For anyone else that blew it on Easter

Not to worry I shot the easter bunny saturday night. Cooked him up in my crock pot with some veggies. Those 3" magnum duck loads do a number on a rabbit.

I told my kids that and they were traumatized LOL.
i didnt really eat sweets, but ate lots of food like lamb, potatoes, carrots olives...etc but then I threw it all up cuz I was sick so no gaining weight for me heheh
Perhaps the Easter bunny drugged them? Perhaps they're in a trance of some kind. Another great reason why we should group together and hunt down the bunny before it's too late.

I think I see where your paranoia lies, the Easter Bunny may have already gotten you...
I have created such a lifestyle change, it doesnt bother me any more. At the beginning it did, but with planning and organizing certain personal criteria to combat the negative aspect of dieting, this assisted in eliminating them all together, and its just not a part of my life any longer. Its about making correct and best choices in the environment your in........


Be a personal FIRE BUSTER!


can you tell me your secret; been trying that for 3 years.
can you tell me your secret; been trying that for 3 years.

To change a habit, you have to repeat it enough until it gets to the point you do it instinctively and sometimes without thinking. Its like when we start to ride a bike when young. Sometimes we fall down and scrape our knee. After a bit of moaning and groaning, and a lesson learned, we get back on and try again. Eventually it becomes easy and accidents become less frequent and allows one to go faster and perform other feats. Or, we drove a car for many years and get used to the features, the way it drives and performs. But, when a new one is purchased, though its fundelmentally the same technology, it may not have quite the same features, perform or drive simularily, and we have to get used to it and give it some time to develop.

Moral of this brief story? When you fail at an attempt, get back up and try again. Repeat as necessary while learning yourself. Try new things, take time to adapt to it, and learn if your body is responding well enough.

Our bodies are simular but so fundelmentally different from one another. There so many variances in application of diet and fitness knowledge from one to another. And, this is "precisely" the problem and "precisely" the answer at the same time.

My secret or approach method would take an extensive write.

Best wishes to you, Jman!

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Moral of this brief story? When you fail at an attempt, get back up and try again. Repeat as necessary while learning yourself. Try new things, take time to adapt to it, and learn if your body is responding well enough.

My secret or approach would take an extensive write. Chillen

Then just skip the " extensive write " and just give us the condensed Readers Digest version - i.e 200 words or less - to your " secret or approach ".

Can you do that ?
Then just skip the " extensive write " and just give us the condensed Readers Digest version - i.e 200 words or less - to your " secret or approach ".

Can you do that ?

or better yet chillen can write a book im sure he would make tons of money sharing his life stories and ultimate knowledge. Id buy it hehe hed put dr. zeus out of business hehe