Sport FRIDAY's CHALLENGE - (7/31)

Sport Fitness
Give me a break!! Shut up and sweat I Come on Neon kick Butt. Tell the Dr's to take a hike this is the Friday Challenge and I'm goin' for it.

All kidding aside be careful and if you can't participate just trash talk me or somebody else. Bring it on I'll accept all trash.:beerchug:

Dear Mr. WorldB,

Thank your for offering me the opportunity to participate in today's challenge, however it is with the deepest regret that I must decline.

As I understand things, this challenge is to push one's limits and find self perseverance and tenacity. I believe that under different circumstances, my participation would have been fulfilling and I could have carried around a "trump card" so to speak.

However, in light of recent surgical activities, I will not participate in said challenge today, but will don a pair of 3.5" hot pink high heels to wear in honor of your acceptance and domination of this particular event. Now get crackin! :action6:



PS. Please read this with as much sarcasm & smart a$$-ness as possible because it's full of ISH... LMAO :D... well except for the surgical part.. that's real.. hehehe

Laugh dammit... this was funny :rofl:

OK I'm done. 30 mins but I had to cheat because the pullup bar was in use. I used another rack to do 100--10 per set with my palms facing each other. I know girly style right. Who cares I did more pullups than I ever would have without this challenge.

Neon 3" heels and nothin' else if I read your post right!!! Now that's worth another tribute 50 reps.

InnerFight nice routine. 40 is the record I guess.

Where's Dutchy and In Vino Veritas.

What's the most creative pullup category? FF's tree, doorway etc?

Who gets the award for best excuse?:beerchug:
Fridays Challenge 7/31

Yay...finished all 100 push- ups and after a big pizza dinner no less !!...well now I'm going out to the barn to see if I can find a place to do a pull up or 2...with my husband's help of course, we are allowed a tiny bit of assistance right?? see WorldB.....even with fabulous whinng here..haha!!!
fridays challenge 7/31

managed to find a way for pull ups...a pole across the alleyway of our horse barn!!...did three with no assistance, just moral support LOL...1 with palms facing away and 2 with palms facing in....these things are hard !!...left the pole up across the case I get the urge for more torture LOL
I'm done 75 push ups with an hour to go here. I did find a bathroom stall bar but it felt wayyyyyy unsteady so I bagged it. All I could picture was me falling and cracking my head on the filthy work toilet behind me (wait that's a different thread). Back to work : )
I did 50 push ups!!!!! (the girly ones, I admit but my baseline is 0 push-ups). It wasn't possible to do the pull-ups as suggested by FF, the pole was to wide to get a good grip.
Fridays challenge 7/31

That's awesome Dutchy, at first I had a hard time with even the girly ones, but by just keeping at it, it finally pays off !! I betcha the regular push ups will be yours before you know it !! as for those pull ups , whoa, my shoulders are 'wide awake & cranky', this morniing', lower back abit funny too, wonder if I didn't do something quite right???? Oh well some nice pilates and stretches and we'll be all set for the next challenge !!!

Right on all you challengers!!! Wow what an effort. I'm sure FF is proud of all the heroes who gave this challenge a shot and went the extra mile to complete pushups and attempt pullups. Two great exercises to add to your routine. Now add them to the squats and planks and you've got a killer full body workout you can do anywhere. Pretty cool body weight routine don't you think?

Nice job ladies. Can't wait for Neon to recover put the heels on and go for it.

Dutchy look out girl your killin' these challenges. Now finda way to start pullups.
Maybe fitforever will post a pic in the barn for inspiration.

Did you finish May66? No toilet pic please.

Fitforever-- Your hubby must be proud. Way to get back at it Sat AM. It was the nails I'm sure.

I'm having a ball doing these along with my regular workout and only wish we had more like minded participants. The stories, updates and successes are great to read about even though the trash talkin' is weak. Beuller classic. Congrats everyone stay tuned.

Sept 3rd I'm going for 100 consecutive pushups. The 100 pushup site has a training program for all levels. Check it out and give it a shot with me.
:yelrotflmao: its very difficult accomplish this task and come again here to post their review, !! what do you think how many replies are genuine..huh..:cool2:
Seems impossible for me. :)