First word that comes to mind GAME!! READ THIS

fountain ........
Enceladus ... (to act like kayleejburgess, who can never say a word without outrageous explanation..) ... from Coma to Comet to Shoemaker-Levy to Jupiter to Saturn to the icy world of Enceladus :)

Enceladus ... (to act like kayleejburgess, who can never say a word without outrageous explanation..) ... from Coma to Comet to Shoemaker-Levy to Jupiter to Saturn to the icy world of Enceladus :)


Um, I'm insulted by your insinuation. I'm not the only person who explains their word choices here and I certainly don't do it every time. I don't usually let things get to me but I don't appreciate being singled out.

egg (the picture looks like one)

9/11 ... (the fighter jets near the Pentagon which were ordered to leave (scrambled..) the area just in time for the passenger planes to reach their targets unhindered).

chill out, keyleejburgess :beerchug::sifone:
Skunkrider, kayleejburgess has a point. There was no reason for that remark. If it was supposed to be a joke, it certainly didn't come across as one.
Coffee.... (Is French House have any relation to Maxwell's House? )

Dark Matter.

(And no, I don't think so, Tik :) .. French House is Daft Punk, Etienne de Crecy, DeadMau5, etc. :drool5: )