Forum's Hottest Guys

Oh I do diet, maybe once a year just to keep bodyfat from going insane. But I don't do it consistently to stay "ripped" or whatever. I don't have any need or desire to have my abs showing constantly.

That said, I do get in my protein and EFA requirements, as well as some solid whole foods just to ensure I'm getting all my nutrients. I just don't worry too much about the rest, and really don't care if I slip up for a few days out of the week.
oh ok. yeah i think its silly to be extremely strict on diets. and only so much abs/muscle is actually hot on a guy. i think the extremely ripped body builders and such is way too much. id rather just be in shape and eat somewhat healthy without worrying about slipping once in awhile too.
ok so i have decided that all of the guys on this forum need to come to my college rec center because there is no one hot to look at there lol i need something hot to stare at that helps pass the time :p
what about me!?
haha im new, so maybe i was over looked.....haha.... my pics are on the last page of "post your pics."
be honest, ur not gonna hurt my feelings, haha.
thanks girls!
That's a pleated skirt for men, and I'm only a homo on the second Tuesday of each week during the 6th week of the thirteenth month of every fifth year.
Im a fat now :/
but give me 2months!