Weight-Loss For those with families/partners - do they eat the same as you?



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Do your partners/children/family eat the same as you? Do they support your healthy food choices?
Boyfriend - We eat the SAME food, but very different amounts. He is trying to gain muscle so he eats probably 3 x the amount as me! But the good thing is its usually healthy and high in protein!

Family - I eat with my family maybe 4 days per week, usually they cook healthy foods anyway. Like stews, chicken dishes, protein and veggies. So I just help myself to a normal portion, they all eat quite a lot.

Myself - I make my own breakfast and lunch every day as I work full time, so the majority of food decisions are made by me!

When my boyfriend and I move in together and have a family It wont be a problem as I will want my children to eat very healthily and of course indulge once in a while!

Any family members who want to sabotage your weight loss efforts are probably just jealous or do not want to see your success.
Thanks austin. Hey you are an Aussie too!!! Yay!!!

My husband eats the same but much larger portions. And my children eat the same, just smaller portions lol. We are all very healthy and supportive of each other.

We eat alot of raw veges in our diet, at nearly every lunch and dinner. Only grilled meats and seafood and brown rice for carbs where possible.

When we eat at family functions i always offer to make a raw vege salad with chickpeas and eggs from our own chickens. This way we know if there is not a healthy option we are still safe.

I don't think anyone in my family would try and sabotage the way I eat. I have influenced them with most of their eating. lol

But some people just enjoy eating bad food.
Of the 4 of us (3 adults, 1 kid) in our family, no one eats the same thing. There's some overlap, but it's very rare that we'd all have the same meal. We also rarely all eat at the same time.
It's just me and my partner and she's the one that started on a program to try to lose weight, so we eat the same things.
My wife eats pretty much the same things as I do. This has been extremely helpful for me since we're not having to cook up our own dinners, sharing food costs and she's losing weight as a result, too!
My partner does the cooking in our house, and he's been very good at giving me smaller portions and cutting out the naughties.
Of the 4 of us (3 adults, 1 kid) in our family, no one eats the same thing. There's some overlap, but it's very rare that we'd all have the same meal. We also rarely all eat at the same time.

the schedule is one thing... but I hear my mother's voice right now - I don't ru n a restaurant -you eat what you're served or you don't eat...

Why does everyone get different meals? Allergies? Taste?
My husband and I eat very different things. He won't touch a lot of what I eat. We can eat a lot of the same dinners but lately I haven't been cooking those for some reason (i'm not feeling well). Like tonight I won't be eating what I make him for dinner. I'll just save what is left for him to have tomorrow and I'll eat something else.
Yep. But I am the alpha male. So they can only eat when I am finished.

J/k We mostly do but we still let the kids have a few things we don't and sometimes we want something they dont like. I would say 80% we do 20% we have 2 different meals.
Why does everyone get different meals? Allergies? Taste?

Enlightened self-interest. ;)

MIL (who is normal weight and has never had a problem with her weight) cooks old-fashioned Chinese home cooking, flavored with MSG and dripping with oil. When I was having fat-triggered gallbladder attacks, she'd make battered and deep-fried pork nuggets special for me, out of lean pork so I could eat it. "I make these for you! No fat!" :smash: Another of her specialties is stir-fried lettuce (mostly prepackaged iceberg salad mix, but sometimes she'll do romaine). She refrigerates tomatoes and bananas, and will leave raw meat out on the kitchen counters from morning until night. She also doesn't believe in leftovers - if she makes it, it must be all eaten up. Oddly enough, she generally makes special food for herself (which she doesn't anticipate anyone else will eat, nor do we) at dinner for health reasons, but none of us can figure the logic behind those health reasons other than "my friend told me it was good to eat X."

Some of the stuff she makes is actually amazingly good. But if I eat much of what she makes 2 or 3 days running, she starts cooking for me on a regular basis, except she doesn't make foods that I'm willing to eat all the time, and then she gets grumpy that her food is being wasted and I get grumpy because I don't have the fridge stocked with stuff I like. We get along much, much better when I cook for me, and she doesn't. I eat from 9am to 5pm at work, come home and have a small portion of whatever I like best from what she made along with the rest of the family, and then get the rest of my calories (which is usually about 1/3 of my total) in between 7pm and 11pm.

My partner (who is overweight but not obese) cooks what MIL makes, because she'd rather not fight that battle. Her hours tend to be very different, because she needs a couple hours of peace and quiet every night so that she and MIL can both survive living in the same house. So she eats something she makes herself for breakfast around lunchtime, what MIL makes for dinner, and something that she makes herself for dinner around midnight. MIL is fiercely territorial of the kitchen, so taught none of her kids to cook, nor will she allow them to cook (even as adults) when she's present. She takes it as an insult to her cooking skills. So my partner has no cooking skills, and subsists mostly on frozen dinners and soup (either canned or ramen).

5yo kidlet is < 3rd percentile weight-for-height, and is the world's slowest eater, so we try to offer her calorie-dense foods. The food MIL makes is calorie-dense, but not particularly kid-friendly (too spicy and too salty, for the most part). She'll often have some of the main protein and some rice with butter, but get most of her nutrition from something plainer. She'll often have some of what I eat, or a 1-or-2-ingredient food that takes little or no preparation (a slice of bologna, or cheese on toast, or a piece of fruit). If she were taller (or I had the patience to listen to her drag chairs around), she'd get it for herself, but I'd just as soon have one fewer person leaving the fridge door open.
I do a lot of the cooking at home, so I'm making what I feel like. It's usually something healthy, but not always. My kids know that there is healthy foods and foods that aren't so healthy. You can have the second group, but not all the time. When I'm making that, I'll just make something else for myself. I have a hard time sticking to a small portion of some calorie dense food that is oh, so good.

One of my favorites is I'll make pasta and sauce. I'll skip the pasta and just put the sauce over sliced veggies. That way we're all eating together, but I'm skipping the "bad" stuff. (I have a big appetite when it comes to pasta)
We pretty much eat the same things. I do all the cooking...well, my fiance is trying to learn to cook. But we make normal meals and just follow portion control. And I actually eat more then he does at a given meal. Used to annoy the crap out of me that I'm overweight and I'm still eating more. Well, turns out he is an incessant snacker. He eats probably 8 times a day, all about equal calories so I only see him 2 or 3 of those meals and they seem small compared to mine. His other meals (the ones that I'm not around to nag at him about) consist of bacon, cookies, candy and cheese. :rolleyes:
I do most of the cooking but of course we have to have junk food inthe house for my husband to snack on. My son is also trying to becarful of what he eats - to a point. My son figures since he is working out anywhere from 1-3 hours a day that he can justify double portions (sandwiches, cerial, chips) he has lost & trimmed down but I think sooner or later he will level out & the dble portions that he like will work against him. My husband does not care what he eats or when but he does not support me much when he knows I am trying to watch what I am eating. He does not have a chose what he eats at dinner unless I put him in charge of it then he will order out or make a pizza. If he doesn't like what I make or don't make enough he will snack all night.
I without realizing it started eating/catering to what my husband liked because it was easier that way. But it definately didn't help my weight or his so now that I've started eating healthier.... I've told him that he either eats what I make or he makes his own meal.

The biggest difference btw. us is that he does not eat vegetables. Ok he'll eat corn, peas, carrots, and celery. But anything green or not startchy he says tastes like tree bark. *sigh*

He also won't eat anything with onions or mushrooms.

Now that I've hired a personal trainer and have been put on a nutrition plan....he is starting to become more supportive in the choices we make for our dinners (the only meal we normally eat together). And he also realizes that if he wants something I shouldn't have....eating it outside our home is what he'll have to do because otherwise at this point I"m too tempted.
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Good to hear there are partners and families out there that support healthy eating. I find it really does help.

I have a bit of a motto in my house that whatever I'm cooking must get eaten. There aren't alot of choices. But I believe by providing these healthy meals I am helping set up wonderful eating habits for my children.

It is really important to me that my daughter grows up with a lot of knowledge of healthy food, benefits of raw veges and fruits and understands and is otivated about how wonderful and important exercise is in her life. There is a lot of pressure on young girls out there to be so slim without caring properly for their bodies.

Everyone sounds like they are doing a good job. Well done!:Angel_anim:
Do your partners/children/family eat the same as you? Do they support your healthy food choices?

My boyfriend supports me, throughout the two years we've been together he has made some healthy changes. I think it depends on the person also. He claims that you really can't tell a difference between diet and regular soda, will drink water, and he pretty much is a garbage disposal, so whatever I make he will consume. haha
He's definately not big on veggies, which I can understand, but he will eat some of them.
I will never tell him not to have certain foods in the house, becuase it's better for me to learn to eat right WITH temptations, so that in the end, I can be stronger.
Plus, guys can eat more than us... psh. Must be nice to have testosterone and muscles. haha
I wish I could change him into as healthy as a lifestyle that I lead, because he doesn't understand how hard it is for me, but he gets exercise,and eats what I cook, so at least that's one step in the right direction.
Family - Not terrible. Once in a while though my mom will buy a box of donuts, and of course she'll buy my favorite ones. And of course my two little brothers being the growing boys that they are can eat whatever and not gain a pound.

Me - Eh. I gained weight after I got a job because I had more money to eat really poorly. Growing up we never had "Friday Pizza Nights" and stuff like that, so when I got money, I spent it.

Friends - Not terrible, but not good either. We go out for pizza quite a bit, or ice cream (we have been known to buy a thing of ice-cream and eat it between the both of us in a night) But we are all trying to lose weight so that helps.
I do most of the cooking, so my husband eats what I cook. At least I know he has one meal in a day that's healthy. I haven't heard any complaints. Besides, I'll still throw on some rice or pasta for him if what I'm cooking would normally have that accompany it. Only now I use brown rice most of the time. If I make spaghetti, I'll make up the pasta for him, and do a quick sautee of some zucchini for me. I'll put a very tiny amount of the pasta in with the zucchini so I'm not depriving myself. Or I'll have a very tiny bit of rice just to enjoy the flavor.

Family and friends are very supportive. Our gatherings usually consist of a bbq, and I'll create a huge salad while I'm there for everybody to enjoy. But since there are several of us working on losing weight, its not difficult to find things to eat among what has been prepared.

Work can be the most challenging of places, and I'm sure that's where I packed on a lot of the weight. Always a lot of carb & fat laden, empty caloric food that is easy to access. Can't really go out to lunch with 'the guys' anymore because all they seem to want is pizza. And the 'salads' at these places, well... they suck, what can I say? I bring my own lunch most of the time now, and if they are going somewhere I can find something that won't make me gain 5 pounds in a day, I'm happy to join them.
My fiance and I both eat healthy. In fact, we made the change to a healthy lifestyle because of our son (now about 4 months old).

My family is a bit tricky. My sister is very picky with food so she has a hard time with the healthier stuff (she is a twig though thanks to her metabolism). My mom tries to eat as healthy as my fiance and I but with my step-dad and brother in the house pigging out on fatty foods, she finds it to be difficult. My real dad is an excercise fanatic and is in relatively good shape for his age and the amount of free time he has. Eating healthy is hard for my dad when my step-mom (who is hispanic) cooks amazing food, most of which is not healthy.

We try to be encouraging to our relatives but in the end there really isnt much we can do. They will eat what they want when they want. It is nice to have someone that is on the same page though.