can you tell me your secret; been trying that for 3 years.
To change a habit, you have to repeat it enough until it gets to the point you do it instinctively and sometimes without thinking. Its like when we start to ride a bike when young. Sometimes we fall down and scrape our knee. After a bit of moaning and groaning, and a lesson learned, we get back on and try again. Eventually it becomes easy and accidents become less frequent and allows one to go faster and perform other feats. Or, we drove a car for many years and get used to the features, the way it drives and performs. But, when a new one is purchased, though its fundelmentally the same technology, it may not have quite the same features, perform or drive simularily, and we have to get used to it and give it some time to develop.
Moral of this brief story? When you fail at an attempt, get back up and try again. Repeat as necessary while learning yourself. Try new things, take time to adapt to it, and learn if your body is responding well enough.
Our bodies are simular but so fundelmentally different from one another. There so many variances in application of diet and fitness knowledge from one to another. And, this is "precisely" the problem and "precisely" the answer at the same time.
My secret or approach method would take an extensive write.
Best wishes to you, Jman!