Flyer's diary

right ... i blame this one on baseball/ softball ... i had a fairly strong arm.

spent a few cautious hrs w/o the sling today ... a needed break.

with the sling applying some pressure even seated,
my left shoulder feels like it's been carrying a golf bag most of this past week.
just starting week two and there is a minor negative, my right hand and forearm are moderately swollen. luckily i had a good conversation this afternoon with one of the surgeon's nurses who gave me a bunch of positive feedback. some has been my fault... i have not put in a lot of time exercising my lower arm. moving the elbow joint and making fists for a few minutes every hour has already shown sings of improvement. i have also been icing my neck (i would have gotten that wrong thinking i should maybe ice my hand... the swollen part) which will help blood flow down my arm to my fingers.

as far as the joint itself, i doubt if things could look better. the incision looks good and healing nicely and i even have had the sling off a few hrs a day just to give the joint some VERY minor movement... nothing too far outside the sling'ed position or dropping my arm straight down (also allowed). meeting with the surgeon in 5 days and i cannot see any reason he would extend the sling time.

a bit of serendipity as the first day out of the sling should be July 4th .... Independence Day.. :)
checked in with my surgeon yesterday and he confirmed that my recovery is going well. 6 more days in the sling and then it'll be stretching to gradually increase the range of motion. swelling has noticeably improved but sleeping continues to be the most difficult part.

this is what a reverse joint replacement looks like where the ball and socket swap places.

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two more days in the sling, though i might extend that for walking. swelling is way down, but elevation while walking would probably help. like for going out for coffee and the couple times i've had a few pints, once i get to anywhere i can rest my arm on a table i've been taking it off anyway.

a friend invited me to a local yacht club for the 4th. i almost dread public gatherings anymore. Trump and right wing social media has really succeeded in dividing our country. we have a 34x felony convicted presidential candidate and a little less than half the country is ok with that. we used to reject politicians who simply had minor character faults and now we have people who support a criminal and sexual deviant mostly due to right wing hyper Christian based media broadcasting the view that all the used-to-be trusted news stations are liberal liars.

not helping is having a democratic candidate who appears to be past his prime. almost seems like the majority of the country cannot see how either of these candidates is the best a country of 330 million can produce. we also have a Supreme Court that has been packed with Christian conservatives whose public approval is only about 30%... the lowest in U.S. history.

oh well... hopefully i can steer any conversation toward much less controversial topics... say sailing.
If you go to the yacht club, good luck with steering away from politics & the state of the world. :iagree: with everything you said about the state of US politics at the moment & the trend towards the far-right almost everywhere else in the world. Far-right anything scares & horrifies me.
turns out it was easier than i thought to avoid an uncomfortable conversation at the yacht club. the actual bar was closed and a kiosk making burgers had exactly 3 beers available... Coors Light, Bud Light and Blue Moon (a white beer). i wound up staying about 10 minutes then headed for a local pub to have a few Guinness' and chatting with some people who were actually having fun.
on my 4th cup this morning.
