Fitness Assessmnet

my client he is 55 years old and I want to do a fitness assessment to my client , dose it recommended to do a flexibility test to my client or not ? If yes then what type of flexibility test I should do to my client?
If you have a "client", then you should already know exactly what your doing.

What qualifications do you have? do you still have the books? look it up.
Flexibility Test

I am not a fitness trainer my dad is 55 years old and he want to start doing exercise but a fitness trainer suggested to him for a flexibility assessment.
flexibility assessment

I just would like to know that, dose it recommended to do a flexibility test for senior adult who is 55 years old or not? I yes then what flexibility test has to be done to him?
If your Dad's trainer cannot do it, at his age he needs to be medically cleared anyway, so I would have him go to his doctor and see about getting (along with his clearance to exercise and any other notices to his trainer, which the trainer should have sent him for already) a referal to a Physical Therapist who may be able to do a more in depth posture and gait analysis. It may be that, if the trainer recommended it, he saw something off balance that he thinks your father needs to work on. Without seeing your father I cannot recommend any particular fitness test, nor would I do one without his doctors consent.

Good luck
Agreed. Dont do it yourself, you need a pro.