Give me a break!! Shut up and sweat I Come on Neon kick Butt. Tell the Dr's to take a hike this is the Friday Challenge and I'm goin' for it.
All kidding aside be careful and if you can't participate just trash talk me or somebody else. Bring it on I'll accept all trash.
Dear Mr. WorldB,
Thank your for offering me the opportunity to participate in today's challenge, however it is with the deepest regret that I must decline.
As I understand things, this challenge is to push one's limits and find self perseverance and tenacity. I believe that under different circumstances, my participation would have been fulfilling and I could have carried around a "trump card" so to speak.
However, in light of recent surgical activities, I will not participate in said challenge today, but will don a pair of 3.5" hot pink high heels to wear in honor of your acceptance and domination of this particular event. Now get crackin! :action6:
PS. Please read this with as much sarcasm & smart a$$-ness as possible because it's full of ISH... LMAO ... well except for the surgical part.. that's real.. hehehe
Laugh dammit... this was funny