Day 6 Sunday
Brunch: Cafe breakfast sandwich = 600 10A
D: Veg lasagna (220) 0.5brd+btr (100) chix ssg (110) = 430 5P
Eve Snack: PB+banana =200 6:30
Snack #2: Chix ssg+ ketchup (150); triscuit+brie (170j= 320 8:15
Snack #3: Veg lasagna (200), dark chocolate (100) = 300 9 :15P
Total: 1850
Activity 1dw (60), 2.5h yard/maint light (150) = -210
NET: 1640
M/S 8:30A, 2P
Sleep: 10:30-7 = 8.5 (slight wake-up, no donut hole)
5P same concern as yest re low Net. If meds pattern holds I will start to notice around 7:30. Planning ahead, I think a 200 calorie snack would be ok. Banana or apple with peanut butter or honey perhaps. Important thing is to not let into a binge.
6:30 Pre-emptive snack of PB/banana. I wasn't tummy-hungry but my mind kept turning to "snack". Since I had one planned I went ahead, and now I have to hold tight for the rest of the eve. Breaking that snack-binge pattern is a must! Hopefully the brain will shut off now.
8P I can't stop having brain sprites about food, having a snack. Not hungry. I can probably justify it based on it being a 2nd lowish Net day in a row, but really if the body isn't hungry and the tummy isn't rumbling, then isnt this all in my head?
8:15P Caved. Other chix sausage/ketchup. Then straight into brie bite/triscuits and mid snack the craving shut off. Temporarily it turns out.
9:00 Kept going. Feel entirely finished now.