Forum Language

thedevil said:
Capitalization and punctuation, is the difference between "Helping your uncle jack off a horse" and "Helping your uncle Jack, off a horse"

lol - my advice is, take a look at the context, it may provide your dirty mind with some clues ;)
~LV~ said:
wuzzup peeplez ken i looze fatz b4 eth end of nexed week?

thanx :)

Lol Lv. I love this guy.
The saddest part of this post is that in all likelihood the worst punctuation / grammar offenders are probably Americans that were born here. My son is in high school and his grades are always very good, however his language skills are atrocious. I myself am grammatically challenged but I can do much better than he.

Oh, my vote for the most annoying mis-use of a word - "then" where "than" should be. Example - I am stronger now then I was before coming here. (then should be than)
tonymcclellan said:
Tomahawk has a lot of love, but only for LV...weird!
1st day back and your already starting.
