Alright guys, seriously WW3 is going to be the end of the world anyways no matter how "fit" you are. if you really want to "adapt" well you might as well get fat and sit around computers all day long and build robots to do everything for you. You cant outrun a bomb. and you sure as hell cant fight one either. there is no dodging it, cant do a backflip over it. your in some major trouble there. We arent going to have a war of Ninjas either. nor a boxing match. my guess is we will be toting m16's and grenades. which by all means no amount of fitness gives you a better chance at dodging a bullet. Now if you want to say that gyms are crap blah blah blah what about gyms for gymnastics. gymnasts must exercise to do the things they do. and they dont do it on a grassy knol, they do it in the comfort of a warm gym. but guess what, they can and will outperform you. but can they lift 200 or maybe 300 pounds. ehh not likely. why because they are adapted to gymnastics. not heavy lifting. Some people jobs in life require lifting heavy objects. I for one set up 120lb aluminum concrete forms to build foundations. sure you can lift 120 a few times. how about moving 80 or 100 of them one right after the other after the other. its almost like dead lifting 120lb for 80 reps. Now sure I can hit free weights, but whats wrong with the free weights in the gym? Dumbells are expensive. not everyone can go and dish out $60 for 2 dumbells to grow out of them in 3 weeks and need heavier ones. do you lift free weights in the comfort of your own home? isnt that the same as that warm gym. or do you have your weight bench in your back yard because you beleive that if you lift outside that maybe by looking at the grass and trees you may adapt to it. You know today we dont need to adapt to out surroundings because we just change them to suit us better. Say you had a couch that was hot pink. and you hated it. wouldnt you go buy a new one or get a cover for it. adapting it to your needs instead of just saying well im going to sit here and stare at this thing untill I begin to like hot pink. because it will save me some money. Man I dont know, but I think you look at things from the wrong perspective. Did you go to the gym and have someone make fun of you or you felt intimidated by all the "fit" people around you that you hate them so much. Man adapt yourself to the 21st century or go back to the earlier days. ya gotta pick one. you cant live in the present and past at the same time. either live in a house and drive a car and eat store bought food, or live in the woods and adapt. chase animals down run around in the snow and the hot sun. fend for yourself.
cuz thats basicly the way your putting it out to us. like if we ever had to live outdoors for a week we couldnt adapt to it and handle it because like we have never seen cold air because we lift and run in warm gyms.. woop dee doo. Trust me I adapt fine to the snow or the hot sun. I ride motocross in the summer I work construction in 2 feet of snow or in 100 degree sunny days. and lifting in a gym doesnt hurt me at all.