it (gloves/screen+mask/apron, disinfecting everything people touch, airing as much as possible) but at the end of the day many of my patients are very careless and they get very close to me. In 10 months of working that way I haven´t been infected. I´m sure part of that is luck but we have had patients who tested positive shortly afterwards so it´s not JUST luck. Meaning that even when other people ignore the rules you can protect yourself to a certain degree. And locking yourself into your apartment for too long is bad for your health as well. So be careful but brave!

Its encouraging to have a little control over things. I'm trying to go out for walks around midnight for now, less people :)
Day 2 went a little better, feelingwise. Enacting different behavior to feel happy works out well. Makes me forget desiring a wrapper. :) Keeping busy helps too. Getting into the schedule maybe helped too here.

weight: 130.1 - less water again
insights: I like to say no to tasty food - this may be a healthy attitude to develop to justify continued use of shakes, reframing shakes as a reinforcement instead of as punishment to increase the behavior instead of decreasing it.
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Do you mean to say that you enjoy denying yourself things or is it that you´re proud of yourself for foregoing the short-term pleasure in order to reach a long-term goal?

This idea is from
, where Fridman explains that if he eats tasty food he kind of lives for the next food intake instead of for the work he does. This resonated with me, in that I was the same for a long time. An example day would be me standing up, not eating until 10-11 AM at which point I can order tasty food, enjoy the meal and then being sad that it was only so much and anticipating the next day 10 AM to start all over again. I want to get away from living for food, which is why I want to cultivate the mentality.

In the end this is a reward in itself, by taking the negative (living for food) away. And there's the long-term goal too, but those usually don't motivate me day-to-day, sadly. That's my rationalization. :)
:D Not at all! They're a however-many step program analogous to AA. Too ascetic for me but it seems to works well for some people.
Who knows where I'll end up, we will see :oops: